Showing posts with label Mother's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mother's Day. Show all posts

Friday, May 2, 2014

Fast and Easy Mother's Day Gift >>> "Less Dishes" Printable Update

Pin It!
My original tag for this "Less Dishes" Mother's Day gift was made in a huge hurry! Every time I see it in my sidebar or on Pinterest, I have the thought that I'd love to do an update and offer a more versatile version. So, this year, I did! (Yet again, only just barely in time for Mother's Day!)

This gift is great for putting together inexpensively and quickly, perhaps for the "other" Mothers in your life, like neighbors, sister-in-laws, etc.

This year I used a quatrefoil stencil background and some fun arrows, along with more color options- these five above :) Print a document with all five colors included HERE. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Wood Creations of Idaho Falls Mothers Day "Family' Blocks and Giveaway

I honestly love going in to the Wood Creations of Idaho Falls store each month to pick what to create and share. It's really just a fun, bright place that leaves me feeling happy :) The ladies that work there are fun and comfortable- they make customers feel like friends :)

Today my fellow Idaho blogger friends over at Fearlessly Creative Mamas and I are both sharing Wood Creations projects the would make great Mother's Day gifts. Then, we get to give away one of each of these very kits! (That's the best part, I know) :) Fearlessly Creative Mama's has a bunch of one year anniversary giveaways going on- you'll have lots of chances to enter over there for a variety of great prizes! 

Anyhow, I created the 'Family' blocks above and Kathleen made these below...

These two kits are up for grabs in the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post! First, though, I wanna walk you through how seriously easy it easy to make this particular kit as a gift. This is the most simple Wood Creations project I've ever put together and I really love how it turned out....

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Moms Make the World Go Round

Happy Mothers Day! I can't let today pass without gushing a bit about my own Mom and also making sure any readers that are Mothers who might stop by today know how amazing YOU are! I have been blessed with an amazing, selfless Mom that largely made, and still makes, me who I am.. I will forever want to be her one day!

She gave me as good of roots as it is possible to have
and encourages me to spread my wings in ways that will improve our life.
I love you, Mom!

Being a Mom is trying, but it is wonderful!
There is no better job or place to be, in my opinion :)

Moms make the world go round, no question!
Wishing a joyous, memorable day and week to you all!


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Adorable 'Less Dishes' Mother's Day Gift

So it occurred to me that this weekend and into next week, we'll be getting to see not only our Moms,
but also our sisters and sisters-in-law that are Mom's themselves.

So, I searched my "Gift Ideas" pinboard and decided this pin would work well for a
Mother's Day gift on-the-quick that we could give to them also!
I seriously went from having the thought to put something together to having these totally completed
in very little time at all... The boys helped me stack them up, of course :)

A set of paper plates, napkins and cups!
One of our sets has bowls instead of napkins that works also.
Even if all my sisters end up doing is taking this straight out to the camp trailer,
they will undoubtedly be useful :)

Super, duper simple and could be done very inexpensively. Even if you went and got the stuff for these tomorrow, you could have it put together to give as a cute gift to a Mom in your life :)
Grab this printable tag to go with:


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