Showing posts with label Ulee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ulee. Show all posts

Friday, March 6, 2009

March Madness!

Some of our long-time readers know this, but back when we lived in Texas, we helped out with Adopt a Husky of Dallas.  We even had a foster sister for a while, Ulee.  I really liked Ulee.  She was fun to play with, but I won't tell you what Kat thought.  (It wasn't good.)  Ulee was adopted and became a California girl and gets to go to day camp every day and go to the beach a lot.  She's really living it up.

Anyway, even though we moved away, we still stay in contact with our pals at the rescue.  Mom does their newsletter each month and sometimes Kat and I pose for pictures for the newsletter if Mom doesn't have anything from the rescue volunteers.

For March, AHDI is doing a March Madness fundraiser.  Anyone can play, so we thought we'd let our blog pals know, in case any of you are big basketball followers.  The details are below.


March Madness is No Match for our Huskies, but we’re gonna try!


Please join us for the first annual Adopt a Husky March Madness Tournament.

You don’t need to know a thing about college basketball. You just fill out your bracket by mascot, school colors or flipping a coin. Or maybe your dog picks the winner! The cause is great, and we need a big jumpstart (pun intended) for our first year.


Kelli Knight, is our first commissioner. A basketball coach, and former player, Kelli is ready to lead our husky pack through the dance.


Kelli’s email address is:  


Please contact anyone you know who would spend $20 to help rescue dogs. We can’t tell you how full the shelters are. It’s too sad.


For our entries, half the money will go to the winner and half to Adopt a Husky. So play, donate and talk smack. And, since we’ll have a lot of people who are more familiar with huskies and dogs than basketball, you hardcore players may have a pretty good shot.


Please start spreading the word to anyone who loves rescue, dogs, huskies, basketball, or may just be a soft touch. And for all of you who can’t foster, but are always willing to help, here’s a great opportunity.


Send us your email info if you’re interested in joining us! Let us know how you found out about the tournament. When it's time to fill out the brackets, the Commish will howl.


Tail Wags and Wooo Wooo Wooo!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

We're still here!

Hey pups! We are still alive, don't worry. Our parents got these new things called iPhones and they keep playing with them instead of letting us blog. I don't see what the big deal is. The iPhone just looks like a shiny piece of metal, but they seem to be completely mezmerized by it. Weird.

On Friday, we went over to Bailey's house while our parents played games with Bailey's parents. Bailey has a big backyard and we like to run around in it. After we were tired, Mom gave us each a bone to chew on. Steve and I devoured ours right away, but Bailey just went and hid hers under her dad's chair. Well, you know Steve, he smelled that bone right away and tried to steal it. They got in a fight and Bailey had to go in timeout. I felt bad for her. I mean, Steve was trying to steal her bone. What's a girl to do?

On Saturday, we went to the dog park. We saw Mom's friend Logan and her puppy Mikimoto. He's an American Eskimo dog. We didn't get to play with him because he was in the small dog area, but I sniffed him through the fence. Wow, he was fluffy and couldn't run very fast. Mom said it's because his legs are only a fraction as long as mine. Oh well, he was still pretty cute.

On Saturday afternoon, Mom left us at home with Dad. When she came home, she smelled like other huskies. I tried to give her the cold shoulder for cheating on me. She said she was helping at an Adopt a Husky event. Luckily she did not bring home another foster dog. Steve wants another foster, but I am not ready for one. Dad made Mom promise not to bring one home. (Speaking of foster dogs, Ulee has some new pictures of herself on Dogster. There is a link on our side bar.)

Sunday we were just lazy all day. Same yesterday. Dad is sick, so we have to be good. Like when we wrestle, we really try to wrestle on top of him when he's trying to sleep in the bed. I know he doesn't want to be left out just because he is sick. I've been worried that he's thirsty, so I've been rolling my face in my water bowl and then rubbing my face all over his face. That way he can have some water. Aren't I a good girl?

We got tagged by the Army of Four to do our theme songs and I'm still working on them, so stay tuned!!


Monday, September 3, 2007

Bye Ulee!

Yesterday Ulee left to go to her fur-ever home. It was a happy/sad event. Mom and Dad took all three of us on a really long walk in the morning so that Ulee would be sleepy for at least some of her car ride yesterday. It's hard to believe that we'll never see her zig-zag walking style again. (She liked to run back and forth across the path that we were walking, smelling things.) On the other hand, she's going to be very happy with her new family.

