Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sneak Peek

Coming Sunday:

Country Cottage Collaborative

I'm excited about releasing this collaborative kit with Aquarius Designs and Manu Scraps. It's been a delight to work with them and I love what we have created together, a soft, gently shabby kit filled with the delights of country living.  

We'll will all be offering some co-ordinating freebies, so stay tuned for all the information.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
This past week, my husband was on vacation.  We decided to stay home and do day trips and we had a wonderful time taking hikes, visiting local gardens and museums. And of course, we took photos everywhere. Well almost everywhere.  Yesterday morning we took a hike at a local county park. We visited a section we had never gone to before and followed a trail along the lake with some wonderful spillways, small waterfalls and huge rocks.  And of course, we kept saying, Oh, I wish we had brought the cameras.

Here are a few pics that Clemens took:

And two from me:

And yes, you'll undoubtedly be seeing others from this week blended into backgrounds or extracted for elements in upcoming kits.
Friday, May 18, 2012

My newest kit, Nympheas (Water Lily) has just released. You can get the kit right now at 25% off at any of my stores linked in the top right hand column of this blog.

To give you a sample, I've created a clustered border frame with it for you.

fast download

Facebook and Newsletter Freebies

For those of you who have not signed up yet!

I have lots of special surprises coming.  Many of them will be exclusive for my Facebook and my newsletter subscribers including freebies. So sign up today and receive these two free kits, created with the same theme and color palette. When you combine them you have one large co-ordinated kit for free.

To get this free kit with 7 papers, 12" x 12"
and 28 elements, 300 dpi, click on this link to my Facebook page, press like and then press on the image of the kit to download it

Newsletter Sign-Up Freebie

To get this free kit, just sign up for my
newsletter in the newsletter sign-up box in the right
hand column (second from the top) of this page. I will email you the download links when I get your subscription.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New PU and CU Kits Released

Here it is. Nympheas.  I've had a series of gorgeous water lily pictures on my hard drive for months. I knew instantly when I saw these photos that my husband had taken with their lovely luminescence and textured effect that I wanted to make a kit to feature them. Well, it took almost a year to do it but here it is.

I wanted to give the kit the "painterly" effect found in the impressionistic paintings, especially those that Monet did of water lilies, so I added textures and filters to a number of the elements and papers to do this.

This kit is a personal use/scrap for hire kit with 16 papers, 12" x 12" and 56 elements created at 300 dpi.  

Just released, it's currently on sale for 25% off at all of my stores.


E-scapes and Scrap:


Heritage Scrap:

And my favorite part of these posts is showing the layouts that the CT Team created with a kit. So here they are:

Scraps by Oreos Meow
 Scraps by Oreos Meow

Amazing, aren't they?

And I have a new commercial use pack.  If you're familiar with my kits, you know I almost always include swirls and embellishments.  I love the way they add elegance and interest to a page.  So for designers and scrappers who would like some embellishments that they can use to match a kit or layout, here's a pack of 6 large pngs.  Apply a variety of different styles, color them, apply gradients, patterns and papers for different effects.  

And these are also on sale at 25% off for their release.  If you like them a companion pack CU Swirls 1 is also available in my stores.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Chantilly Lace Collaborative

Chantilly lace is a gorgeous set made in soft, pale pinks , beige and antique gray tones, with a touch of magic and a beautiful vintage style, full of soft laces, Victorian elements and an unique artistic sense of elegance. It's a gorgeous set which covers every daily memories and every project with a romantic style.

The kit includes 28 textured papers, both plain and fancy, 12" x 12" in jpeg format and 78 elements, created at 300 dpi in png format. 

 by Kakleidesigns
  by Kakleidesigns
  by Kakleidesigns
 by Angeleye
 by AnikA
 by LLPooh1
 by Bombalurina59
 by Bombalurina59
 by Rollinchen
 by Rollinchen
 Scraps by Oreosmeow
 Scraps by Oreosmeow
 by D Kane
 by Dillie
 by Dodiegonzales
 by Victoria 32
 by Victoria 32
 by Jean Ann
 by Bright Eyes
 by Bright Eyes
 by Bright Eyes
 Of Pinks and Fairy Tales
 by slbertolino
 by Shirley1md
 by Zanthia
by Zanthia

Available HERE at 25% Off.

My Stores

 photo CUDigitalsBlinkie_zps7232c477.gif

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My Photo
Pennsylvania, United States
I'm a scrapbook addict. I've been involved with digital scrapabooking since July 2009, when my daughter introduced me to her favorite hobby. When I'm not scrapbooking (hmm, when exactly is that?), I'm enjoying life with my family including my two daughters and two grandsons, my husband Clemens and my Cavalier Spaniel, Vinnie. My hobbies include photography, reading, biking, and hiking.
View my complete profile

My Creative Team

  • Alejas
  • Ariane/Janet
  • Bombalurina59
  • Bright Eyes
  • Dkane
  • DPNeff
  • Janette White
  • Jean Ann
  • oreosmeow
  • Rollinchen
  • SuziKatz
  • Taztang68
  • Victoria 32
  • Zanthia

Scrap and Tube

Scrap and Tube
