Saturday, October 10, 2009

Distress tutorial by Aija!

Suomenkielinen versio löytyy täältä.

There is many different ways of coloring and also different styles to use distress inks.
Today I am going to show you how I do it. I have tried some other refill inks but found out that Tim Holtz distress refills works for me.
Please notice that I am not an expert or artist and have no studies of art. I just love the coloring and the strong colors you can get with the inks. I think that when you do it a lot you can improve. Some are better in the beginning but everyone can improve by practicing.

Nowadays I check out all the colored images in the newspapers and magazine, I examine how the picture is done and where are the shades. Most of the children books are colored very beautifully and you can learn many things from there just look carefully the pictures. My daughter finds it difficult when I am reading her the story and keep steering the pics too long. She keeps saying:” Mom…. could PLEASE continue…”

You can use inks many ways. You can blend the colors to get more shades; you can put the color on a plate, on a cd-case or laminate the color chart to get the plate. I have used a plastic try where I take a zip of ink.
I do not normally blend the colors on a tray; I do the blending on the paper.

I start with the light color and keep adding layers to get stronger and stronger colors.
You get more living look when you add some other color, like when you are coloring red area, add a little orange or yellow to the lighter area. I have done this in the pictures below.

Here is one example how you can use the inks. Take a cd-case and print the color chart which you can attach on the bottom of the case. Then put small drops on each color. You need only small amounts.

Here are the tools I normally use when coloring with inks:

Based on the feedback I have got the light and shades seem to be the most difficult thing when coloring. I try to decide what is the direction from where the light comes.
Example here is the brush showing the light.
All that are in front are lighter and things staying behind are darker.

Here are different pictures step by step, which shows how it goes:

Here is another example, using Henry the mouse:

And the finished card:

If you would like to have a lighter color just add some water.

For the faces I normally use tattered rose and for the shades tea dye or vintage photo.
Shades on the clothes I make with vintage photo, blue shades or black.

Finished card:

Some more examples on how I layer colors in:

Finished card:

Want another example?
Here it is:

Here is the plate I normally use, a plastic tray:

Finished card:

Hopefully you have had some inspiration from this tutorial.
When I tried distress inks for the first time it felt very difficult.
I thought that this was not for me at all. I thought to give it a second chance and the result was little better. So just keep on trying and practicing.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Creating with borderstamps.... Part 2

Make a frame

Vi fortsätter att utforska möjligheterna med borderstamps och allt vad man kan göra med dem. I denna andra delen av Creating with borderstamps tänkte vi visa hur man gör snygga ramar.
Till vår hjälp har vi använt Prima IOD´s video tutorial som vi hittade på Youtube och deras Make-a-frame mall.
Ett lätt sätt att göra fina ramar och slippa kladdiga/överlappande hörn.

We continue to explore the possibilities with our borderstamps and all you can do with them. In this second part of Creating with borderstamps we want to show how to make nice frames. To our help we use Prima IOD´s video tutorial that we found at Youtube and their Make-a-frame template.
A simple and great way to make beautiful frames and no more messy corners.

Här kommer Prima Marketings Make-a-frame tutorial som vi inspirerats av.
Here is the Prima Marketings Make-a-frame tutorial that inspired us.

Tack så mycket Prima för en mycket smart tutorial!!
Thank you Prima for the awesome tutorial!!!

Här på Prima Marketing IOD hittade vi mallen.
Here at Prima Marketing IOD we found the template

Självklart provade vi i design teamet och här är vad vi gjorde....
And of course we in the design team tried it out and here´s what we did....




Petra har inte gjort någon ram men använt borderstamps på ett fint sätt så jag ville visa det med.
Petra did not make a frame but use borderstamps in a very beautifulway so I had to show you that too.

Vi hoppas nu att detta inspirerar till mer användande av alla vackra borderstamps som finns ute på marknaden. Visa oss gärna vad du har gjort.
We hope this inspires to more use of all the beautiful borderstamps out there.
Gladly show us what you have done.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Distress backgrounds with baby wipes

Distress bakgrunner kan en lage på mange forskjellige måter, og dere husker sikkert Marianne sin flotte tutorial med svamp.

Vi har vært så heldige å få besøk av Connie, som har en helt annen teknikk å lage bakgrunner med distress på, hun bruker nemlig våtservietter.
Man får en spennende bakgrunn som man kan kombinere med det meste av stempler.

Backgrounds made with distress, can be made in many different ways, and you might remember Mariannes great tutorial using a sponge.

We are so lucky to have
Connie visiting us, and she is using a different technique to make distress backgrounds, baby wipes! You get a wonderful background using her technique, a background that can be combined with just about any stamp.

Conie er en kortlager med mange talenter, og hun har også designet sin
egne nydelige julepapir.
Klikk på bildene for å ta en nærmere titt.

Jeg har allerede anskaffet meg disse papirene i min samling med møsnterpapir!

Connie is a very talented Norwegian card maker, and has also designed her own line of Christmas pattern papers.
Make sure you check them out, just click on the pictures.

I have already gotten these fabulous papers in my paper collection!



Til dette kurset har jeg brukt følgende produkter
I have used following products :
  • distress reinkers "scattered straw", "spiced marmelade" and "vintage photo"
  • akvarellpapir 220 gr / watercolor paper
  • babywipes
  • stempler fra Kreativ Hobby / stamps from Kreativ Hobby
  • blendingtool fra Ranger
  • distress blekkpute "vintage photo" / distress ink pad "Vintage photo"
  • diverse stæsj / different embellishments
  • brun kartong / brown bazzill

For denne bakgrunnen trengs kun en dråpe av hver farge, og fargene er drøye! Start med den lyseste fargen, og avslutt med den mørkeste. Og her er det bare å mikse i vei med farger og kombinasjoner.
It takes only one drop of each distress re-inkers to make this background. Start with the lightest color, and end with the darkest one. You are of course able to mix and use as many colors that you want.