We packed a suitcase for Ulee. We had Mom write her name on it and then write things like "California Bound" and "California or Bust". Then we picked out dog stickers to put on it too. I wanted a lot of bone stickers and Kat picked out one that said "Fetch!" since Ulee does that sometimes. Here's a picture of her suitcase.
I bet you're wondering what we put in the suitcase. Well, we put a bag of Canidae in it. Then we put a bag of Canidae Snap Biscuits. We also picked out some of our toys that Ulee decided were her favorites like the blue star stuffie. Mom had bought Ulee her very own Kong and Nylabone, so we packed those too. She also took her Lupine collar and leash that we bought her since she was chewing on her original leash and Lupine has a guarantee even if she chews it. We picked out a really stylish collar and leash (the Tropicana pattern) that looked fitting of a future beach girl. Here's Ulee showing it off. Here's a picture of the suitcase contents.Mom doesn't have any pictures of Ulee actually leaving. Her new family was taking lots of pictures so Mom didn't. Mom thought it was really cute because when they got to our house yesterday, Mom opened the door and was holding Ulee's leash and Ulee stood in the doorway looking really happily at her new family and they took a super cute picture of her. Mom thinks Ulee just understood that they were the perfect family for her.

Kat mentioned that Ulee's family brought us some treats. We took a picture of them. They gave us two boxes of Organix dog cookies, one peanut butter and one chicken flavor. We've tried the peanut butter and they are delicious. They also gave us a package of Zuke's Edible Dental Chew Bones. We have sampled those a couple times and they are really good. We know that Ulee's family was reading the blog before they adopted Ulee, so if they are still reading, we want to say a big THANK YOU!!! The treats are awesome! Well, that's our report for today. I hope everyone has a good holiday today! If we get some pictures of Ulee on the beach, we'll share them.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Boo Team, Yea Ulee!

Well, my team didn't win. It's okay though because I'm still happy. We just met Ulee's new family and they are awesome! They loved Ulee and Ulee loved them. She gave them some kisses and enjoyed the tummy rubs they gave her. Steve loved Ulee's new family too because they brought him treats. You all know how he loves treats! (Okay, I love treats too.) Ulee's family has a neighbor who is a dog trainer, so Ulee's going to go to training too. Dad said after only a few lessons she'd be better than us. (We didn't mind our manners with Ulee's new family.) Ulee's family even brought her a bunch of toys to play with in the car during the ride back to California. I know she's going to have a great life. They are only one mile from the ocean! How cool is that?

Anyway, we don't have much else to say, but I know everypup was wondering how Ulee's meeting with her family went!


Friday, August 31, 2007

Almost Time!

Tomorrow is the big day! Ulee will meet her new family. I asked her if she was nervous...

Steve: Ulee, you know your family is coming tomorrow. Are you nervous?
Ulee: Ummm...kinda, I guess. But from what your mom tells me, they are nice.
Steve: You have a lot of pressure to be cute.
Ulee: I thought I was always cute.
Steve: Oh, not as cute as me, but you're cute. Your problem is that you'll have to compete with me for being the cutest.
Ulee: I didn't realize we were competing since you're not up for adoption.
Steve: Well, yeah, but I'll still be here meeting your new family, and being extremely cute.
Ulee: Maybe you should tone down your cuteness so that I can be the cutest.
Steve: I'm sorry, but when you have a face like mine, there is no toning it down.
Ulee: Well now you're making me nervous. I better go practice cute faces.

Here's a picture I took of Ulee practicing being cute. I think she's getting the hang of it. What do you pups think?


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Blogathon Information

Apparently some Blogathon sponsors may not have received instructions on how to fufill their pledges due to spam blockers, etc. If that applies to you, here are some instructions.

You can mail your pledge to:
Adopt A Husky of Dallas, Inc.
3000 Custer Road
Suite 270-156
Plano, Texas 75075

Or pay via Paypal. The email address to send payment to is:

Steve, Kat, and Wilbur

Ulee says double thanks because the Blogathon money helped rescue her!!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Whew! What a tiring weekend!

We had a really exhausting weekend. We went to the dog park yesterday AND today. When we went yesterday, there was only one other dog there. It was awfully hot and we didn't stay very long. Here we are resting after only a couple minutes of play. It was Ulee's first time at the dog park and she had fun.
Once we got home, Dad filled up our pool so we could cool off. Dad started playing a game with me where he would squirt water around and I would chase it. It was really fun.

