Monday, July 15, 2013

Use It Tuesday - Birthdays!

Well, I am now starting my third term over at Use It Tuesday - one week late!  Due to travels and activities, I didn't get my project done on time for last week's reveal.  But, that is okay, since my projects won't be a part of the blog reveal anyways!  And why is that - well, because they will be on Facebook instead.  I am now the Social Media Coordinator for UIT.  That means I manage our Facebook Page as well as expand our social media presence (plans are in the works for Pinterest and Twitter!  

The change this time was birthdays.  I decided to go with the birth part and made this cute care for a baby boy.  I have a few friends at MOPS that are expecting baby boys in the fall, so I thought I would get started on cards for them.  I used the Paper Secrets sketch and some Creative Memories papers.  I was given these when my son was born - over 3 years ago - and I haven't touched them!  They just aren't my style, but I think they are great for cards.

Now it is your turn to create something related to birthdays.  Make sure you mention UIT in your post as well as your hoarded items!

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