Showing posts with label Thank you. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thank you. Show all posts

Friday, January 29, 2021

Just Add Ink #539....Just Choose Two

 Happy Friday ~

Welcome to a new Just Add Ink challenge. We're back into the swing of things, this being our third challenge for the new year. This week, Di, has asked us to Choose Two - Banner, Border or Bow. I love the variations we all come up with using these challenges.

I needed to make a couple of thank you cards to accompany small gifts for family members who took the twins on an awesome coastal holiday over the summer break. I tell you, those kids have had the best break ever because we took them away a couple of times too - being Covid safe of course. They've hardly had their feet on the ground. But we started slowing down yesterday as school goes back next Monday & we need routine again. Hard to believe they're going into Year 4! Getting big kids now.

I chose to use a banner & bow, combining some fussy cut Forever Greenery designer paper with the Tropical Chic (retired) stamp set & a sentiment from Clearly Besotted. 

Pop over to JAI & check out all the lovely design team projects. We'd love to have you join the challenge fun. Here is the banner for you to use.

Thanks for stopping by today.

Patrice x

Friday, December 6, 2019

Just Add Ink #485 - Just Add One Layer

Hello & Happy Fri-yay!

We have a new challenge starting over at Just Add Ink today, & Jan has asked that we create a One Layer Card. Sometimes that's not quite as simple as we think it may be. I can't tell you the amount of c/s I ditched while trying to get what was in my head onto paper. What I ended up with was not what I was trying to achieve lol.

Soooo I used my nifty new 'Life Changing Blender Brushes' to put down some green & yellow hues on Shimmery white c/s, then I heat embossed my favourite new stamp - Forever Blossoms - over top. Done. Easy peasy. I may have been overthinking this one, when really keeping it simple was the best way to go.

I ended up making a little set of 4x4 cards to package as a gift to use at a later date.

Here is the banner for you. Pop over to the JAI blog to check out the design team inspiration. There is a lot of variation of One Layer Cards to get you inspired.

I'm guessing I'm not alone in being crazy busy this month. Christmas preparations are well underway & each of my weekends is full. This weekend we're off to hubby's work Christmas party. Lawn bowls, followed by dinner. I've never tried lawn bowls before so it could be an interesting afternoon :)

Enjoy your weekend!

Patrice x

Friday, November 22, 2019

Just Add Ink #483...Just Choose Two

Happy Friday ~

It's an extra special weekend for me as Gorgeous Kid has come home for a couple of days! Yay!

Short & sweet post due to above :)

The new Just Add Ink challenge has been set by Di this week & she's asking us to Choose Two - Stars, Spots or Sparkle.

I had to photograph at night so you can't see all the Champagne Shimmer Mist sprayed liberally on my card. I love this new Forever Blossoms set I won at On Stage in Sydney last weekend. I haven't got the matching dies yet so coloured straight to my card front & fussy cut a little flower to pop up for added interest. I used Daffodil Delight & Old Olive Blends.

If you'd like to join the fun this week, pop over to the blog & check out the design team inspiration. Here is the banner for you:

I had an absolutely fantastic long weekend in Sydney last week rooming with some of my favourite people. Here is the Sydney contingent of Just Add Ink team members, minus Tina because we couldn't find her for the pic. We really needed her there though because she was wearing a gorgeous emerald green top & it would have worked so well in our photo.

And our Perth lovelies (I should have shared some of their 'hamming it up' pics lol).

We really missed Jan, however, she's been a busy bee of late & couldn't join us - unfortunately.

Righto, off to enjoy an extra special weekend with my big boy. Thanks for stopping by. 

Patrice x

Friday, July 7, 2017

Just Add Ink ##367 - Just Add a Colour Combo

Happy Friday crafty friends ~

Welcome to a brand new challenge at Just Add Ink.  Today we have a colour combo from me!  Some of the girls found this a little challenging, see what you can do with Crumb Cake, Whisper White, Smoky Slate & Lemon Lime Twist.

I made a sweet thank you card for a beautiful friend of mine using the Daisy Delight stamps & matching punch.  A couple of details:

  • The stitched rectangle mat was created using the largest square from the Stitched Shapes Framelits - if you don't cut all the way through one end you can reposition the die to create a rectangle - so versatile;
  • Window Sheets are great for making little see through jars - StazOn ink & Jar of Love used here; and
  • Crystal Effects (retired) were used on the daisy centre & sprinkled with lots of Dazzling Diamonds glitter while it was still wet.

