Showing posts with label fun stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fun stuff. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Upcycle, Build and Create with Help from the Online Target Toy Emporium

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser.
All opinions are mine alone. #CollectiveBias

Don't you wish sometimes that we lived in a time gone by? When apps and screens and processed food wasn't any concern?

I sure crave that some days... but the reality is that we Moms have to be pretty convincing and have some pretty sweet resources (let alone a random burst of energy :P) on our side in order to entice our kiddos toward real, true play.

And I think I've found another one of those resources. For this post I got to check out some great #TargetToys through the new Target Toy Emporium, found only online. Six categories- Build, Create, Explore, Imagine, Discover and Move- each include toys and brands that fit into that particular kind of play.

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We chose some fun and colorful build and create items that were right up the boys' alley. In the past, we've really enjoyed upcycling- creating crazy works of kid art from stuff that was otherwise going in the garbage. Tired of screens sucking the personality out of your kiddos? These simple, inexpensive ideas are doable for anyone, even those of us that struggle with that whole "burst of energy" thing ;)

Friday, July 25, 2014

Messy is Cool... Fun Slip n' Slide Ideas!

 Summer Survival For Moms of Boys

The funnest memories don't ever seem to involve vacuum lines in the carpet or perfectly pressed white shorts, right? With my band of men, I think they're definitely just the opposite. Those moments when we're all disregarding anyone watching or what could get hurt or if our idea seems a bit crazy, are the ones that I really believe the boys will look back on and really cherish. (Or, if nothing else, at least remember that Mom is pretty cool after all) ;)

So, it goes without really saying then that I'm not one of those Moms that can't handle mud and mess (I might just go truly nuts if I was!). If your life isn't really up for that, then the water fun idea I'm sharing today as part of The Joys of Boys' Summer Survival Series for Moms of Boys might not be for you... But if you're still reading at this point, then I'm guessing you already know this could be a BIG hit...

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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Random Acts of Kindness Treasure Hunt: Summer Edition!

This post was originally shared over at the blog Maybe I Will as part of her summer fun series, but I wanted to make sure and share here too- a unique, service-oriented idea and freebie for something to do with your kiddos on these summer days :)

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You might remember that last fall, I made a fun treasure hunt kit that turned one of our normal treasure hunts into a lesson in kindness...I really love doing random acts of kindness with the boys- nothing uplifts in quite the same way. Need a boost? Try paying for the person behind you in the drive through and not pulling away with a smile! And I want my little men to feel that same thing- to "get it" that not everything in their world has to be rough and tough- it's cool to think of others and be kind. 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Banana Boat Makes Mom's Bag Better

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. #BBBestSummer #CollectiveBias

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Ah, I love summer... already this year I've been able to fool myself that things can be more relaxing than they really can... which makes for some crazy days of catch-up! But, so be it, I love having ALL my boys around and trying to really enjoy them. :)

No matter what we're doing, Banana Boat Sunscreen and a few tricks and treats in my simple bag help a lot with that. Kids don't really think about anything other than finding their own shoes, right? My older boys are great at helping, but it's usually with the rougher and tougher stuff, like loading fishing poles and chairs. Sooo.... I've gotta be on tap with the goodies that turn our fun times into something unique or keep everyone happy the whole time!

 I gotta say, I think we do pretty great at soaking up the summer for the most part. We hit the beach at our local lake a lot, load up the bikes for a new ride spot, shoot bows and throw tomahawks, venture into the desert with the guns, load up to camp for the week at our favorite spots, and play in the yard constantly. Water fights and obstacle courses abound. Don't get me wrong, some days are just lazy video game days... and that's part of the greatness of summer too. :) But more than anything, we spend a lot of time in the sun- ah, I love that warm feeling of the sun soaking into my skin!

So, what's in my bag that makes or breaks the fun for us all? For starters, earlier this year, I went to Walmart to add a few different Banana Boat Sunscreens to my bag. I got a Kids Free Spray SPF 50 for my littler guysMen's SPF 30 Clear Spray for my older boys and hubby (anything that helps teenagers think sunscreen isn't just for babies is awesome in my book), and finally, Protect and Hydrate SPF 50 lotion- spray sunscreen might just be the best invention ever, but sometimes you just gotta rub it on instead, plus I love the idea of it being hydrating too. :) The Men's line comes in SPF 50 and lotion style (I personally love the smell of this stuff!), and the Protect and Hydrate has a spray option too. My local Walmart had them on a large aisle display near the swimsuits at the front...

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

11 Make-You-Smile Lessons in Motherhood from the One and Only... Mrs. Incredible

Source: TIME 

I've been wanting to write this post for a long while now. When Rachel from R&R Workshop asked if I'd be part of her fun series, A Month of Disney, I knew just what I'd be posting...

