Showing posts with label bookmarks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bookmarks. Show all posts
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dog Tales

When I was a child, my two favorite things were dogs and books. Family history says my first word was dog and I'm sure it's true.  Our family always had dogs, always beagles.  My father was a great storyteller and delighted in sharing family stories of generations of dogs.  There was the dog who saved my grandfather's life by getting help after a hunting accident, another who held my Aunt Mary up on his shoulders when she slipped off the roof of a low shed and was clinging by her fingertips, and my own Tuck, who barked frantically to alert us to a life threatening situation with his litter mate and best friend, Nip.

After I was grown and lived on my own, I had a series of dogs, different sizes and different breeds, all dearly loved.  And today, Vinnie, our King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, rules our home with a gentle paw.

So, I'm surprised that I didn't create a dog kit before now. Especially with all the pictures of Vinnie just waiting to be scratched.

But at last, it's here and I'm putting it on sale along with the add-ons below for 35% for its release, instead of the usual 25% release sale price.  And the bundle is 20% off the already low bundle price, instead of the usual 10%.  But act quickly, the sale ends in all 3 of my stores on September 8th.

The Bundle

CT Team Layouts

by Suzi Katz
 by Bombalurina59
 by Rollinchen
 by Rollinchen
 by Zanthia
 by Bright Eyes
 by Bright Eyes
by Ariadne
 by Suzi Katz
by Zanthia

A Gift for You

I've created a gift for you using Dog Tales, 2 bookmarks which you can print and but out for actual use or use for your digital scrapbooking layouts as tags.  I hope you enjoy them.

My Stores

 photo CUDigitalsBlinkie_zps7232c477.gif

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My Photo
Pennsylvania, United States
I'm a scrapbook addict. I've been involved with digital scrapabooking since July 2009, when my daughter introduced me to her favorite hobby. When I'm not scrapbooking (hmm, when exactly is that?), I'm enjoying life with my family including my two daughters and two grandsons, my husband Clemens and my Cavalier Spaniel, Vinnie. My hobbies include photography, reading, biking, and hiking.
View my complete profile

My Creative Team

  • Alejas
  • Ariane/Janet
  • Bombalurina59
  • Bright Eyes
  • Dkane
  • DPNeff
  • Janette White
  • Jean Ann
  • oreosmeow
  • Rollinchen
  • SuziKatz
  • Taztang68
  • Victoria 32
  • Zanthia

Scrap and Tube

Scrap and Tube
