Showing posts with label comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comics. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Adventure Jeff Punches the President! (seriously)

It took me longer than I expected. There were some starts and stops (this strip took me four tries to get right), but I finally, FINALLY, completed the latest Adventure Jeff strip. The next one won't take nearly as long (I promise!).  I have big plans down the pipe for Adventure Jeff, along with a number of other comic projects.

Anyway, enough excuses from me. Enjoy!

Read more Adventure Jeff HERE!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Stardust Comic!

Even though Leopard Women of Venus is done, I've apparently still got Fletcher Hanks on the brain!

I've talked about this guy before.

Stardust the Super Wizard has the dubious distinction of being Fletcher Hanks' most famous creation. This Superman analogue doesn't quite "fight crime" in the usual sense. As Leighton Connor describes it, he's more like an Old Testament God handing down cruel judgement.  Like all of Hanks' stuff, he's public domain, so anyone can use him, and several have.  I felt inspired to pen my own Golden Age Stardust tale, and now I'm going to share it with you. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Leighton Connor's "Laser Brigade"

By good friend and Leopard Women co-conspirator Leighton Connor has a new comic he's working on called "Laser Brigade." He's scanning and posting it bit by bit.  It's got robots, spaceships, and pure concentrated awesome.  I really dig Leighton's stuff, you should check it out!

Friday, December 24, 2010

An Adventure Jeff Christmas!

Happy Holidays! As a treat, here's a special Christmas episode of Adventure Jeff!
It suddenly occurs to me that I haven't posted any of my Adventure Jeff comics on this blog. Allow me to rectify this!

More Jeff after the jump!