Monday, October 31, 2011

Pumpkin Patch with Piglet

After work on Saturday Derek and I went out to Cafe Rio (our favorite) and right down the street is this cute little pumpkin patch. I wanted to take pictures there last year and never got around to it so this year I made sure that we just stopped n to take pictures. Our friends Eric, Alexis, and their little man Oliver met us there and we took pictures. Oliver was a piglet because his grandpa is a pig farmer! Super cute!

Monday, October 24, 2011

One week till the lab.

In exactly one week from today it is officially the start of the holiday season with....Halloween. I am very excited about Halloween this year. We have some plans but we will see how they go after I get my schedule from work today. The super exciting thing about next Monday is... I will be starting in the photo lab at Costco! For the past 4 months I have been working in the baker at night by myself. So I bake bread and wrap it. Write on cakes for customers and clean everything. Every night it is the same routine and I am all by myself. For those of you who know me I am very much a people person so I have gone crazy back there not being able to talk or have interaction with anyone except when a customer wants something. Plus it is a super hard job, especially the cleaning. I probably clean on average 200 pans a night and now that has gone up to about 300 or 400 a night because of the holidays and all of the pies we are ALREADY making!

I am just so excited to get into a field that I love again. I hope that moving into the photo lab I will be able to give better customer service and feel like I am doing a better job every night. I am so excited. I can't wait to get the new guy training so halloween day I can be in the lab!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Responsibilities of being an adult.

Between Monday night and today Derek and I have had them tested.... and then researched tires out a ton. I have never had to buy tires. I know 26 yrs old and Derek and I have both never bought new tires, I have realized we were both very spoiled.

As a teenager if I ever had car problems I would call my dad and he would tell me to met him somewhere and he would fix the problem. Derek would always call his dad and his dad would tell him to go to the shop and he would pay for it.

Well now that we are married this is the first big car purchase we have had to make. And we hated it! $420.00 for tires....that is crazy to me. It covered the 82.00 per tire price. The $16.00 installation, and the $2.00 price per tire to throw away the old tires.

Crazy, but the good thing is as much as we travel from Mesa to Lancaster these new tires should last a long time.

I guess this is what it is like to be on your own, even though I did call my dad often to ask him if a certain tire was good or not. I have to say I am truly grateful for the simple road that both Derek and I had in high school because of the hard work our parents did for us. I only hope someday I can offer the same for my children.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Flat tire = Grateful????

Yesterday was a hard day for both Derek and I, but at the same time a great day once we got through it....

We will start with Derek....

Derek is at his midterm period. He had a 12 page paper due at midnight last night and has 6 page paper due tonight. After yesterday of working his bum off to get the paper done he was beat. It was midnight and he has worked 3 straight days on this paper (excluding Sunday, because he doesn't do school work on Sundays) and barely got it done by the dead line. But he finished it and felt pretty good about the paper, so he was happy.

I have had an extremely busy and hard weekend working in the bakery. To the point that I just have wanted to give up. I don't enjoy the bakery... being there at night by myself to decorate cakes, bake bread, clean, and help all of the customers. It is very overwhelming to do it by yourself. Plus this weekend they were demoing bread so I had to make twice, if not three times as much bread then usual!
Last night I got called into the Assistant Managers office at around 8pm. He asked me if I knew why I was in there and I told him "Hopefully because I got the photo lab job!?!" and he said yes! It is official I start in the photo lab at Costco as soon as I get replaced in the bakery, which should be no more then two weeks! I am so excited!!!!!! Oh what a great ending to a not so good weekend.

So I came home and Derek finished and right after midnight we were on our way to get our Filiberto's burritos for dinner as our celebration. I have been dieting and so I made sure to have enough Calories left for a good, probably fattening burrito. As we were pulling out of our apartment Derek rolled down the windows and I told him to listen. Yep something sounded off. I went outside to find a flat tire!!!

We were both so sad and angry because the lighting is terrible in our complex so we didn't want to change the tire and that meant no burritos for us.

Last night I was sad and angry over the whole thing. This is actually the second time this exact experience has happened. Going to Filibertos late at night and a flat tire before we leave the complex.

This morning I got up and was on my way to Walmart to see if they could fix the tire (which of course it can't be fixed) and I realized how grateful I was for this experience. The flat tire happened in our complex, not while we were driving to and from California last weekend. It happened the night before my day off and the morning that Derek doesn't have school. So we had plenty of time to wake up and change the spare in no hurry.

And most of all their is a little piece inside of me (problem the piece that watches NCIS) that thought..."You know Filiberto's is in a terrible part of town. Yes it is only a block away from our house, but the parking lot that it is in often scares me during the day. Maybe it was a good thing we didn't go there last night at midnight!"

I know we make choices for ourselves and whatever is meant to happen is supposed to happen. But this morning I was overly grateful for our flat tire experience!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Parent's 30th wedding Anniversary!

