Showing posts with label stitch embellish felt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stitch embellish felt. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2012


Working on this piece with printed images of bones, a bit frustrating at the moment as I don’t really feel I like it. Some moments I think this will be OK but not when I see it from a distance. I think deep down one usually knows when something is working. I decided today to just play around with it and try and have fun, and that approach has helped. Let’s face facts, it doesn't really matter to anyone but me.
Sketchbook page:-

I am working on black commercial felt, with painted fabric and, of course, a touch of bandage.
I hope some of you had a look at Art Click TV as I thoroughly enjoyed two of their free videos and hope they will continue with the experiment in the future.
I am really enjoying looking at the work on this site, and finding it both inspiring and daunting in its wonderful simplicity and authenticity. It is the work of Alice Fox who is currently artist in residence at Spurn Point.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Change again.

I have been busy over the last few weeks with a new project, one of those you have to keep under wraps for a while, and with, more importantly, a son’s wedding. Now I have chance to return to the Change, Transform, Disintegrate project. I remember showing some of this, i.e. the buttons whilst in progress and it is still in progress, but now I think not much more to do.

 This is worked on a piece of felt made with merino wool tops and some quite shaggy fleece which I was given and washed and prepared myself.

 I think it has the look of rabbit skin. So some felting, some embellishing and hand stitch. More stitching needed to complete it.

Way back in May this year Margaret Applin of' Scrap, Wisdom, Collage 'surprised me with a post about my little self-published blub book which she had been kind enough to buy. Here, belatedly, is a link to her blog and the post about it. You can learn a lot about using thermo fax screens from her blog.

I like the new light-box feature on Blogger which means that you can click on a photo to see it enlarged;especially as my template means that it is often difficult to show a nice large close-up.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tea and bandages.

With the embellisher you can make your own fabric, here I used an off cut of curtain lining, tea dyed muslin and bandage from a First Aid box cleared from my late father-in-law’s house as the base fabric.

 Other bits and pieces added included merino wool, felt and brown silk thread. I am enjoying experimenting with my embellisher and finding out the different things I can do. As you see the theme is still linked to the rabbit’s scull.

 I like how a line of stitching can be ‘knocked back’ with the embellisher and then brought back into clearer focus again. Mixing colours is easy to do as well.

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