Monday, February 8, 2016

2015 What a year....

There is noway to really catch up when you have missed a whole year. Here is my attempt and I will write month by month and then just add pictures later.

January... This year we brought in the New Year by using our season passes and going to Magic Mountain. We then went to Brandy and Andrew's in Valencia. We went home early and hung out at the Russell's for a little bit. At the Russell's our sweet Summer decided to throw up everywhere. What a way to bring in the new year!  January was a month of daddy going to school, Mommy working at Costco and Summer getting more and more independent. We did multiple beach trips and Magic Mountain trips.

February...In 2015 I turned the BIG 30... Crazy to think. Derek planned a trip to Vegas. Grandma Robin watched Summer while Derek and I had the opportunity to stay in a hotel and enjoy the weekend for ourselves. This is the first time Derek has done this so it was a big deal to me. I absolutely loved every minute. We went to the hotel, got ready and then went to the strip. We went to dinner and saw the Blue Man Group. We paid 55.00 for tickets which was the cheapest and upon getting there we got upgraded to the first row. It was super fun. The only problem was they said we wouldn't get anything on us and I left covered in banana pudding. Derek then took me to Tiffany's and bought me my first piece of jewerly from there. We spent the rest of the weekend golfing and hanging out with family. It was a great birthday.

March...March was a great month. We were given free tickets to the PGA Tournament in Santa Monica. It was so nice to spend the day in beautiful So Cal watching golf. Derek received a job interview in March that landed him a job at San Jacinto High . We had many things to figure out before the school year started in August. It was truly amazing that Derek got one interview and landed the job in the area that we were hoping to live. What a blessing. In March we did our Spring Break trip to AZ and had so much fun. We love going out there to see all of our friends and some baseball.

April... In Late March/ Early April I went to the doctors to figure out why Derek and I had been trying for a year to get pregnant and couldn't. The doctor found a large mass about the size of a cantaloupe in my right ovary. The thing they kept telling me was this "we don't feel it is cancer because of your age, but we do feel it is cancer."

May... The whole month of April and May was doctors appointment after doctors appointment. There were test after test, but the one thing that never happened was answers or surgery dates. I was Camp director for the Lancaster Ward so the whole time I was worried that I wouldn't be able to fulfill my call as camp director.

June...In June they finally decided my surgery date to be July 2nd. They also found out that I was 8 weeks pregnant. I was absolutely devastated because if I did have cancer they told me that they would take the baby and all reproductive parts and that I would never have a birth child again. I couldn't believe that Heavenly Father would let me get pregnant right before having to go through this major surgery. Even though these times were very tough we were extremely blessed with amazing doctors to lead and guide us. One of the great blessings of June 2015 was that Derek finished school completely and already had a job lined up so that we could have the time together to worry about these medical problems and relax about everything else. In June I also had the blessing of going to Girl's Cap and I can't even tell you how much I love this calling and the spirit that it brings to my life. It is seriously one of the greatest callings I have ever had and I hope that me being there is a blessing to the girls.

July.... July 2nd, 2015 was a very scary day for us. Even though it was super scary I wasn't all that scared. Derek had given me a blessing that things would work out how they were supposed to. As we drove down for surgery one of the many things said was that he didn't know if I had cancer or not, he didn't know if we would get to keep this baby or if we would ever have a birth child again, but the one thing he did feel strongly in his heart was that I wasn't going to die. I think that my husband sharing this with me gave me a lot of comfort and strength to go a head and deal with whatever lied ahead of us. My surgery was supposed to be a 2 hour surgery unless I had cancer. If I had cancer it would turn into a four hour surgery. It took the doctor 4 1/2 hours to come out and talk to Derek. Her first words were "I am sorry" and Derek was scared. She then went on to tell Derek that she was sorry it took over 4 hours. She said that they were able to take out the mass and save the baby and that the mass according to the test already run were 70% cancer free but they would have to wait 3 days for the other labs to make sure I was 100% cancer free and in the clear. We waited those 3 days and found out that I indeed was cancer free and pregnant still with our second child. It was truly a blessing to have such an amazing outcome when so many other things could have happened. The rest of July was spent being sick from being pregnant and getting ready to move from my parent's house in Lancaster to where we wanted to live in Beaumont, Ca. One of the hardest parts of these weeks following the surgery was that they took out my right ovary during the surgery and it had all of my pregnancy hormones in it so i had to take artificial hormones till I was 12 weeks pregnant and those hormones made me so sick. Luckily I was off work for 6 weeks because of the surgery.

August... August was a very eventful month and started a very hard 6 months for us. We looked and looked and looked for an apartment to live in out in Beaumont for at least 6 months and we couldn't find a thing. So we started house hunting which made me very scared, but with interest rates and housing prices down it seemed like the best thing to do. We kept looking for a house somewhere inbetween1900 and 2000 square feet for $280,000.00. We kept looking in a specific ward we wanted to live in. We also really liked a certain housing track called Sundance. As we looked and looked and looked we started making offers and we would always end up being the backup offer. On a Friday we found a house in a different ward but same area. The house was 2300 square feet and going for 280,000.00. We had to go out and look at the house in order to make an offer. We called our realtor friday night, looked at it Saturday and made the offer Saturday night. Sunday morning our offer was accepted and the next 30 days was us planning our move. I still have a hard time believing that we have a house. Not only do we have a house but we have a house that is bigger and nicer than we could have ever imagined getting. I joke with Derek that it was Heavenly Father's will that we be in the Oak Valley ward instead of the Beaumont Ward because we kept making offers on houses in the Beaumont Ward and nothing but the first offer we put on a house in the Oak Valley Ward was accepted. As we prepared for our move the Sunday before our move my dad wasn't feeling well and stayed home from church. He called my mom crying and saying that he couldn't move. He then went to the hospital ad we found out that my dad had a gull stone block his system up and he had extremely bad pancreatitis.

September...October...November... I put these three months all together because to me they are all a complete blur together. In September my dad fought for his life the whole month. It got so bad that he was on a ventilator and he was going to die in days is what one doctor said. Then another doctor came in because we fought for a second opinion and she said no he wasn't going to die we just had to see what was wrong exactly with him. He eventual got of the