Showing posts with label dog park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog park. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fun, fun, fun 'til my dad says my paws are too dirty!

Dad took me to the dog park recently. I had a lot of fun, doing my favorite things. Running, chasing, play bowing, mud puddling. You know, all the good stuff. Dad's not good at taking a lot of pictures, but he did take this one. I think all of you pups can read between the lines and imagine the fun I was having.


Monday, February 25, 2008

How To Go To the Dog Park, Part 6

This is the final installment of our series.  Here's how you go home from the dog park... asleep!

Happy Monday!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

How To Go To the Dog Park, Part 5

Part 5: Let's Play!

Here are some pictures of us at the dog park.  First up, an embarrassing picture of Kat.  Doesn't she look retarded?
Next is a picture of Kat's dirty face.  She was standing in a puddle and Dad thought she was going to lay down in the mud and roll around.  So Dad yelled, "Kat!  Don't do it!"  So she didn't roll around, she just dunked her face.
Finally, here is a picture of both of us.  Mom and Dad have been taking treats to the dog park and when they call our names, we come running and we get a treat.  We have to sit first though.
Amici asked in our last post "How BIG is that dog park?  It looks HUGE!"  Well, our dog park is about 10 acres.  It's got a giant area (that's what you saw in the video last time).  Then it has some fenced trails that go all the way to Lake Washington.  It's a really cool dog park.

Next time is our last post in this series... going home.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

How To Go To the Dog Park, Part 4

Finally we arrive at the part of our series where we arrive at the dog park! When we get close to the dog park, I get all excited about it. I know we are almost there as soon as we get off the highway and we still have a few miles to go!  Mom tried to video my excitement but the video didn't turn out.  Anyway, she did manage to get a video of us out of the car and walking very politely into the dog park gate.  We are really good not to pull on our leashes, as you can see.  That's an important thing.  Be sure to behave on your leashes otherwise your parents won't know you are excited.

Tomorrow I will post some pictures of us at the dog park that day.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How To Go To the Dog Park, Part 3

We now return to our multipart series...

Part 3: The Car Ride

An important part of going to the dog park is riding in the car.  Here's Kat and me in the car as Dad is preparing to back out of the garage.  I was sending him Siberian Mind Melds to pick the fastest route to the park.
Because time at the dog park is always very labor intensive, I like to take the car ride portion of the journey to catch some ZZZzzzz's so I can play to the fullest once I get there.
Kat, on the other paw, is a big backseat driver, so she has to watch Dad's every turn.

Well pups, we are almost to the dog park.  I hope you're all ready!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How To Go To the Dog Park, Part 2

Finally we are going to get back to our multi-part series about going to the dog park.  Sorry we got so derailed by getting sick and then playing in the snow, but we are back on track now.

Anyway, after you have your parents convinced that you do indeed want to go to the dog park, it's time to get them to the car.  Humans have to go through an extensive process of putting on coats and shoes and gloves and hat and whatever else they need because they weren't blessed with lovely fur.  Once they put on their fur (I mean clothes), you need to lead them to the car.  Now, humans are very forgetful, so make sure they remember everything that's important.  As you can see in this video, our mom almost forgot a critical item!

Next we will discuss the car ride.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

How to Go to the Dog Park, Part 1

We went to the dog park yesterday.  We are aware that several of our friends never get to go to dog parks, so we thought we'd do a multiple part series on how to get your parents to take you to the dog park.  Here's how it goes at our house.

Mom goes outside and sees that it's a sunny day.  She comes inside and says to Dad, "It's really nice outside.  I think we should take Steve and Kat to the D.P."  Mom thinks that we don't know that "D.P." stands for "dog park".  We do know that, but we go along with the ruse and only get excited at the full words "dog park".

So after Dad agrees with Mom that going to the "D.P." is a good idea, Mom then asks us if we want to go.  We had her video this process so you pups could get it just right.  First you have to tilt your head when your parent first asks you if you want to go.  Then upon the second question, go nuts!  Show them that you want to go really badly!  Even though you're obviously going nuts and want to go, humans feel that they need to ask you several times if you want to go.  It's like they don't understand how we communicate.  Don't get discouraged, humans aren't as smart as canines, and they will eventually get the message.

Next we will cover how to actually get your parents out of the house.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Weekend Update

We had a very boring weekend. Mom was sick and spent the entire weekend on the couch. Lucky for her that I kept her company. Here's what she saw after getting up to go to the bathroom one time.