We went to the dog park again today too. Ulee's new family likes to go to the dogpark, so Mom wanted to make sure Ulee was going to do okay with them. She did great. Today there were a lot of dogs there and Ulee was friendly to dogs, people, and little people. She didn't even try to jump on any of the people. The dog park had the pools out again, so we went swimming again.

Lots of people thought Ulee was very pretty. Some people didn't know that huskies came in other colors besides black and grey, so Ulee attracted a lot of attention! She even made a friend while she was being a pool princess.Ulee's new family is coming to get her next weekend. She will meet them on Saturday and then if everything goes okay, they will take her home on Sunday. We are really happy for Ulee. We saw Dogster page for the husky that Ulee's family had before and it looks like she was a spoiled pup! We're glad that Ulee will be spoiled too. I think Steve might miss her a little. They are becoming pretty good friends. Mom caught them hanging out together yesterday morning (before she got the bed made). I don't know if I will miss Ulee very much, but I am being nicer to her. Well, hopefully you all had a fun weekend too. We've got lots of rest to catch up on this week!


Friday, August 24, 2007

Ulee versus the Bissel

Ulee is my hero. Kat and I went to day camp today and Ulee stayed home with Mom and Dad. She told me this story about her day, so I'm going to relay it in her own words.

"Hey Steve, you'll never guess what happened to me today. I was outside, taking care of some business and when your mom let me back inside, there was an intruder in the house! It was standing over by that one bed next to the DVD cabinet. As soon as I saw it, I puffed up my fur on my back. That really must have scared it because it didn't move a muscle! Just for good measure, I decided to bark at it and tell it to get out of the house. You know me, I don't really ever bark, but I can't allow intruders in the house when you and Kat are away! The funny thing is, your mom and dad didn't seem to be alarmed by the intruder. In fact, your mom got out the camera and started filming me. She was even kind of taunting me and recruited your dad to help. Here, I confiscated the video for evidence.

Even though she stopped videoing, I didn't let my guard down and kept barking and telling the intruder to go away for at least another five minutes. Your mom must have decided that the intruder was hungry, because she put some treats on the floor all around it. Well, I told the intruder not to eat the treats. Then, very carefully, I crept up on it and ate the treats. I had it so afraid that it didn't even try to stop me! After that, I decided it wasn't a threat to my safety and gave it a good sniffing. I think I must have gotten rid of it because I went outside again later and when I came back inside it was gone." Wow, Ulee is some dog. She guarded our house very well against the Bissel that was trying to steal all of our fur. I am really glad that she didn't let it eat any of the treats either. Aren't you pups proud of Ulee too?


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ulee: Husky or Lab?

Mom has been making videos of Ulee playing so that her new family can see her being playful and cute. You won't believe what I saw. Mom and Ulee were outside together and I was keeping an eye on them through the storm door. Mom was throwing balls and guess what Ulee was doing? Chasing the balls and bringing them back! She really needs some lessons in how to be a husky. Huskies don't fetch! Ulee must have gone a little wacky or something.


PS. In full disclosure, Mom threw some balls for Ulee today and she just chased them, but didn't bring them back. So I think she's learning about proper husky behavior.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Updates on Ulee

Hey pups! Did you have a good weekend? We did! Mom had to go to Missouri for a funeral (sad) but Dad stayed home with us. We've had some really good news happen this weekend despite the sad circumstances of Mom's trip.

Good news #1:
I am getting along better with Ulee. I still don't really like her in my house, but she has started to participate in outside wrestle sessions with Steve and me. When she first came to our house, she was too afraid to play with us, but now when we wrestle, she runs around us and then joins in. So that's fun. She gets along the best with Steve, but I'm relaxing a little bit.

Good news #2:
Ulee has a pending adoption! Assuming everything goes according to the current plans, Ulee will become a California Girl in about two weeks. She will be going to live with a family who's former husky died in May. They saw Ulee on Dogster and contacted the rescue since they hadn't had any luck with the rescues in their area. The application was approved and they are traveling to Texas over Labor Day to pick Ulee up and take her to her new fur-ever home near Los Angeles. The rescue says that this is a great home for Ulee and she'll be an only dog with no cats. Also we're told she'll likely get to visit lots of cool places because her fur-ever home likes to take their husky on vacation with them. So we are really excited for Ulee. Mom is going to pass her Dogster page to her new family so hopefully we'll all be able to keep up with Ulee's adventures in her fur-ever home.

I'm going to end with a funny picture of us that Dad took this weekend. Yes, that's Steve standing on the grill. (And don't worry, he can't jump over the fence from there, it's several feet away.)


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Middle Name Tag!

