Showing posts with label Jewelry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jewelry. Show all posts

Monday, October 17, 2016

Bugaboo ABC, Made For You!

 Hello, it was my turn at Catch The Bug to make ABC.
 I decided to go with something really simple. I had planned on making the box too, but I found one I already had so I used it to make it even easier. 
 This Tag - for you Butterfly is from Bugaboo Stamps, it is one of many tags that make gift giving easy! I printed the image onto white and onto blue. I coloured the tag with copics, Just some blue on the butterflies and then I outlined everything with C1. I also made the bracelet with looks much prettier in real life, you can't really see the beautiful blue beads in these photos! 

Have a Great Day,

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

RILEY2511, December Holiday Theme!

Hello, this weeks Riley and Company Challenge RILEY2511, is Hosted by Joy and she's challenging us to make something with the December holiday theme in mind!

This is a Secret Box, with a Grinch theme that I will be giving as a gift, I'm making 3 for the Grinch lovers in my life!

I coloured Riley as the Grinch with copics and added glitter to the fur on his outfit.
Here you can see the little box shelves, lots of room to add candy of presents!
I wanted to include some Grinch earrings, but was having trouble finding any in the stores, so I did the next best thing, and made my own!

I used white skrinky dink, and coloured using a sharpie for the red and prisma colour pencils for the rest. If you want to try this, just remember to make a hole for the hardware before you skrink it. They shrunk up beautifully and then all I had to do was add the earring hooks!

Make sure to check out what the others Designers have created for this challenge, you can find links to their Blogs on the right hand sidebar!

Please join us in our challenge and upload your creation to the Riley and Company Blog. If you upload to any forums, please use the keyword RILEY2511.

Have a Great Day!