Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 125: Until next time

In April 2012, I made a decision that will forever change my life. I chose to volunteer as an English teacher through International Language Programs, to teach in Zhongshan, China for the first four months of 2013. At first, I figured this would be an amazing opportunity to do what I love, travel, spend time with cute little kids, and find some fun Chinese trinkets to take home with me. Seeing as how my time in China has now come to a close, I have realized that this experience here has been much more than what I had initially assumed it to be. I have learned so much about myself, the Chinese culture, how to navigate my way around a completely foreign country, how to cook different Chinese traditional dishes, how to speak yi dian dian Chinese, how to be a more loving and patient human being, and mostly, how to adapt to a completely new lifestyle and environment. There were many individuals whom I can thank for all I've learned, including my wonderful Chinese coordinators, Marine, Gloria, Rainy, and Vicky, the members in my group, sweet Carmelo and his family, our kindergarten teacher and good friend Victoria, the staff at Bond, and especially my kiddos I spent each and every day with. 

The lessons I've learned couldn't have been taught in a class or through a textbook, but only through the experiences, both the good and the bad, that I have had here. I've learned that even though there may be a language barrier and communication is difficult, you can still feel so much love through interactions with others. I have never been exposed to so many wonderful individuals as I have been in China, and to all of whom I am so grateful for and love very much. Our coordinators have gone above and beyond their duties and shown us how to actually live in China, by teaching us how to make traditional meals together, showing us how to buy train tickets, taking us to KTV, celebrating our birthdays with us, teaching us how to barter, etc. They grew to be some of our greatest friends throughout our visit here. I've also felt this same love through the kids I taught. Although they are so young, they have shown me how to love, even when things don't necessarily go my way, or if something is difficult. They have taught me the true meaning of patience and how to make the best of things. My friends, Carmelo, Victoria, Joan, etc., have taught me so much about how to treat people with the upmost respect, and how to have a good time no matter what you do. Carmelo has especially impacted my life and the way I view things, he will forever be a dear friend to me.  

These experiences I've had with the people I have met here will be the most precious souvenirs that I have to take back home with me. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have had to come to China, I will forever remember and treasure these moments. Although my trip has concluded, that doesn't mean the relationships, lessons, and memories I have made have to end as well. I know that these farewells I've had have been really hard on me, but I have to remind myself that they are not goodbyes, but more like, "I'll see you in the future", as Marine would say. I have a big spot in my heart for China and its people, and I can't wait for the day when I can return for a visit. 

Until next time, xoxo 親親抱抱
Qīn qīn bào bào


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