Lots of people are on holiday at the moment so for a recent
group I decided to have a ‘show and tell’ rather than plan out a full session,
however, some people had shown an interest in basic silk paper so I thought I
would show the cheat’s easy way to make it. I thought some of you might like to
see this too.
Start with some Carded Cocoon Strippings. Here they are:
You may find they are a little more expensive now as I have
had mine for ages.
Lay them out on a piece of fine net or in this case a
j-cloth. You can make the ‘paper’ thicker by adding more layers. I tend to lay
mine out as if making felt, that is a strip one way and then the other, but I
don’t think it matters, just cover over any gaps.
Spray with water, another good use for my handy spray bottle.
Cover with j-cloth or net. Spray on both sides lightly.
Iron to set. The strippings still contain natural serecin glue
so this is what fixes the fibres together.
Threads and other bits can be added before setting, one time
I added pine needles:
there was a reason, it was a little book about my mother
who lived at Pinelands. Down-under Dale currently has the book for 'My Artful Journey' an exhibition
at the WA Craft Show in Perth which opens this weekend.
You will not see the pine needles though as I slid them out, thinking there could be a problem with them in the post.
The ‘paper’ can be coloured with inks etc. It’s nice to add
to projects and is easily stitched. Recently someone told me about adding sharpening s from coloured pencils, I've not tried that yet.