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Fun Lessons in Motherhood and Wifery from the One and Only Helen Parr/ Elastigirl!

You get teared up sometimes during your kids' cartoons, right? I know I'm goofy, but I sure do! And some of them are kinda dumb, which means I simply didn't get enough sleep the night before- ha!

But there are quite a few scenes from my favorite Disney Pixar movie, The Incredibles, that get me choked up or thoughtful for good reason... all of them involving the awesome lady that holds the family together :) We're already super excited for Incredibles 2 next summer!

There could be lots more than I've written here even, but for today I've chosen 11 tips and scenes worth thinking about...

Friday, May 9, 2014

Easy Camping Activity Bags and More

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My boys seem to start asking about when we're going camping again sometime between Halloween and Thanksgiving! Same with the beach- little Ryder could live on the shore! And now that it's getting warm, it's on all of our minds again! Each year we always hope to get more camping in and are happy to take what we can get :)

 So, obviously, I'm excited to be part of today's fun camping themed blog hop just in time- so many great ideas here that will be really helpful for the entire season:

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Simple 80's Style Bracelet Made With Duck® Tape

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This last little while I've been getting ready to go to SNAP! Conference this weekend- a chance to connect with other bloggers and just have a little break while learning in the process :) One night of the event is an 80's dance party sponsored by Duck® Tape.

You might've already known, but my husband is ten years older than I am. He was graduating high school when I was in the second grade! Weird when you think of it in those time frames, eh? It's a good thing in our case, since I'm still more mature than he is- ha! ;)

Anyhow, he was a crazy teenager during the 80's...

Ha, ha! (and, believe it or not, my brother-in-law is also in this picture!). Anyhow, it goes without saying that he has the ability to give me some good (or maybe it's NOT so good) style prompts to get ready for the 80's shindig at SNAP. Crazy, but he says he really doesn't remember a lot of neon, and that everyone actually wore a lot of black. We've been searching for some inspiration photos and had some good laughs.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Upcycled, No-Sew Kids Fun and More

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I love upcycling projects- taking something that might have otherwise been garbage and make it new, or using something in a way that's not really what it was originally intended for. My boys do a lot of upcycling on their own- they take containers and tape and a whole new piece of art is formed- ha! :)

This month a few of my blogger friends and I are each sharing upcycled projects:

Crochet Rug from T-shirts from One Dog Woof
Rustic Mason Jar Vase from Suburble
Wipes Container to Craft Storage from It Happens in a Blink
Fabric Crochet Coaster Pattern from Petals to Picots
Upcycled Newspaper Beads from Do Small Things with Love
DIY Silverware Kitchen Clock from The Benson Street

Monday, April 14, 2014

Game Night Pizza and Breadstick Skewers with #tonyspizzeria

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and
Tony’s Pizza, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #tonyspizzeria

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What is it about Monday that's just not the greatest?
Maybe the fact that it's not the weekend anymore- ha!

Stephen works a lot, (maybe even more so on Friday and Saturday!) but even so, we really try to do something fun on the weekends too. We love inviting people over for games specifically- seems like it's just kinda what we do for something more out of the ordinary than just our own family group. 

We've been blessed with friends that are great to jump in at our invites. They make for really fun company- it feels so good to just laugh and relax! This last weekend, I cooked up a bunch of Tony's Pizza that I picked up from Walmart, and made my yummy breadsticks to go with the fun.

Truth: lots of times when we are hosting a party, I tend to go overboard. Friends get  to the house and comment about the spread of food, even though I've been feeling all afternoon like it might not be enough! We might kinda plan more than is reasonable oftentimes. We can't just grill hamburgers, no! We gotta have grilled shrimp and smoked baked potatoes and homemade fry sauce and fancy juice and cheesecake brownies too! It's just our style and our pleasure, I guess :)

But this change of pace, sticking to the pizza and breadsticks, was pretty nice for sure- simple and fast, not to mention cheaper. I used a coupon for 75 cents off two (while supplies last) that made it an especially good deal. Plus, a new crispier, crunchier crust, topped with real cheese and sauce made from real tomatoes sounded yum!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

DIVERGENT Inspired Dauntless Bracelet and More

Divergent Inspired Dauntless bracelet tutorial

Remember yesterday I mentioned that there would be more Divergent inspiration around here today?! Two of my blogger friends are also fans of the book and excited for the movie, so we decided to each do a creative project and share them together...

See them all at the bottom of this post! But first...

Divergent Inspired Dauntless bracelet tutorial
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So, it goes without saying that this boy mama isn't so much a jewelry maker. But I have dabbled in it very little and do actually enjoy it, especially when what I try actually turns out! At the risk of proving that I really am a silly fan girl, I have to share the specific inspiration for this bracelet before we go any further...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Simple Circle Pinwheels for SPRING!

