A few months ago, Chase came downstairs with a letter he had written to the
President. It was pure sweetness - from his heart, thanking GWB for sending our troops to Iraq. Since that time, he has checked the mailbox EVERY.SINGLE.DAY, hoping for a response. Each day his face fell as no letter came. He would dig through the pile of mail, then moan,
"Why hasn't George written back?" (He's only the President, after all. Surely he has nothing better to do.) It was crushing me, so much so that I was on the verge of forging a letter, just to save Chase the heartache. Unfortunately, he's a little smarter than the average kid. He knows all about postmarks, stamps, and official seals. My forgery would have had to be pretty good to pass muster. My
mother-in-law even recommended a friend of a friend of the family who lives in D.C. and could mail something for me, just to get the D.C. postmark. Good in theory, but I was a little worried about posting something with the White House as a return address. What with heightened security, mail fraud, and all such nonsense.
Fortunately for Chase (and to save me from that inevitable mail fraud indictment), a REAL letter arrived yesterday, courtesy of our new friend Dubya.
When the school bus dropped them off, I stood by the counter, camera poised, ready for the moment. Right as rain, Chase headed straight for the pile of mail on the counter. Just like he has EVERY DAY for the past two months. "IT CAME!! IT CAME!!"

Yep, it came. Complete with a nice glossy 8x10 of Dubya and the Missus. Real letter pressed seal on the paper, too (which he pointed out for all of us to notice).

My only challenge now is convincing Chase that we don't need to frame it all and put it up in the kitchen. So far he's not buying it.
That's awesome! Thanks for sharing!
What did the letter say? Has GWB found the new AG yet? Could it be that Chase could replace Alberto?
That is too cute. When I was in 6th grade I was really into BYU football (of course because my parents were). I wrote a poem to Lakai Hemuli and mailed it to him. He replied and sent me an autographed poster and it meant the world to me.
I love this story!!! So cool and love Chase's face as he opens the letter! Way to be Chasey!!!
How cool is that?! Wicked cool, that's what! Congratulations Chase. And I agree with you, I think your mother should frame it. *B
Love it...now I know what GWB has been up to lately: licking the stamps and pressing the seals on letters to kids. When we lived in DC we saw an exhibit of kids' letters to presidents. Tell him the Archives saves some of them & maybe someday his will be displayed!
Here's the link to an article about it:
When I was little, I wrote a letter to Paddington Bear and the author (michael bond) wrote back and included Paddington's signature: a little bear pawprint. I still love that letter.
Oops. The link got cut off.
Try this:
Now I'm hugely torn! Could this president actually be something more than I thought? This is something so momentous for my grandson...do I have to become a Repub? Congratulations to Chase for making a difference. This is a politician for the future.
My husband and I were were in government before getting married. Someone sneaky in the office let GWB know that we were getting married. We got a great little note from him and his bride congratulating us.
The stamp was actually hand cancelled, so maybe next time you need to fake a letter from the pres. you could keep that in mind. No tracking the postmark then!
I'm so glad Chase finally got his letter! The look on his face when it arrived is priceless!
How seriously freakin' cool is THAT? I wrote Canada's prime minister when I was little. I'm still bitter I never heard back....
That is so impressive. Thank you for sharing that with us. Tell Chase I like his politics.
Oh to have that job. The job of being GWB's children's letter's personality. It's the best thing ever.
Congrats Chase. I'm impressed that you were camera ready when he got home. Priceless.
How fun! I'm with Chase... love Dubya! You must frame it and at least put it in his bedroom! It would be really cool to include a copy of his letter if you have one!
found your blog today - love it - congrats on the picture - i love George w!!
you have done a great job to raise concientious (SP?) kids...that's neat that they care and that they do something about it...
That is really cool! My oldest saw this post and thought it was cool. He said he wanted to write a letter to the President.
fabulous. so proud of the future of the republican party
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