Tuesday, September 25, 2007

More about being married

I figured that last blog was getting to long, so I thought I would start a new one. So we got back from our honeymoon on September 9th, and ever since then we have just been working alot and trying to get our apt. organized. We are living in Sugarhouse behind Westminister College. Its a good area and we like the new ward, even though its really small. Its kindoff funny because our new ward is called "The Bryan Ward", which I thought was cool since that is my husbands name. The basement apt. we live in is really small but we just figure this place is only temporary and we hope to get a house in a year or so. I will also be on the hunt to get a new job around next year sometime. I love my job now and have been there for almost 5 years, but I need to get better hours and pay so that we can start saving for a house.We have a kitten named Smokey(as you can see in the pictures) and he is alot of fun. He keeps us very entertained! He is really hyper and curious, so he makes us laugh alot. Marriage is good and I am really enjoying it. I hope everybody else is doing well and I hope to keep in touch! :)

Married and settling down!

Hey everybody! Sorry it has been so long since I have posted a blog! I was able to post more often when I lived with my parents, but now that I don't live with them it doesn't happen very often because we do not have the internet at our apt. But we are hoping to eventually! I was married almost a month ago!! I can't believe how fast time really flies. We were married in the slc temple and had a great reception up at Rice Eccles Stadium Tower. Brian and I were suppose to be honeymooning in the Mexican Riviera but because of hurricane warnings they had to alter the cruise and change our ports. So instead we went to Catalina Island, California, San Diego, California, and Ensenada Mexico. It wasn't quite as fun as it would have been to go to Cabo San Lucas but we made the best of it. We did alot of shopping and ate out, and we got to go to Seaworld which was fun. Brian spotted Gene Simmons from the KISS band there, I guess he has a show and he was filming there that day. Brian is a big fan of him so he asked if he could get his picture taken with him and he said yes. So that was fun for Brian! I also found a twenty dollar bill laying on the ground, so I snatched that right up! I figure if you turned it in then somebody else would end up getting it so I figured it was lawfully mine! :) That just doesn't happen everyday because usually people don't drop twenties and if they do somebody is prone to find it fast, but nobody had so I got some souveniers with it!!

Monday, August 20, 2007


I need some pointers on how to alter my blogger page and make it better. I don't think I know how exactly how to spice it up so if anybody is willing to help me out I would appreciate it! Thanks!

9 more days till the big day!!

I decided it was time to post a blog again. I have just been really busy doing last minute wedding things! I can't believe that it is only 9 days till I am married. I never thought the day would come, and here is it creeping up on me! I really really excited to be married, but also somewhat nervous. I think its the kindoff nervous you get when you start your first day of jr.high or high school, because you don't know what to fully expect, and you don't know what will happen. I know marriage will be great, but I just worry about finances and getting a new job(eventually..I'm procrastinating), and just how it will be to live with just my husband when I have lived at home my whole life..sadly. It just worked out that way because I went to colleges that were all close enough to live at home, and as much as I wanted to move out with roomates, I knew it would be more logical to stay at home and save money. So even moving is a huge transition for me since the only move I have ever made was when I was three years old, and it was about 20 feet! :) So I don't really know what it feels like to be away from the family and to be on my own, and depend on myself and my spouse for everything. So its going to be a fun adventure for me! :) I really love that we started this blogger(as I have probably said a thousand times), because it truly inspires me to be a better person and to look forward to having my own family by looking at all of yours. I have teared up at times just looking at the love that you have for your children and how cute your families are. I am excited to look forward to having kids one day! Well I better get to bed, but If I don't see some of you at the bridal shower(which will probably be Allie since shes in Texas, and Emily since she has her sister in laws wedding) then I will hopefully see you at my wedding reception on the 30th! I love you all and thanks for your friendship! I hope all is well for everybody! And Congrats on being pregnant again Emily!! That is awesome! :)

Monday, August 6, 2007

I'm an Aunt now!

Hey everybody! I feel like my blogs are so sparatic and that I only write when there are big events going on in my life. And this is another one of those times! I am an aunt! My second oldest brother and his wife just had their first baby on July 30th(a day after Brians bday), and they had a beautiful baby boy named Tyler Carson! He is so small, only 7 lbs and hes really cute! It has been fun to spoil him so far. I am also on the count down to getting married. I can't believe its almost here, just 23 days left! I wish that everybody could be there, but I know some of you are out of state and won't be able to make it. :( I love reading all of your profiles and watching your kids grow up through blogger. You all have beautiful families! Love you all! :)

Saturday, July 14, 2007


I thought I would blog today on my birthday since I have mixed feelings about today. I'm excited to go celebrate my birthday, but I am not very excited that I am now 26 years old! The one main reason I was dreading turning 26 is because they drop you off your parents insurance, so you are on your own. Luckily because I am getting married I will have insurance soon but we will have to wait for it to kick in after we are married so I had to get on a special insurance plan for the time being and it is not cheap. :( I'm also dreading being 26 because I am starting to feel old! Most people don't see 26 as being old, but that just means I am getting that much closer to being 30 and I guess I am just not ready for that. I just miss being young and not having all of these responsibilities that I have now. As you get older it just seems like life gets more complicated and you just keep getting more responsibilities which isn't such a bad thing but it can just be stressful! So thats my venting about being 26! :) Today should be fun though! My friend is taking me to Olive Garden for lunch, and then tonight I am going with Brian and 14 of our friends to skybox grill for dinner, and then we will go see "License to Wed". So It should be alot of fun. Then tomorrow my family is throwing a party for me and Brian since his birthday is on the 29th of this month! So this weekend should be alot of fun! I will try and get some pictures tonight and post them soon!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

On this lovely sunday

I got home from church and was browsing through some profiles on here and realized that I haven't posted a blog in a few days so I figured I should today. I am so glad that it is Sunday because this past week was so busy. I got my wedding dress picked out and I had to go in and meet with the seamstress yesterday so figure out what alterations I will need on my dress. There aren't too many things that need to be done, but she said it would take six hours of work so its going to be 150 dollars! I know thats not much, but when you add that on top of a 700 dollar dress it starts to add up. Lets just say I am already over my budget, so my mom is about ready to kill me! :( But she is being nice about it, she understands that weddings are expensive! We also got the tuxs picked out that Brian and the dads and his best man will be wearing. It still seems surreal to me that I am engaged! I almost just feel like I am planning a wedding for somebody else, and it still hasn't hit me that it is my own.I can't believe that Andrea has already been married for over 2 months, where does the time go?I'm also taking my last class for my bachelors degree so that is just one more thing that I am doing right now along with work and the wedding planning. Well this is all I am going to post for now! I really enjoy reading others blogs and seeing what is going on in their lives! Hope you all have a great sabbath day!