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This post has me wanting to jump and down! So much good stuff that I really love involved- the idea of Spring coming, pretty paper, taking photos outside, and pinwheels! Not to mention, a few of #myfavoritebloggers sharing their goodness too :)

From top down, left to right:
Stamped "Bloom" Necklace from One Artsy Mama, 
Spring Centerpiece from Happy Go Lucky, 
Washi Tape Popsicle Stick Flowers from The Benson Street, 
Simple Circle Pinwheels from me, obviously :)
Five Minute Hair Pins from It Happens in a Blink and Suburble
Color-able Free Printable Spring Banner from Do Small Things with Love,
Fairy Guesthouse from Happy Hour Projects,
and Geometric Print Vase from Pitter and Glink  

This is the first time I've crafted pinwheels that actually spin- so fun! It's also the first time I've made them using a circle piece of paper instead of a square. I LOVE the more curvy result!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Adorable, Simple Drawstring Backpacks

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Recently I shared this tutorial over at The Ribbon Retreat and thought I'd share it with you here today! These cute, simple drawstring backpacks for kids have really been a go-to for gifts for me.

I once sewed one literally right before we walked out of the door for our niece's birthday party. Also whipped them up by the midnight oil one night when my friend had a baby and I was watching her boy's while they were at the hospital. I LOVE this awesome fabric and ribbon I got to make these ones with too! :)

For the ones I made for this tutorial, I chose:

Rainbow Hexi Print by Riley Blake (I LOVED this fabric when I first saw it- cutest thing ever!)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hasbro Marvel Super Hero Mashers Review {These Rock!}

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I got lucky as a member of the Mom it Forward Blogger Network, and was able to write this sponsored post for Hasbro's Marvel Superhero Mashers. I would say all opinions are 100% mine... but really in this case, they're my boys' :) 

I knew when I had the chance to review these toys that they could be a pretty awesome fit for this boys' world. I even kept it a secret from them and let them feel the thrill of getting a surprise package in the mail! There was even superheroes on the outside! They could hardly contain themselves... ok, really they almost never even try that hard to... they're boys :)

Inside our box was Spiderman and Hulk.There are more than 20 unique Marvel Superhero Mashers characters planned for 2014, but these two couldn't have been more perfect- two of Coop and Ry's favorites.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Zombie Makeup using Household Items {Feeding the Craze}

In all honesty, I watch more kids cartoons than any other TV.... like by a long way more.

But that doesn't mean I don't hear about what the real world is watching. And even I know that another season of The Walking Dead is about to begin! I've heard Taron and Keaton talk about how awesome this show is, so today I decided to be a part of the craze and join my favorite bloggers for a special zombie edition round-up inspired by The Walking Dead! If you're cooler than me (highly likely!) and could tell me all about the show too, then you'll love these ideas:

Brain Shaped Ham and Onion Cheeseball‏ from Happy Hour Projects,
Zombie Warning Yard Sides from 4 You with Love,
Zombie Warning Door Hanging from It Happens in a Blink;
Middle: Free Zombie-Inspired iPhone Wallpaper from Pitter and Glink;
Bottom Row, from left to right: Friendly Crochet Zombie Doll from Repeat Crafter Me,
Free Printable Zombie Valentine from Do Small Things with Love,
and me...
at least I think ;)

Monday, January 27, 2014

Simple Valentines Gum and Washi Tape Arrows

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I might have all boys around here, but lucky for me, they dig Pinterest. :) Oftentimes they look over my shoulder for ideas for boredom busters, or costumes... or Valentines. Cooper happened to see these Valentines arrows...

 and got super excited! He immediately decided he wanted to give arrows to his classmates instead of Nerds :) I actually lit up over them too- super cute. I wanted to be able to make them our own! (We actually tried using the tinsel at the base and it got really frustrating.) 

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And so, this cute cute washi tape version was born! Cooper can actually help put these together, beyond just signing his name, and he loves that part. They are pretty self explanatory, but I'll share some more details just in case. :)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Simple Boredom Buster for Kids & Dollar Tree Value Seekers Club $100 Giveaway

This post has been sponsored by Dollar Tree. All opinions will always be 100% mine.

You already know that we love Dollar Tree! It’s literally the boys’ favorite place to go in town and works awesome as a reward for them.  The most productive cleaning days around here seem to have that Dollar Tree light at the end of the tunnel! :)

Ok, ok, it’s true… it’s a reward for me too. Dollar Tree gets my creative wheels turning somehow. The Dollar Tree Value Seekers Club can help with that… each month they send an email with a whole bunch of ideas using items from Dollar Tree.

All of the sudden, when we walk into the store, I no longer see candy, glow sticks, tape and glassware. No, no, no- instead I’m seeing DIY home décor, tips and tricks that turn me into SuperMom, and boredom busters galore. For a moment at least, I feel a little cooler than I really am!


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