Thursday, June 21, 2012

The past year has been such a whirlwind!  Since having Jentry, Jex finished his Master's, we bought and moved into a house, Jex started his PhD and taught and tutored at Scottsdale Community College, I transferred to a different floor at work, and this summer Jex has been teaching summer school.  Also, Jex was called to be the ward clerk, and I have been working in the library on an "as available" basis.  Since my work schedule is so crazy, I am only expected to do what I can, which has been nice.  Little Miss Jentry has been crawling like crazy and getting into EVERYTHING!  She pulls herself up and walks along furniture, and is finally getting her two bottom teeth!  Although this may have been the busiest and most tiring year of our lives so far, we wouldn't have it any other way.  We are so in love with our baby girl, and cherish all the time we have with her.  On Memorial Day our good friend Mandy took some family pics for us, and Jentry actually smiled for some of them.  She is a very smiley baby, until you ask her to be.  She is very strong willed and stubborn; definitely her Father's daughter!

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