Sunday, July 24, 2011

And She's Off!!!

Mackenzie just learned to ride her bicycle without training wheels the other day and she's a super-pro now.  They wanted to go ride bikes one evening, and out-of-the-blue I suggested to take the training wheels off.  She didn't even know what I was talking about.  But we did it, gave it a try for 10 minutes and she couldn't quite get it. 

That night I noticed the Ensign for August sitting on the counter (it has a picture of a dad teaching his little girl to ride a bicycle) and realized that's where I'd got my sporatic idea, without even realizing I'd noticed the Ensign at all earlier. 

Anyways, Tyson thought it was just too early.  But the next day he went to work and the first thing on Mackenzie's agenda was to get outside and practice riding her bike.  She had it down in less than 5 minutes!  I couldn't believe it!  She couldn't wait for her Daddy to get home!  Now she's been cruising the neighborhood and demanding nightly walks so that she can ride her bike.  I really love it because it's helping me get some much needed exercise!

Ready to give it a try!

Turn, turn, turn!

She's got it down!


James and Tricia Thomas said...

YAY!!! She is such a big girl! Preston has been asking me to take them off for months and I am too lazy (and not patient enough) but you have inspired me!!!

Julie Nielsen said...

Way to go Mackenzie! What a brave girl. She's such a little dare devil.

J-Leav said...

Oh gracious! What a big, big girl. It's going by too fast :)