I love that bright pop of Lemon Lime Twist.  Don't you?  If you'd like to check out all the design team inspiration head over to JAI, and join us for some colour combo fun.  All the details are on the blog.

We're in the midst of school holidays here in Canberra so it's busy times all round.  Lots of fun holiday activities.  Lazy mornings in our pjs & we're all enjoying the non routine of it!  Back again soon with more to share.  Have a great weekend all.

Patrice x

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Colour INKspiration Challenge # 4

Happy hump evening crafty friends ~

Welcome back to a new Colour INKspiration challenge.  There is a bit of excitement over on Facebook tonight with our brand new Crew members joining us.  Go check the news out for yourself

If you're following the hop you may have come from the amazingly talented Jackie Noble. I just love everything she shares with us!

I have created a very simple card this week.  I pulled out a stencil and sponged the challenge colours (graduating from dark to light bottom up) onto scrap c/s.  Then I cut that down to a panel and added it to a Thick Whisper White card base.  I die cut the sentiment three times to create some depth, and once adheared on top of each other I slathered with my Fine Tip Glue Pen to make it all glossy.  My card is finished with some purple enamel dots from my stash.  Voila, a five minute card - literally!

Below I've added the challenge inspiration and colours.  See what you can come up with and join in the fun!

If you click on the next blog image below you'll be taken to see what Rose Packer has to share with us today.

Patrice x

Friday, October 7, 2016

Just Add Ink #332 - Just Add a Colour Combo

Happy Friday crafty friends ~

Today is the last official day of school holidays, and finally Canberra has shown us two days of spring weather.  Prior to that we've had blustery wind, bitter cold and very wet weather.  Most unpleasant. It's truly lovely to see Canberra so green though.  Our hills, parks and lawns are usually a burnt brown due to the extreme heat of summer.

We have a brand new challenge kicking off over at Just Add Ink today - and some awesome fun news to share as well.  I set the colour combo this week - Daffodil Delight, Blushing Bride, Pumpkin Pie & Basic Black.  What do you think of that?

I used a very cool technique that Jennifer McGuire shared some time back.  I created my own glitter paper and coloured it in with copic markers - so totally fun.  Even the black inlaid sentiment is glittered. You can imagine how glittery my craft room and I became lol.  The coloured panel is popped up on dimensionals.  I thoroughly enjoyed making this card and I encourage you to try it yourself.  With a few basic supplies you can have yourself a lovely glittery time.

So did you participate in any WCMD activities?  I got inky and creative and I've even photographed one of the cards I made - I know right? Shock horror!  Must blog that next week so you can have a look.

Please pop over to JAI and check out our news today.  Get some inspiration for the colour combo and join the challenge fun with us this week.  We love to see your take on our challenges.

Not a lot in the way of news from me at all this week.  No huge plans for the weekend except enjoying the lovely weather we're having.  I'm guessing there will be bike rides around the local pond and some park time with the kiddos....I so love this time of year.  Until next time....thanks for stopping by.

Patrice x

Friday, March 11, 2016

Just Add Ink #302 - Just Add a Colour Combo

Happy Friday lovely friends ~

After a week of hot sunny weather we've woken to rain in Canberra today.  No complaints, the gardens need it, but typically it's swimming carnival day for Gorgeous Kid.  Ohhh well..... it's not at all cold but he's going to be a bit lot wetter than he expected lol.

We have a brand new challenge over at Just Add Ink for you today.  Jan has given us a gorgeous colour combo to work with this week - Blackberry Bliss, Tip Top Taupe and Rich Razzleberry.  Are these not lovely colours?  I thoroughly enjoyed putting my card together using them.

Hehehe I'm having a love affair with Birthday Blooms - lucky I don't post all that I make because I think the last 15 odd cards I've put together have been using this pretty stamp set.

I heat embossed the bloom in white and water coloured with the three challenge colours - as much as I love colouring I'm the first to admit I'm not nearly as good at it as I'd like to be.  I do love the leaves coloured in TTT though, don't you?  I added Very Vanilla as my neutral, and a few gold embellies.

