Monday, August 2, 2010

StarSongStudio Terms of Use (TOU)

StarSongStudio CU Terms of Use

Commercial Terms of Use

These designer resources are offered for your creative enjoyment. You may alter them as you see fit or you may use them as is.
You MAY use these designer resources:
In digital scrapbooking kits that you sell for personal/scrap for hire/scrap for other use. Freebies are not permitted unless the product is substantially altered (not just recolored). You can use them as is in the creation of quickpages that are given away as long as the pages are in a flattened format.
For your personal scrapbook pages. You may publish these pages online or in print publications without credit, although credit to StarSongStudio is always appreciated.
For scrap for others (S4O) and scrap for hire (S4H) providing the finished products are given to the client in a flattened format.
You may use them in the creation of blogsites or websites for yourself or others.

Claim these graphics as your own whether in their original state or altered. You may not share or pirate these graphics in any way, including but not limited to, offering them for downloads to online groups, filesharing or giving them away with or without charge to others.
Create brushes, overlays, actions  or other designer tools with these products.
Use them as is or in the creation of commercial use products.

If you have questions about these terms of use or wish to use these products in a way that is not permitted, please contact me at
Ann Plantier

StarSongStudio Personal/Scrap for Hire TOU

Personal (PU)
Scrap For Hire (S4H)/Scrap For Others (S4O)
I am pleased that you are using products by Star Song Studio and hope you enjoy them.
These terms of use apply whether the files were purchased or obtained as a freebie.
The files contained herein are the product of Star Song Studio and are protected by United States and international copyright law.
You are allowed to use these items for your personal scrapbook projects. You may alter them as you see fit. However altered files are protected by the United States and international copyright law. You may not claim them as your own even after altering.
You are allowed to submit your completed designs to online galleries and publications with credit given to Star Song Studio.
You may print your designs for yourself and to share with family and friends.
You may use these products for a S4H/S4O business provided that pages are given to customers in a flattened image (jpeg or similar format) or printed. Your customers are not to receive layered formats with these designs.
No other commercial use is allowed.
You may not sell, share or redistribute any of my products or parts of them. You may not convert them into brushes, templates, or tubes.

My Stores

 photo CUDigitalsBlinkie_zps7232c477.gif

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My Photo
Pennsylvania, United States
I'm a scrapbook addict. I've been involved with digital scrapabooking since July 2009, when my daughter introduced me to her favorite hobby. When I'm not scrapbooking (hmm, when exactly is that?), I'm enjoying life with my family including my two daughters and two grandsons, my husband Clemens and my Cavalier Spaniel, Vinnie. My hobbies include photography, reading, biking, and hiking.
View my complete profile

My Creative Team

  • Alejas
  • Ariane/Janet
  • Bombalurina59
  • Bright Eyes
  • Dkane
  • DPNeff
  • Janette White
  • Jean Ann
  • oreosmeow
  • Rollinchen
  • SuziKatz
  • Taztang68
  • Victoria 32
  • Zanthia

Scrap and Tube

Scrap and Tube