One highlight of the weekend is that Dad took us to the dog park yesterday. We got really dirty and rolled around in some mud, so we ended up having to take baths when we got home. Dad said we smelled like pigs and he told Mom that maybe we needed a bath. Then Steve walked past Mom on the couch and Mom said, "Oh! Steve! Gross! Yes, give them baths!" So, even though we weren't happy about it, we had to take baths.

Another good thing that happened is that some of our friends from Texas sent us a housewarming present. They sent Wilbur a mouse and Steve and me collar tags. We can't decide who gets what. There is a pink one that says "Fetch It Yourself". Pink is my color, but I like to fetch, so the saying matches Steve to a T. The other one says "It's a Dogs World... Adjust". We both like that one. So we haven't decided. Thank you for the presents! The people who sent them to us are Adopt a Husky of Dallas foster parents and they have a pet store, Fur The Animals. 10% of all orders go to the pet rescue of the customer's choice (entered at checkout), so you might check them out next time you want to buy a present for yourself.
That's pretty much our weekend in a nutshell. Oh, I did do something really helpful. Mom had a big pile of kleenex on the coffee table Friday afternoon. She had come home early from work and Dad wasn't home yet. So while Mom was sleeping, I thought I should throw all the kleenex away for her. On my way to the trash can with the kleenex, I shredded them into little pieces, just so they would fit into the trash can. Unfortunately, Dad came home during the middle of my shredding, but before the trash can, so he thought I was just making a big mess. Can't a girl ever just be helping?


Update to Weekend Update: Our friends who sent us the presents just started a blog! Go check it out and say "hi"!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


We had snow on the ground this morning.  It was great!  Unfortunately  it was all gone this afternoon.  Boo!!  We both hope it snows again tonight because tomorrow Dad will be here and maybe he will take us somewhere to play in the snow!!

We had a play date at the dog park on Saturday with Royal, Royal's brother Brock, and the 4B's, Benson, Brody, Bailey and Baxter.  It was really fun.  We even managed to knock Mom over once while playing chase.  That was really cool too.  Mom didn't take pictures, so this is a boring post, I guess.

We will try to make our next post more exciting.  Mom isn't feeling too good today, so we are having trouble getting her to do our bidding with the camera!!


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

New Dog Park

Hey everypuppy!  We have some new videos of us at a dog park in Seattle.  It was a really cool dog park.

We got to swim in Lake Washington.  There was algae in the lake, so we got really green.  It doesn't show up very well on these videos.

Then I found a good spot for digging.

Guess who we saw at the dog park?  Royal and the rest of his pack!  It was kind of embarrassing though.  We were getting ready to leave and Steve and I were so green and dirty that Mom and Dad decided to wash us off.  So we were by the water hose near the gate.  So when Royal came in, I was in the shower!  Eeeeekkkkk!  A handsome boy saw me in my most vulnerable position.  (Other than pottying).  I was so mortified.  Royal was totally fluffy and handsome and there I was, wet and looking like a drowned cat.  I guess I was an almost drowned Kat!!  (Ha, ha!)  I hope I can see him again when I'm looking more beautiful.


Friday, November 2, 2007

Dog Park Video

We have a big announcement to make, but we're not going to make it today. I know, I know, you're disappointed. This is like on TV when a show gives a big cliffhanger. I've got to keep my readers eagerly awaiting new posts, so this is my cliffhanger.

Anyway, to keep you busy until we make our announcement, I'm going to share a video from the dog park. Steve is always lallygagging around not paying attention. I am always hunting him. Mom says I act exactly like a cat. I don't know what else she expects since that's my name. Anyway, in this video, I'm stalking Steve. Mom didn't get her camera on fast enough to show the whole thing. I had been crouching along the ground getting ready to pounce on him.

After we had a good chase, I decided I should roll around in the grass for a bit. The grass felt really great, but for some reason, Dad and Steve didn't want to roll around with me.Have a good weekend, pups!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

We're still here!

Hey pups! We are still alive, don't worry. Our parents got these new things called iPhones and they keep playing with them instead of letting us blog. I don't see what the big deal is. The iPhone just looks like a shiny piece of metal, but they seem to be completely mezmerized by it. Weird.

On Friday, we went over to Bailey's house while our parents played games with Bailey's parents. Bailey has a big backyard and we like to run around in it. After we were tired, Mom gave us each a bone to chew on. Steve and I devoured ours right away, but Bailey just went and hid hers under her dad's chair. Well, you know Steve, he smelled that bone right away and tried to steal it. They got in a fight and Bailey had to go in timeout. I felt bad for her. I mean, Steve was trying to steal her bone. What's a girl to do?