If you're a fan of these colours why not pop over to JAI, check out the design team inspiration and play along with the challenge?  We really love visiting your blogs and seeing all the different creativity we crazy crafters share.

There has been some excitement in our house this week.  The Mister and I each bought new cars and got to pick them up Monday and Thursday respectively - the kids have been more thrilled than us!  Other news from me, and I wasn't sure if I was going to share here or not....I've been learning to run.  I've always enjoyed walking, but most days I find it really difficult to find the time sooooo I decided on a compromise....running.  It takes a lot less time and most importantly I'm loving it.  I drag my butt out of bed really early (no mean feat for me) three mornings a week and off I go with music pushing me along.  Fortunately I live close to a lovely big pond so I run around it which gives me about 4kms from home and back (did I mention I live on a hill - it's a killer on my way home).  I'll work my way up to a few more km's in time....

We have a three day weekend to look forward to here in Canberra, woohoo.  I'm hoping we get some gardening chores done but there are a few social activities planned as well.  I'm off to watch my first roller derby game tomorrow afternoon.  Looking forward to that!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Just Add Ink #251 - Just Add Thank You

Hello lovely crafty friends ~

Yay there's a brand new challenge over at Just Add Ink and this week we want you to add 'thank you' to your cards and projects.  I went with a super CAS card this week (lol what's new) but used a technique I rather enjoy - inlaid die cutting.  While I had bits all over my desk I actually made a few for my stash - here are just two.

Lost Lagoon, Pear Pizzazz and Pool Party - thanks to my Colour Coach!

Wisteria Wonder, Soft Sky, Sahara Sand and Pink Pirouette - the remainder of the sentiment is on the inside of the card - I appreciate you.  Loving those enamel dots!  There is actually quite a bit of shimmer on each card, but my photography has made it look totally dodgy :(

Short and sweet from me today unfortunately, it's been a super crazy busy fortnight.  Hopefully things will start to settle again next week.  Phew!

Ooooh nearly forgot to mention that I'm off to the Canberra SU! Party Time Event being held tomorrow - I'm so looking forward to hanging out with some of my favourite people.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Just Add Ink #236 - Just Add Inspiration

I'm loving that it's Friday again ~

The first week back at school is done and dusted - gosh time passes quickly at this time of the year. Before I know it Christmas will be here - right along with the rush and madness that goes with it!

There's a brand new challenge over at Just Add Ink today, and we have a lovely inspiration pic for you this week, suggested by Nikki.


The design team have all come up with such different, and absolutely gorgeous projects this week. Be sure to check them all out here.

I went for the obvious as I hadn't yet had a play with this lovely Perfect Peacock image. What fun!  I used a combination of Blendabilities and Copics, as I don't yet have the Night of Navy Blendies. Stamped on Whisper White card stock and mounted on Night of Navy and Coastal Cabana there really wasn't much more to it as the Peacock takes centre stage.  I have added some sparkle with Wink of Stella to the tail feathers, however, it's not really showing in the photo :(

Do join the challenge fun this week and link your own fabulous creation up!

Enjoy your weekend.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Just Add Ink #207 - Just Add a Sketch

Happy Friday bloggy friends ~

I had a huge, and really special day yesterday.  Delicious lunch with fabulous company and a lovely view, followed by a Max Brenner dessert - can you say yuuuuumm?!  Then a couple of hours enjoying a massage and facial, followed by dinner out with different, yet just as fabulous company.  What a day. Thank you to all my beautiful family and friends.  I'm very blessed to have you in my life.

I'm here to share the latest Just Add Ink challenge with you today.  Kim gave us a lovely sketch to play with this week.

I pulled out the retired Tea For Two dsp - such pretty colours.  Base is Island Indigo and because I used a mat of Very Vanilla c/s I inked my doily in Vanilla (non SU) as well - I do love matchy matchy. That doily got a liberal and very glittery spray of Shimmer Mist too.  I finished the Tag Topper punched piece with VV seam binding and a little II twine.

I knew this card was going in the post so I've kept it fairly flat with only the doily and sentiment raised slightly.  Less bulk means less damage in transit.  One hopes!

Pop over to JAI and check out the other design team creations for this week.  Be sure to link your entry up so we can visit you, as we do enjoy that.