This weekend we had a surprise 30th wedding anniversary party for my parents. It was a surprise for my mom, but not my dad since we needed the extra help planning seeing as I live in Arizona and couldn't do anything till I got out there on Friday, a day before the party. On Friday Derek and I drove to Cali and got there around 3pm. I hung out with my family that evening and Derek hung out with his. It was funny because my mom came into the living rooma nd asked my dad why there was bags of ice in the freezer. My dad said "just because" and my mom didn't ask why. I figured she knew about the party, but when she left Saturday morning for Morgan's bowling she had a not so cute shirt on. If my mom would have known she totally would have had a nice outfit on.

My parents showed up and drove into the back yard where everyone was and we all shouted "Surprise" and my mother was so confused! You see she is the party planner so she couldn't figure out why there was a party that she hadn't planned.

The party was so much fun. Just old friends and families getting together and hanging out!  I loved it. It was such a good day, not to mention the weather was amazing. Both Derek and I got a pretty good sunburn!

Saturday night we relaxed and went to dinner with the missionaries. Then Sunday we went to church and then drove home. It was such a short wonderful trip! It made me love my family even more and I am so grateful for the great example that my parents have set for me. I am grateful for the love that they share and have for 30 years! I truly have been blessed with goodly parents!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Just us four...

Tonight was a wonderful night at my parents. Derek and I drove into Lancaster today. We got here and got busy. I did hair, while Derek played baseball with the little girls. As the night went on Derek went to hang out with his family and we ate dinner. After dinner the girls went to bed and Shauna went to bed as well, leaving us four. I can't remember the last time my mom, dad, Sam, and I just sat there and talked. It was good, and what a great way to start the weekend, with just a little conversation between the three people I grew up being around everyday, my family. It was nice to take a step back in time and slow the busy life down and just talk. What a great night.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Yesterday Derek and I went out to lunch. I tell you I love going to a nice sit down place to eat with Derek just for the good conversation. We started talking and got into some deep conversation about our future, our past, and our present! It was stuff that of course we talk about everyday, but this time it was different.

We talked more about the reality of our life rather then the "what if". And some of the stuff  said I don't think was the nicest, but it was really how we felt.

As Derek was driving me to work right after lunch I told him I was sorry if some of the stuff said was mean or unsupportive  to which he replied "You understand me."

He then gave me examples of what he meant by that and it was like in a movie. For a minute my whole world stopped just to hear my husband tell me that I understand him.

It made me feel so good knowing that so far in our 3 years of marriage we are still on the same page, and that is all that matters to me. I feel like as long as we are on the same page then the world, and our families, will just have to accept the life we live!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

No leftovers

So I make a meal for four, and it is gone. I make a meal for 5, and it is gone..... We never have leftovers. Tonight I decided to make a nice dinner with multiple sides  so that I can have leftovers to take to work tomorrow. As we ate dinner Derek asked me if I was going to have anymore and I told him no not tonight. He got his next serving and sat down to eat it. I walked into the kitchen to find that our 5 person meal was gone except a little of the main dish.

I took a tupperware right away and just as I was spooning it in the tupperware Derek walked into the kitchen as asked me what I was doing. I told him I wanted it for lunch tomorrow and told him if he was still hungry dessert was in the fridge.

He then told me..."No one has ever done that to me before." He then went on to explain that that was the first time he has ever not finished off the meal.

We discussed how much trouble we are going to be in if we have boys someday with Derek's appetite! Because Derek by himself can eat a four person meal!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sleeping Problems...

Derek and I sleep on a California King size bed. My parents bought our bed for our wedding present and we love it! I have never been a cuddle person in bed just simple because I like to be cool (temperature wise) when I sleep. Derek once gave me a hard time about it, but then we both realized we like our space when we sleep.

The last couple of months I have had a hard time sleeping. I figured it was because I was drinking too much before bed and just have to get up to go to the bathroom. Then after going to the bathroom it takes me a little while to fall back to sleep.

It has been a rough couple of months. One night Derek finally confessed and told me...  every time he climbs into bed at 2 or 3am after working on homework, he wakes me up and I get up (thinking he is asleep) and go to the bathroom! I had no clue that this was the reason I was having sleepless nights!

Ok so Derek and I try now to go to bed at the same time to avoid this problem. Well, about a week ago Derek elbowed me in the face in the middle of the night. I woke up to being elbowed in the face, seriously!  Have you ever woken up by this..... pretty annoying and I wanted to wake him up and tell him what he did, but just decided it would be best to tell him in the morning. Then early this week I woke up to Derek poking me in the eye! OK SERIOUSLY!!!! He poked me in one eye and then the other. So I pushed him and tried to wake him up and he just moaned and rolled over.... once again I felt it wasn't worth it to wake him up since my first attempt didn't woke.

Then last night once again in the middle of the night I woke up because I got an elbow to the face! I have no clue what is going on in Derek's dreams, but it needs to stop because he is totally beating me up at night!

I told him that I am going to start video taping us sleeping so I can see what exactly is going on! He has been golfing a lot lately maybe he is golfing and hits me in the face during his dream swing!