This is my character; I'll draw him later:
Soldier Jack (aka Jack of the roads, aka Jack the Giant Killer, aka Clever Jack) is based on the English/Appalachian culture hero, Jack. I am basing him more off the Appalachian version (mostly a matter of semantics; he climbed a bean tree, as opposed to a bean pole).
Jack grew up the seventh son of a seventh son in a poor farm family in the hills of Giallo. He learned to survive by his wits ad gift for trickery. He has killed giants, tricked devils, cheated Death (capital D), and even served as a soldier in the grand army of Zo. Now he wanders the land, still seeking his fortune.
Jack is not always good, but he is never bad. Despite his roguish nature, Jack has a good heart. He has actually gained several fortunes, but he can never hold onto money. He either fritters it away, donates it to a worthy cause, or gives it to people who need it more than he does.
Jack is lanky, but not overly-tall, with brown eyes, a ruddy complexion, and shaggy brown hair. He could either be a withered 25 or a well-preserved 50. He dresses in sturdy, but well-used travelers clothes and the faded and patched old coat from the Zo military. He sold his rifle and pike long ago.
Soldier Jack
Citizen of the World
Trickster (Master +6) – Jack can lie, cheat, and steal better than anyone.
Vagabond (Good +2) – Jack knows a little bit about a lot of different places.
Soldier (Good +2) – Jack's seen his share of battle and action.
Heart of Gold (Good +2) – Jack's good nature connects with people.
Penniless (Poor -2) – Jack just can't hold onto money.
Special Move: Giant Killer
Hero Points: 5
Learning Points: 1