I'm off to a fancy dress 'milestone' birthday party on Saturday night.  The theme is 80's or 90's - I'm guessing the shoulder pads, big hair and purple eye shadow are going to make an appearance - eeeek! I won't be posting pics lol.

Thanks for visiting today, enjoy your weekend - hope you have fun plans!

Friday, January 18, 2013

JAI #149 - Big Shot Blog Hop

Yay it's Friday ~

The Just Add Ink design team have a special treat for you today.  We're kicking the new year off with a Big Shot blog hop.  Woo hoo!

You will have hopped here from Jodene's blog.  There are 12 stops on our blog hop, and it's set up in a loop so it doesn't matter where you start.  All you need to do to follow along is click on the JAI blog hop button at the end of each post and you'll be taken to the next stop!  If you get stuck just head over to the JAI blog to find all the links.

I've created a shaker card using my big shot to cut all the necessary 'frames' required for this type of card.   I used a combination of Framelits and Nestabilities, and even my flower embellishment has been die cut on the big shot.  My colour combination is Raspberry Ripple, Pink Pirouette and Whisper White.

If you'd like any further info on my card please shout out and I'll be happy to help.  Thanks for stopping by today.  Now click on the button below to visit Kim's super cool creation!

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Hello crafty friends ~

I know it's highly unusual for me to pop in randomly on the weekend but I've had this card sitting for over a week now undelivered and thought I may as well share.  Many of the cards I put together don't even make it to my blog.  I'm not disciplined enough to photograph them all.  Shame on me.

A couple of weeks ago my neighbour's (adult) son helped me cut a few tree limbs and clear some bushes, and then he took all the waste away too!  How lucky was I?  I wanted to let him know how much I appreciated his help so grabbed a gift from the liquor store and put this little card together.  I really struggle with masculine cards and I didn't want it too tizzy because I don't really know his tastes.

I copied CASEd this card by Michelle over at the Card Grotto - love her CAS style.  How easy is that?  A few scraps of 'brights' dsp and voila, the perfect male card!

I hope you're all having a lovely weekend.  Cool here in Canberra but we've had blue skies.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Addicted to Stamps Bingo Addict Challenge #1

Good Wednesday morning lovely friends ~

There's a new challenge over at Addicted to Stamps today!  This week it's a Bingo card...I chose the line Flowers, Free and Stamp.

I've used a base of Very Vanilla c/s, layering some Crumb Cake and the same two designer papers - then I sewed two rounds of 'wonky stitching' as my free choice in this challenge.  On top of the gorgeous Pumpkin Pie satin ribbon I've layered one of the Framelits, that I've stamped and sponged.  I finished my card with some little paper rosettes and a touch of bling.  To be really honest I'm still not actually sure I like this card.  I thought it might grow on me...

So why don't you join the challenge fun and choose whichever line you want to use?  Head on over to Addicted to Stamps to check out the Bingo card for yourself and see what the rest of the talented design team have provided for your inspiration.

Thanks for stopping by today.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Remaining Contents of Gift Package

Hello ~

It's turned a little chilly here in Canberra this afternoon. Once the sun starts going down you can really feel Autumn is here. Time to dig out my socks and slippers.

I'm just popping in quickly to show you the remaining cards from this post. I forgot to mention that the Crumb Cake layer on each of the cards has been stamped with Versamark using the (retired) Linen BG stamp.

Cherry Cobbler

Daffodil Delight with a Tangerine Tango sentiment (because DD didn't show up so well on the linen background)

Not Quite Navy

So there you go, all six cards from my gift package. Hope you like. Thanks for popping by today and as always thank you so much for taking the time to leave me such lovely comments - they really do make my day!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Just Add...Tearing, Ripping, Distressing #79

Happy happy Friday friends ~

This weeks Just Add Ink challenge was just that for me, a challenge. Most of you know I don't really do the tearing, ripping, distressed type of card called for this week. I think you'll agree I kept it to a minimum.

I pulled out my copics for this one. I saw these two images from Growing Green on a card of Teneale William's some time back and just loved what she did with it. I've sprayed my pink flower with Champagne Shimmer Mist, however, you can't really see the shine in the pic.

My cardstock colours are Pretty in Pink and Certainly Celery. Do go check out the design team inspiration over at JAI and I'm sure you'll be inspired to join in the challenge this week.