Bruk vann og sprits dråper over bakgrunnen, og tørk av med et tørkepapir.
Ikke dra tørkepapiret over bakgrunnen, men bare "dutte" litt.
Use water to spritz over your background, and dry with a paper towel.
Do not drag towel!


Ferdig bakgrunn / Background finished.

Her er det ferdige kortet
Here's the end result

Close up:

Er du klar for noen gode nyheter?

Connie er et av medlemmene i Kreativ Hobby sitt Design Team,
og i anledning denne artikkelen har Kreativ Hobby et knall tilbud til StampARTic's lesere:
Frem til og med søndag 11. Oktober får du
20% rabatt på alle Distress refill flaskene
og 20% på alle stemplene til Kreativ Hobby!
Du bruker koden "StampARTic - 20" når du bestiller.
Kreativ Hobby sender world wide!

Da er det vel ingen grunn til ikke å prøve dette?
Her kan du skaffe deg alt du trenger, eller påfyll for en billig penge!

Are you ready for some great news?

Connie is on of Kreativ Hobbys Design Team Member, and in honor of this article,
Kreativ Hobby is having a great offer to all StampARTic's readers:
Until Sunday October 11th
you'll get 20% discount on all Distress Refill bottles
20% discount on all Kreativ Hobby stamps!
You simply put in the code "StampARTic-20"
when placing an order.

Kreativ Hobby is shipping world wide.

Then there is no reason not to try this!
Here you can get everything you need,
or refill your supplies wit this great offer.


Legg gjerne igjen en link til ditt kort, vi vil gjerne se dine bakgrunner med våtservietter.
Please leave a link to your card, we would love to see your backgrounds with babywipes.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I dag viser kalenderen 1.oktober, og det betyr at vi er klar med en ny skisseutfordring til dere. Men først må vi ta en titt på hva dere har muligheten til å vinne denne gangen.Craftica har sponset oss med ukens flotte premie, som er mønsterark i str. 6"/6", perfekt for kortlaging.
Her er litt om vår sponsor Craftica.


Today it is the 1.of October, and that means that we are ready with a new sketch challenge for you. But first we have to take a look at the price you can win this time.
Craftica has sponsored us with this weeks great price. Patterned paper with the size 6"/6", perfect for card making.
Here are some words from our sponsor Craftica.
New SassaFras Lassin 6" x 6" papers "Sweet Marmalade" & "Monstrosity".


Craftica on vuonna 2007 perustettu kortti- sekä scrapbooking -materiaaleja myyvä verkkokauppa. Valikoimissamme on tutut ja hieman tuntemattomammatkin valmistajat (High Hopes, Wild Rose Studio, SassaFras Lass, Magnolia, KaiserCraft, BoBunny, October Afternoon jne). Maahantuomme 95%:sesti tuotteet itse ja pyrimme seuraamaan Usan trendejä ja sitä kautta tuomaan uusimpia tuotteita myös suomeen. Uutuutena olemme aloittaneet tilausten toimituksen EU-maihin (osa tuotesivuista vielä käännöksessä).

Osallistumme aktiivisesti myös erilaisiin tapahtumiin sekä järjestämme itse muutaman askartelutapaamisen vuodessa. Julkaisemme myös kaksi kertaa kuukaudessa Scrapbooking haasteen. Lisäksi meillä on oma Design Team, jossa on kolme jäsentä sekä vieraileva DT. Heidän töitänsä nähdään kuukausittain kaupan sivuilla sekä blogissa.

Tervetuloa ostoksille Crafticaan!



Craftica är en netbutik som är grundat år 2007 . I butiken fins till salu scrapbooking- och kortmaterial. I vårt sortiment finns det kända och mibdre kända produkter (High Hopes, Wild Rose Studio, SassaFras Lass, Magnolia, KaiserCraft, BoBunny, October Afternoon osv). Vi importerar själv in 95% av våra produkter och vi följer noga med vad för nyt är trendigt i USA. En ny nyhet är att vi man nu beställa inom EU produkter från oss (en del av sidorna är ännu under översättning).

Vi deltar aktivt i olika evangemang och organiserar också årligen några egna craftmöten. Vi publiserat två gånger i månaden en Scarpbook utmaning. Desutom har vi också ett eget Design Team samt en gäst DT. Varje månad hittar deras arbeten i vår butik och i vår blogg.

Välkommen till Crafticas butik!



Craftica is a webshop for scrapbook- and card materials. The shop is founded in 2007. In our assortment we have well known and perhaps a little more unknown manufactures (High Hopes, Wild Rose Studio, SassaFras Lass, Magnolia, KaiserCraft, BoBunny, October Afternoon etc). We import 95% of the products and we follow the trends that are new in USA and try to import the products to Finland. We have also opened the shop for consumers in EU (some of sites are still under translation).

We participate activly in different events and we also organize some scrapevents during the year. We also publish two times in a month one Scapbook challenge. We have our own Design Team with three people and a guest DT. There works are shown montly in our store and in our blogg.

Wellcome to shop in Craftica!



Så er vi kommet frem til utfordringen. Rikke har laget denne flotte skissen for oss. Håper den faller i smak.

And now it is time for the challenge.
Rikke has made this wonderful sketch for us. Hope you will enjoy it.

Og her er hva vi i DT har laget etter skissen.


And here is what we in DT have made form the sketch.










Lykke til alle sammen. Fristen er 8.oktober
Good luck to all of you. The deadline is 8.October.