Monday, November 22, 2010

Audrey my animal lover...

Yesterday we drove out to Mesa for brunch with Nona and some friends who happen to have a big beautiful property with horses and dogs. I think Audrey thought she had died and gone to heaven.
Lili was pretty happy, too.

What little girl doesn't love horses, right?

It was a treat for everyone, but Audrey especially. She has always had an affinity for animals. Lili loves them too, but Lili has always been first and foremost a baby lover. If there is a baby in the vicinity, then chances are she will try to steal it from its parents. If that fails and she can't actually hold said baby, she will violate the baby's personal space by talking/bouncing as close to the baby as she can while the parents slowly inch backwards.

Audrey is similarly obsessed whenever there is an animal nearby. So she was in heaven on Sunday.

There was only one moment when her gigantic smile faded: Lili, being older and more capable, got to use a bridle and ride without an adult leading the horse. When Audrey saw this, her face dropped and she walked slowly back to a corner to quietly wrestle with some jealous tears... sometimes it's hard being the younger sister.

Anyway, the experience made me think back on how Audrey has always loved animals so much, even as a baby when she had such a strong bond to our dear departed Sam.

She used to crawl over to him and use him to pull to stand.

I'm sure her little fingers pinched, but he always patiently stood firm.

Oh, Sam...there will never be another dog like you...
but I better stop digressing before I start weeping uncontrollably.

I love the fact that Audrey is a born animal lover. Hopefully we can have animals as part of our family again sometime in the future, but for now, we'll just have to enjoy moments like these as they come.

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