On Saturday, we went to the dog park. We saw Mom's friend Logan and her puppy Mikimoto. He's an American Eskimo dog. We didn't get to play with him because he was in the small dog area, but I sniffed him through the fence. Wow, he was fluffy and couldn't run very fast. Mom said it's because his legs are only a fraction as long as mine. Oh well, he was still pretty cute.

On Saturday afternoon, Mom left us at home with Dad. When she came home, she smelled like other huskies. I tried to give her the cold shoulder for cheating on me. She said she was helping at an Adopt a Husky event. Luckily she did not bring home another foster dog. Steve wants another foster, but I am not ready for one. Dad made Mom promise not to bring one home. (Speaking of foster dogs, Ulee has some new pictures of herself on Dogster. There is a link on our side bar.)

Sunday we were just lazy all day. Same yesterday. Dad is sick, so we have to be good. Like when we wrestle, we really try to wrestle on top of him when he's trying to sleep in the bed. I know he doesn't want to be left out just because he is sick. I've been worried that he's thirsty, so I've been rolling my face in my water bowl and then rubbing my face all over his face. That way he can have some water. Aren't I a good girl?

We got tagged by the Army of Four to do our theme songs and I'm still working on them, so stay tuned!!


Sunday, September 9, 2007

New Dog Park Friend

We went the dog park again last night. We met up with Maddox, a four month old husky. He was so cute! We can't believe we were once that little! Also while we were there, two other huskies came. One looked almost identical to me! She ran around so much that Mom didn't get a good picture of her.

Here's a picture of us playing in the pool. That's Maddox trying to chew on the edge of the pool. Isn't he so cute?This is another picture of Steve and me. We kind of hog the pool when we are there.Here's a video of us playing in the pool. Maddox is trying to get brave enough to get in!

At first, Maddox was pretty shy because it was his first time at the dog park. But soon enough he really wanted to play with Steve and me. Here are a couple of videos of him playing with us and watching us wrestle.


Saturday, September 8, 2007

New Dog Park Pictures

We have gone to the dog park the past two evenings. It's been cooler so Mom and Dad haven't been so miserable while watching us play at the park. The dog park should put in some bigger pools for the humans. Kat and I spend most of our time in the pool anyway. Here's a funny picture of me after getting out of the pool.Mom took this picture of us after we were really tired. She says it's her new picture of us together. She has a hard time getting good pictures of us both looking at the camera, but we did pretty good for her here, I think.Happy Weekend,

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Of course I want to go!!

My mom took this video on Sunday. When I saw Dave's video yesterday, it reminded me that I should post this one. My parents like to ask us questions too, but unlike Dave, we don't give such dignified answers. Of course, wouldn't you go crazy if you were being asked the same question multiple times?


Sunday, August 26, 2007

Whew! What a tiring weekend!

We had a really exhausting weekend. We went to the dog park yesterday AND today. When we went yesterday, there was only one other dog there. It was awfully hot and we didn't stay very long. Here we are resting after only a couple minutes of play. It was Ulee's first time at the dog park and she had fun.
Once we got home, Dad filled up our pool so we could cool off. Dad started playing a game with me where he would squirt water around and I would chase it. It was really fun.

We went to the dog park again today too. Ulee's new family likes to go to the dogpark, so Mom wanted to make sure Ulee was going to do okay with them. She did great. Today there were a lot of dogs there and Ulee was friendly to dogs, people, and little people. She didn't even try to jump on any of the people. The dog park had the pools out again, so we went swimming again.

Lots of people thought Ulee was very pretty. Some people didn't know that huskies came in other colors besides black and grey, so Ulee attracted a lot of attention! She even made a friend while she was being a pool princess.Ulee's new family is coming to get her next weekend. She will meet them on Saturday and then if everything goes okay, they will take her home on Sunday. We are really happy for Ulee. We saw Dogster page for the husky that Ulee's family had before and it looks like she was a spoiled pup! We're glad that Ulee will be spoiled too. I think Steve might miss her a little. They are becoming pretty good friends. Mom caught them hanging out together yesterday morning (before she got the bed made). I don't know if I will miss Ulee very much, but I am being nicer to her. Well, hopefully you all had a fun weekend too. We've got lots of rest to catch up on this week!


Saturday, July 28, 2007

We're back!

We just got back from the dog park. Dad went crazy taking videos of us. We're going to post them all, but I don't know if you'll have enough patience to watch us. They had TWO pools! We loved it!

Steve and Kat