Sunday, February 19, 2012

Photography by Clemens

My husband was up bright and early both mornings this weekend to catch the frost on the ground before it melted.  I, on the other hand, was sitting at the kitchen table in my fuzzy old bathrobe and slippers watching him.

Dressed in heavy jacket, hat and scarf, he was kneeling on the ground to get these shots of ice crystals on weeds and scattered leaves.  At one point, he hung the camera from the bottom of the tripod to get it closer to ground level. Wonderful patience, a new camera and lens and a life-time of photographic experience really paid off.  I just love these photos and hope you will too.

Since I wasn't out there kneeling in the frost with Clemens I didn't have any recent photographs for my weekly Beyond Layers Homework in Kim Klassen's class. (Yes, we can use earlier photos but I just couldn't seem to find the right one. Our homework this week was to take a photo and using photoshop give it a "painterly" effect using adjustment layers and textures.

So it was off to the local arboretum with Clemens this morning to start shooting. In the end I chose a colorful floral shot.  My aim was to give it an a painterly effect similar to those that I've seen on old cracked and crazed paintings that I've found in antique stores.  Here's the results.

Monday, February 13, 2012

A Moment in Time

I am so excited to introduce this wedding personal use/scrapfor hire kit, a collaboration with Laurel Janette Scrap Designs, known to you here and throughout the digiworld as itsjanw.  What a delight to work with Jan.  

 She has filled this kit with a wealth of gorgeous word art and wonderful marriage certificate and forms for your layouts.  

 And this beautiful template, which is offered in the kit both as a layered PSD file for the photoshop elements and CS users. And as png files for those who use other programs.

As always the CT team has outdone itself providing you inspiration and showing you the kit's versatility.








 Jean Ann

Taztang 68






And it's on sale for its release at 25% off in all of my stores.
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Soft Snow Falling

We've had an amazingly warm and open winter, so this morning's soft snow was a delight. I woke to an inch of snow gently coating the trees and lawns.  I enjoyed my morning coffee and then was out and about the yard trying to capture this elusive beauty. Thank heavens, that I was, as it was almost completely melted by mid-morning.

But I was able to capture some scenes in our back yard and an image that I used for my Beyond Layers Homework assignment.

My finished image was very close to the original that I shot. A little cropping, some very subtle texture (actually 4 different texture layers in overlay blend mode at very low opacity, just because I was playing and having fun), and a gradient map (part of this week's assignment) and a hue/saturation adjustment layer. After all of that you could hardly tell the original from this image except for the cropping!

And here is a melting snow dripping off a 1/2 inch long ice crystal that Clemens photographed. He was a little slower drinking his coffee but got out there in time for some beautiful snow shots and then for the melting. He was able to get a fantastic video of a super closeup of water dripping off a branch. Of course, he maintains that he was just waiting for the battery to be fully charged. And of course, the light changed to green just as he finished getting ready.

And a few more that he took:

Thursday, January 26, 2012

New Collaboration Kit and Challenge Freebie Cluster

Dreamlike Mirrors (S4H/PU) by AnnKa
(AnnKa= StarSongStudio and Kakleidesigns)

I sense the world might be more dreamlike, metaphorical, and poetic than we currently believe-but just as irrational as sympathetic magic when looked at in a typically scientific way. I wouldn't be surprised if poetry--poetry in the broadest sense, in the sense of a world filled with metaphor, rhyme, and recurring patterns, shapes, and designs--is how the world works. The world isn't logical, it's a song.”
_David Byrne, Bicycle Diaries

This magical, dreamy kit was made in beautiful purple, violet, light blue and beige tones in order to embrace each and every romantic moment in your a dream in a mirror
The kit includes 25 papers of 12x12 inches-JPG-300dpi and 95 assorted and unique elements at PNG-300dpi.
list of elements

95 elements

2 baskets
1 bird
2 borders
3 bottles
2 boxes
1 butterfly
1 button
1 chair
1 clock
1 dress
26 flowers
11 frames
1 hat
4 hearts
5 leaves
1 pitcher
1 postcard
10 ribbons
8 scatters
6 swirls
2 tags
1 teddy bear
1 trunk
3 word art

On Sale at 35% Off Now at:
Heritage Scrap

Need some inspiration on what you can do with this kit, just check out the beautiful layouts created by the Kakleidesigns and StarSongStudio's CT team:

And I want to share my entry into the Coolscrapsdigital January CU Pack for a PU Freebie Contest in which you are given CU elements and asked to create a personal use gift.  My entry is an element cluster with 3 word art.

You can download it here:

Hope you enjoy it!

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Pennsylvania, United States
I'm a scrapbook addict. I've been involved with digital scrapabooking since July 2009, when my daughter introduced me to her favorite hobby. When I'm not scrapbooking (hmm, when exactly is that?), I'm enjoying life with my family including my two daughters and two grandsons, my husband Clemens and my Cavalier Spaniel, Vinnie. My hobbies include photography, reading, biking, and hiking.
View my complete profile

My Creative Team

  • Alejas
  • Ariane/Janet
  • Bombalurina59
  • Bright Eyes
  • Dkane
  • DPNeff
  • Janette White
  • Jean Ann
  • oreosmeow
  • Rollinchen
  • SuziKatz
  • Taztang68
  • Victoria 32
  • Zanthia

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Scrap and Tube
