Showing posts with label fondant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fondant. Show all posts

Monday, October 28, 2013

Happy Birthday Kids - Baked Donuts and Fondant Hello Kitty Cupcakes

My nieces birthday all fall in the month of September. So I made something for the goodie bags for their birthday party in school.

These are mini baked donuts with different toppings.

I packed them in these cute cookie bags. So girlish, I hope the boys didn't mind. :P

I did something more challenging for my elder niece after a few practices with fondant.

These few fondant hello kitty topping took me like 2 hours to complete.

Then I bake the cupcakes on the actual day of the party. And put the toppings on. It was very fun to play with fondant actually!

I'm taking a holiday break to Hong Kong this week. Hope to share some photos when I am back. Meanwhile, drop by my facebook as I update there more often. Cheers! :)

Friday, August 09, 2013

Fondant Fun: Minions, King pigs and National Day

See. I finally start playing with fondant after so much procrastination. A waste-money expensive hobby. Haha! I haven't got the right tools as I only have a few cutters and a few types of colourings. So far, I have made with fondant 3 times. I'm going to record down them in my blog although they look really weird and many flaws as I am still very unskilled and clumsy with my hands and fingers. Don't laugh at my work. :)

Fondant #1: The very hot minions now. I thought they look really weird at first. But the more I see, the more I like. Haha!

Fondant #2: The King Pigs 3D style. Not easy to do 3D fondant. Plus I am not good at doing art and creativity stuffs.

Fondant #3: A set of National Day Cupcakes. Can't do the stars as I don't have such a small star cutter.

The reason I said it is waste-money because I don't know what to do with the fondants I created. So waste to throw away my work. Keep also no use. Maybe next time I give or sell away cheap. Haha!

Happy National Day to all Singaporeans! 
Peace and Prosperity for Singapore!