Monday, April 16, 2012


First, let me say thank you to everyone for your comments on my blog.  I am glad you liked everything I was able to create.  I tend to work on things in little pieces, often getting 15-30 minutes to work at a time.  I get quite a few of these little bits in during the day - like when I put my kids down for naps to make sure they are going to sleep or while the big kids watch a show.  I rarely get more than an hour uninterrupted even if my husband is home though.

Also, I plan on writing up a How To's Day post on the corner bookmarks for the ScrapbookSteals blog.  They are really easy, so hopefully there will be directions there in a few weeks.

And finally, time for a winner!  I created a Word document with all of my followers.  Here is the list:
Then I used to select the winner:
And #41 is Michele Duffy!  Michelle did comment on the blog hop post, so she is the winner!
Michelle - Email me at stephaniesumpleby {at} gmail {dot} com with your address, and I will get a package of goodies out to you!

Now to work on my MWM/Take 12 page!  Have a great day!

I will give Michele 1 week to email me.  If she has not emailed me by next Monday, I will pick another winner.

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