Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trunk or Treating

Amelia was so excited to go Trick-or-Treating . . . even though she'd never been before.  
 Sophia wasn't so sure she liked Trunk or Treating.
 I managed to get a sort of smile . . . I think that was when Daddy showed up.
 The girls don't look too excited, but Ken and I were excited because it actually stopped raining long enough for our Trunk or Treating.
 Amelia was so excited by her stash of candy.  Now if I can just stash some of it somewhere . . . and figure out some way to make her forget about it by the morning. 
All in all, a successful evening . . . and this coming from someone who doesn't really enjoy Halloween.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Sophia

Our baby turned one on Friday and we celebrated at Grandpa's house on Saturday.  Sophia knew just what to do with her cupcake.  First, take out the candle.
 Second, play with the frosting.
 And third, crumble it all up, eat it, then rub your hands together . . . all done . . . and not too messy either - way to go, Sophia!
Happy Birthday, Sophia!  We love you!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pumpkins & Pie

Last night, Ken and the girls carved a few of our pumpkins.  Sophia seemed to enjoy it even though she didn't know what she was doing.
Amelia, as always, was a big helper - scooping out the seeds and taking the lid off and on.
While they were carving pumpkins, I made an apple pie, with a face of it's own.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Sophia loves to eat and gets mad if I don't feed her enough.  I finally got brave enough to let her feed herself (for most foods) and she LOVES it.  And if I take her clothes off, I don't mind it too much either (food mess is a big issue for me, which is why I've waited this long to let her try to eat on her own).
This video is kind of boring - only the kind of video that grandparents will enjoy ;)
 Such a happy girl . . . and not too dirty . . . relatively.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Things I Won't Miss

We got the keys to our new house yesterday, and in honor of that, here is a list of things I won't miss about our current house.

  • the icky, supposedly cream colored apartment carpet
  • the washer/drying being in the garage
  • the individual heaters in each room that can't be programmed and make the room either too hot or let it get too cold
  • the giant ant bed outside near the kitchen window that draws ants in by the car load any time there is even a trace of food left on the counter
  • the cupboard door that interferes with the bathroom door
  • the sharp, rusty metal posts inside the dishwasher 
  • manually opening/closing the garage door
  • electrical outlets that aren't tight enough to keep things plugged in
  • screens that fall off the windows/doors and windows that don't lock
  • the frequency of the trains, the noise of the trains, and the rumble of the trains

Monday, October 15, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Ken had today off, so we headed to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins for Halloween.  It's been rainy and gloomy for a few days, but this morning was perfect weather for picking out pumpkins.  Amelia is excited for Halloween this year and loves pointing out pumpkins wherever we are, so she thought it was great fun to pick out her own pumpkin.  Sophia and I picked out ours pretty quickly . . . 
but it took longer for Amelia to find the pumpkin that was just right (all the ones Ken and I pointed out to her where "too big").  Amelia's pumpkin is the smallest one, and Ken's is the biggest.  Sophia and I think ours is "just right".
At the pumpkin patch, they also had pigs and chickens.  Amelia liked looking at the pigs.
Sophia wasn't so sure about the pigs.
And we all ended with smiles. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Our Techno Kids

Don't mind the poor quality picture or the fact that Amelia is in the high chair instead of Sophia . . . but rather, notice that they're both playing with a phone and seem to know (or look like they know) what they're doing.  Some day I'm sure our girls are going to be teaching us how to use "those new fangled contraptions".

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Today Amelia had a melt down in the store because I wanted her to try on a jacket.

Tonight when I asked her to show the jacket to Daddy, she was so excited about the jacket she wouldn't take it off and wore it to bed.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Overwhelmed & Under Energized

  • We want to put wood floors and granite countertops in our new house, but we're overwhelmed with the choices:  real wood vs engineered wood, granite vs quartz, and then there all the color possibilities.  We're hoping to get it all installed before we move in, but at the rate we're going, I'm not so sure that's going to happen.
  • Sophia started walking a week and a half ago.  She still prefers crawling to walking, but every day she gets a bit better at it.
  • My goal was to pack at least one box every day, starting on Oct. 1.  So far, I'm 2 boxes behind.
  • As most children, Amelia loves carbs - bread, pasta, crackers, etc.  But her quirk - she likes eating the bread and bagels frozen.
  • Amelia and Sophia have both had sleeping issues in the last few weeks, which leaves me totally sleep deprived, with very little energy to do much of anything.  Hopefully at least one of the girls will get it together soon so that I can start getting things done.
  • Amelia has finally been talking more in sentences . . . only her sentence structure isn't right.  Most often, the verb is at the end of the sentence, like she's talking in Spanish.
  • I keep thinking this is going to be an easy move since we're only moving 1/2 mile away . . . but that may mean more procrastination and less de-cluttering.