Monday, November 8, 2010

What we're reading:

Because I forget about books like I forget about Baby milestones, I am going to start posting the girls' current favorites.

Lili: The Enchanted Forest Chronicles and D'Aulaire's Book of Greek Myths I am SO happy she is loving D'Aulaires. This book was a favorite of mine and my brothers' and I think that it is so helpful for anyone pursuing an education with an emphasis on the classics. I must admit, however, that her butchering of the pronunciation of all the Greek names is hilarious.

Audrey: The Princess and the Goblin. C.S. Lewis is one of my top favorite authors, and he gives George MacDonald a lot of credit for his influence. I am reading this for the first time as we read it together, but Audrey loves it and always is begging for an extra chapter. Some of the chapters are very easy for her to follow, but others need a good bit of paraphrasing and explanation. Lili has been eavesdropping on us with interest on more than one occasion, so maybe she'll read it next.

Kateri : Where the Wild things Are. I guess Kateri's posts are not going to be too interesting, since she just loves reading the same books over and over again, but that is a two year old for you.

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