Thursday, October 18, 2012

Things I Won't Miss

We got the keys to our new house yesterday, and in honor of that, here is a list of things I won't miss about our current house.

  • the icky, supposedly cream colored apartment carpet
  • the washer/drying being in the garage
  • the individual heaters in each room that can't be programmed and make the room either too hot or let it get too cold
  • the giant ant bed outside near the kitchen window that draws ants in by the car load any time there is even a trace of food left on the counter
  • the cupboard door that interferes with the bathroom door
  • the sharp, rusty metal posts inside the dishwasher 
  • manually opening/closing the garage door
  • electrical outlets that aren't tight enough to keep things plugged in
  • screens that fall off the windows/doors and windows that don't lock
  • the frequency of the trains, the noise of the trains, and the rumble of the trains


Brenda said...

I'm so excited for you! Yay for the new house!

Kat said...

Yeah for leaving all that behind! Getting so close now. :)