Hope you've got some fun weekend activities planned. I'm looking forward to a little cyber crafting with BFF and taking Gorgeous Kid ice skating again! Enjoy whatever you get up to!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Spotlight Thanks

Hi lovely friends ~

Another day off, how fabulous has this extra long weekend been! Great weather here in Canberra too, despite it cooling down. I do love the sunny blue skies we get here even during the freezing cold of Winter - not that we're close to that kind of cold yet.

I made this little 'thank you' card the other night for an email friend at work - we haven't met in person but she's been super helpful to me over recent months and she's such a hard worker that I'm sure she'll be quite thrilled to receive something in the mail.

I was completely inspired by this card that the ever so talented Danielle Daws made earlier this year.

I'm not sure I've even used the Birthday Bakery set to date. I think it's perfect for the 'Spotlighting' technique though. My card base is Naturals Ivory and I've used a little Love Letter dsp - too totally easy. The little cakes are coloured with a blender pen and I added Crystal Effects and some Dazzling Diamonds for sparkle to an otherwise CAS card.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bella Rose Catty Cover CASE

Hi & happy Thursday ~

Does this card look familiar? It should ... it's on the cover of our current Idea Book & Catalogue (IBC).

I've heard of many many people looking to the IBC for ideas and inspiration, particularly when the mojo takes a break. I think this is the first time I've ever CASEd the IBC and it was pretty fun really. This is the first time I've made a 'patchwork' Top Note card too - THE perfect way to use all the little scraps you have lying around.

I won't note all the details down, however, if you have any questions please email me and I'll be happy to answer them.

Have a terrific day!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Poppy Parade & Punches

Happy hump day ~

Don't you just love when you get to the middle of the week and know you're on the downhill slide to the weekend? I figure the hardest part of the day is over once you get out of bed ... I love love love my bed and find it extremely difficult to leave every single morning.

Today I'm showing you a really quick card I CASEd from the ever talented Mary Fish over at Stampin' Pretty. It's so totally simple, using the Top Note die and a handful of punches. Couldn't resist a little bling to go with it *wink*.

I'm on a bit of a roll, been posting daily all week, so impressed with myself lol. Let's see how long it lasts though huh.

Enjoy your day!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Just Add...Colour Combo - JAI#40

Good Friday morning ~

We have a Colour Challenge over at Just Add Ink this week. Now as a Design Team member it is my obligation to create original work, however, I have to let you all know that this isn't an original idea of mine. I saw it, or something similar some months ago and for the life of me have no idea where - one of those browsing and stumbling across different things kind of times. I have had next to no time this week and panicked slightly at the thought of coming up with something good - I'm sure you can all relate to that :o)

I've used the Elements of Style & Curly Cute stamp sets - both new for me this week, the Little Leaves die and I tried my hand at the Fancy Flower Extra Large punch rose - Tania has a fabulous tutorial with lots of pics! Colours of course are Sahara Sand, Bashful Blue, Blushing Bride and Pear Pizzazz, I added a tiny bit of Whisper White too.

Go check out the JAI design team creations and play along with us.

Monday, August 9, 2010

A Few Bits and Pieces

The title says it all ... I have a few things to show you but nothing very much to write about just now. These have been piling up whilst the weather has been dull. I decided to photograph in one hit today, but they're still not great. I really seriously need to learn how to take a decent photo, or at the very least figure out a really good spot for taking them. Luckily BFF is coming down to visit in a couple of weeks, I'm sure she'll be able to give me some tips and tricks.

I made the first card above to accompany this little tote bag gift.

I saw this super CAS card on a US blog and it was really slack of me not to note it down and give credit to the person who created it - I have basically straight CASed her card because I really liked the simplicity of it. The image is coloured with copic markers. I made this card to accompany this little gift set.

These two little Lindt chocolate bars have been dressed up in a slider that I found measurements for on Petronela's Keepstamping Blog. It's a nice way to dress up a chocolate gift.

This tucked away box from PTI has lots of lollies inside. It's over dressed because it's going to a couple of little girls and I know they'll love the extra butterflies and tags and bits. Actually now that I look you can't even see the butterflies sitting on top lol.

I've got a couple of happy mail pics to show you too but I'll save those for another day soon.