Showing posts with label Sketch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sketch. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2012


 I have been trying to do a little sketching from my ‘bones’, as however difficult this is it does mean that you look more at the source. So here I, quite bravely, share some of my sketchbook work so far.
I couldn't resist making a printing block even though I was all set to keep to sketching.

I am lucky to have a new computer which is presenting something of a learning curve, but it is so fast and I at last agree with my sons, who have been telling me for a long time that I needed to get rid of the old one.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Scene in Dubrovnik

Some of the people eating at the cafes or round the statue in the square
 just below our apartment in the old town Dubrovnik.

 Congratulations to Blogger for dealing with the large amount of spam which has been causing a problem over recent months, for now, at least, the spammers seem to have given up. The new uploader for photos is also good, but placing them is a bit of a nightmare. Perhaps I just haven't got the hang of it yet.

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