Kelsey Ann tagged us to tell our middle names and then say a word that starts with each letter of our middle name and how it describes us.

Kat's middle name is Olivia.
O-On the bed is my favorite place to sleep
I-I'll give you a kiss if you come closer!

Steve's middle name is Oliver.
V-Very outspoken
R-Ready to eat at all times!

Wilbur's middle name is Kittyhawk.
K-Key bug killer in the house
I-Interested in sneaking outside at all times.
T-Travelling cat - I've been to Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. (Well, I live in Texas.)
Y-Yelp - what my mom does when I bit her ankles.
H-High-jumper. I can jump on top of anything.
W-Watch out, or I'll attack you!
K-Kitchen prowler - despite my mom's best efforts!

Ulee doesn't have a middle name yet, since Mom and Dad wanted her fur-ever home to be able to pick our her names. So we will just do her first name.
U-Under the coffee table is her favorite place to sleep
E-Extremely cuddly
E-Excited to play

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Red, Black, and White Smackdown

I saw this post on the Army of Four's blog. It made me think of an "incident" that happened with Ulee on Monday night. We had all been outside doing some last minute bathroom business before bed. (Everyone except Wilbur, of course!) Ulee and I were getting along fine outside. Then Dad let us in the house and had Ulee on her leash and was leading her to her crate for bed and I was waiting on a treat from Mom. Well, I don't know what got into me, but I saw Ulee walking with Dad and I just snapped and lunged for her. Dad still had Ulee's leash, so he was trying to pull Ulee away from me, but then her collar came off, so he had to go for my leash. When he got us apart, Ulee immediately went in her kennel, but she was crying and not putting weight on her front leg. Mom was worried that I had bit Ulee and broken her leg. Then Mom looked at me. I was dripping blood all over the bedroom floor. At this point, Mom went to call Ulee's foster coordinator to see if it was okay to take Ulee to the ER vet. So I followed Mom into the other room, dripping blood everywhere I went. Dad checked Ulee over and couldn't find any blood on her, but she was still crying. Then Dad came out to check me over. He wiped all the blood off my face and I didn't keep bleeding, so he decided I was okay. By the time Mom got off the phone, Ulee was walking on her leg again, but Dad did find a small cut on her elbow, so he thought that's why she was holding her paw up and that she was crying because she was scared. So we didn't go to the ER vet.

Mom and Dad keep telling me that I have to be nice to Ulee. It's just so hard though. She's invaded MY house, she tries to sit on MY dad's lap, and she sometimes rests her head on MY mom's knee. Ulee is also afraid of me, so she tries to walk far away from me and when she has to walk past me, she walks really low to the ground. So I can just see that she's scared and I sometimes can't control my urge to attack her.

Steve says Ulee's not that bad and when I fight with her, Steve just stands back watching with a look on his face that says, "Girls are stupid."

By the way, yesterday, Mom looked at my face to see about my injury and she couldn't even see where the cut was. Apparently, I magically heal. Anyway, I hope all of my blogging friends will still like me now that you all know that I am a secret meanie-head (as Steve says). Mom says that if I don't start behaving, she's going to have a breakdown. I think she's kidding. I hope.


Saturday, August 11, 2007

Woo Hoo! Dog Treats!

Mom and Dad don't think Ulee has a very healthy coat right now, so Mom was looking through the dog treat recipe book that we gave her for her birthday and found a couple recipes using blackstrap molasses that is supposed to improve coats. So Mom decided to make some treats for us. First she had to go to a couple stores to find blackstrap molasses. I know that no trouble is too much trouble when it comes to me, so I'm sure she didn't mind.

Then she made the two recipes with the molasses. One had some canned pumpkin in it as well and the other recipe had mint for good breath. Mom also had some bananas that were getting kind of smooshy so she made a third recipe just for me. (Anypup who knows me knows that I go ape for bananas!)

Here's a picture of the treats. Mom used a bunch of different cookie cutters. I mentioned that it could be considered cannibalism for us to eat the dog shaped treats, but I can't say I turned it down when she gave me one.
Here's a video of us trying the treats. (Note: We are not allowed on the ottoman for treats, but since Ulee seems to be afraid of us, she constantly tries to get places where she is really close to Mom or Dad so they can protect her. We also have to wear our leashes around all time time so that when Kat gets in fights with Ulee, Mom and Dad can grab a leash to break them up. No fun.)

Well, I better go see if I can get some more treats out of Mom. Those banana ones are yummy!

