Thursday, December 15, 2011

Winter Ruins

I've had so much fun creating winter and holiday kits. This is the last one that I'm releasing before Christmas.  It's a collaborative with my daughter, Dawn (Morning Sun Designs) and a bit different than the usual holiday/seasonal fare. Winter Ruins is a quiet reflective kit with a haunting, evocative feel.  It's filled with scenic backgrounds of ruins and landscapes and is perfect for both fantasy and more traditional layouts as you can see from the wonderful CT layouts below.

CT Layouts:


This kit has 26 papers, scenic, plain and fancy, all 12" x 12" and 87 elements.  As always, with just released kits, it's on sale this week:

Heritage Scrap:



E-scapes and Scrap:

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Deck The Halls

Just in time for the holidays we have Deck The Halls, a joyous holiday kit, perfect for your holiday greeting cards, layouts and special projects.  For seven years, I owned and operated a Bed and Breakfast in a large old Victorian country house with 7 working fireplaces, high ceilings and beautiful woodwork and moldings. The holiday season was my favorite time and I loved making wreaths, decorating the tree and mantels and filling the house with the smells of Christmas baking and greenery. In this kit, I worked on capturing that special holiday magic.

The kit contains 12 papers, 12" x 12" and 46 elements created at 300 dpi.

And once again the talented CT team has outdone themselves with magnificent holiday layouts:

 Jean Ann



As always, you save when I first release a kit so stop at one of my four stores (links in bar on right) and deck the halls.

And I have a little freebie for you. Jeanette made this lovely quick page with my Snow Bird kit:

It measures 12" x 12" and it's all ready for you to add your photos.  You can download it here:

And you can also purchase this whimsical kit in my Coolscrapsdigital, Digidesignresort and E-scape and Scraps Stores.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

RAK and Freebie

I'm giving away several kits and you could be the winner!  You just have to choose which of the two winter collaboratives that I did with my daughter Dawn (Morning Sun Designs) that you like best and leave a note in the RAK thread:

I'm running the RAK in three separate places so you have 3 chances to win! Just leave a note in the thread telling me which kit you like best.


New Kit: Snow Bird

This kit is a definite change of pace for me.  A whimsical winter kit, it contains 14 textured papers, 12" x 12" and 34 elements.  It's scrap for hire friendly and it's on sale through December 12th for 35% off!  So you can get it now for just $3.09. Available at E-scape and Scrap, Digidesignresort and Coolscrapsdigital. Links to my stores are in the upper right hand bar of this blog.

And while you are there ALL my winter kits are on sale for 35% off through December 12th. So start creating those greeting cards, calendars and holiday layouts. 

And to celebrate the release of Snow Bird and the holiday season, here is a cluster frame freebie for all of you.  I made large to fill the page but it can easily be resized down. It has interior shadows only.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Free Gift For You and Sale

I recently released this lovely winter kit: December Dawn and I'm thrilled that Memorykeeper has made an alpha for all of you to go with this kit.  Actually I think you'll find that it will go beautifully with a lot of your holiday and winter layouts.  

She has made both an upper case and lower case and you can download them here:

35% Off Sale:
December Dawn is a collaboration by StarSongStudio and Morning Sun Designs. It's a full size kit, created at 300 dpi, and contains 22 textured papers, both plain and fancy, and 80 elements.  Act now you can get it at 35% off in my stores. 

My Stores

 photo CUDigitalsBlinkie_zps7232c477.gif

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My Photo
Pennsylvania, United States
I'm a scrapbook addict. I've been involved with digital scrapabooking since July 2009, when my daughter introduced me to her favorite hobby. When I'm not scrapbooking (hmm, when exactly is that?), I'm enjoying life with my family including my two daughters and two grandsons, my husband Clemens and my Cavalier Spaniel, Vinnie. My hobbies include photography, reading, biking, and hiking.
View my complete profile

My Creative Team

  • Alejas
  • Ariane/Janet
  • Bombalurina59
  • Bright Eyes
  • Dkane
  • DPNeff
  • Janette White
  • Jean Ann
  • oreosmeow
  • Rollinchen
  • SuziKatz
  • Taztang68
  • Victoria 32
  • Zanthia

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