PS. As you can see, Ulee is back from being "fixed". I can't see what they fixed about her. She acts the same as before.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Ulee's on Dogster! And we got new beds!

Ulee is gone today getting "fixed". (I'm not sure what's wrong with her.) She has to spend the night at the vet and will be back tomorrow. In her absence, we made a Dogster page for her. Check it out.

Yesterday Steve mentioned how we got some new beds. We got them last week on the day that we escaped from our kennel and chewed up the rug. I think that Mom gave them to us as a present for our awesome redecorating. Anyway, they are enormous beds (48-inch diameter!) and Mom ordered them online. She and Dad went back and forth trying to decide whether to get us each a bed or make us share. In the end, we each got one, which is good because now Ulee can use one and Steve and I can share the other one. (Ulee and I don't yet like each other enough to share a bed.)

Anyway, here's Steve and me investigating the boxes. There was a box for each of us.Then we unpacked the beds, with Mom's help. (The video is pretty bad because Mom was trying to hold the camera and unpack the beds all at the same time.)

Here's a picture of me testing the bed. I gave it the Kat Stamp of Approval!I hope all of you have nice beds!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Foster Abuse Continues

Poor, poor Ulee. All she wanted was a nice home to stay in until she found her fur-ever home. Instead she came to stay with us where she just continues to be abused. Kat already told you how she got Furminated on her first day here. Well, that's nothing compared to what happened yesterday. Yesterday she got Furminated again and then she got a bath! Gasp!! Oh sure, she's having some sick tummy issues and she pooped in her crate and got poop on her paws and legs, but I'm not sure which is worse - poopy paws or a bath.

Mom and Dad say Ulee feels so nice and soft after her bath. Ulee doesn't have lots of fluffy fur like we do. Dad says now that she's eating some good ole
Canidae at our house, her fur will be nice and fluffy in no time.

Anyway, I just wanted to report in and document Ulee's poor treatment at our house. I'm just glad I didn't have to take a bath too!

Here's a picture of Ulee drying off on one of our new dog beds. (I'll have to post about the new beds later.)

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is Mom's birthday. We did lots of searching on the internet for the perfect present for her and once we found it, we sent Dad to the store to buy the presents.

Here's what we got her.On the left is Wilbur's present. It's the Amazing Dog Trick Kit. The store had an Amazing Cat Trick Kit, but Wilbur told Dad that he doesn't want Mom getting ideas that she can teach Wilbur tricks. So he wanted her to get her trick teaching fix on the "furry beasts". (That's a quote from Wilbur.)

On the right is what Kat and I got Mom. It's the Healthy Doggie Biscuit Box. It has three cookie cutters and a recipe book full of dog treat recipes. I know how Mom's favorite thing in the whole world is making me treats, so I thought she would adore this present. I can't wait for her to start enjoying it! I'm sure Ulee will like treats as well.

So happy birthday Mom! I'll try to not shed for today only so you don't have to vacuum.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Introducing Ulee

I'd like to introduce you all to Ulee. She's a Siberian Husky from Adopt a Husky of Dallas. She's going to be sleeping over at our house until she finds a fur-ever home. We were supposed to get a husky named Milo to sleepover, but it was decided that Ulee might be a better fit for us. She's pretty cute and we are teaching her how to play and have fun. We still have to make sure Ulee and Wilbur get along okay and so far we don't know that. We've kind of not let them have any contact.

We got to greet her in the front yard. She was nice enough to roll over and let us smell her and then I rolled over and let her smell me.
Then we showed her the backyard. Steve showed her where we keep the outside water.

Then we showed her how we like to run around outside.

After we spent some time getting to know each other outside, we showed her the inside of the house. What's great about Ulee is she likes to be outside and so do I. Steve, on the other hand, doesn't, so Ulee and I have formed a "Girls Only, NO BOYS ALLOWED, Club". It's for girls who like to play outside. Boys who don't like to be outside have to stay inside. I like it because now I don't have to play outside by myself when Silly Steve won't come outside.

Mom has already Furminated Ulee. I tried to inform Mom that Furminating is not how we treat guests at the Steve and Kat Hotel for Rescued Huskies. Mom said that Ulee just likes attention and she doesn't care if her attention is Furminating. Mom then added that I could learn something from Ulee in that respect. I informed Mom that she can dream on if she thinks that I will sit and be good for Furmination. I will say that Ulee had a lot of fur to Furminate though.

Anyway, I have to get back to my duties of showing Ulee the ropes. We've got to get her in fine husky shape so she can find a fur-ever home soon!!
