Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Married and settling down!

Hey everybody! Sorry it has been so long since I have posted a blog! I was able to post more often when I lived with my parents, but now that I don't live with them it doesn't happen very often because we do not have the internet at our apt. But we are hoping to eventually! I was married almost a month ago!! I can't believe how fast time really flies. We were married in the slc temple and had a great reception up at Rice Eccles Stadium Tower. Brian and I were suppose to be honeymooning in the Mexican Riviera but because of hurricane warnings they had to alter the cruise and change our ports. So instead we went to Catalina Island, California, San Diego, California, and Ensenada Mexico. It wasn't quite as fun as it would have been to go to Cabo San Lucas but we made the best of it. We did alot of shopping and ate out, and we got to go to Seaworld which was fun. Brian spotted Gene Simmons from the KISS band there, I guess he has a show and he was filming there that day. Brian is a big fan of him so he asked if he could get his picture taken with him and he said yes. So that was fun for Brian! I also found a twenty dollar bill laying on the ground, so I snatched that right up! I figure if you turned it in then somebody else would end up getting it so I figured it was lawfully mine! :) That just doesn't happen everyday because usually people don't drop twenties and if they do somebody is prone to find it fast, but nobody had so I got some souveniers with it!!


Andrea Griggs said...

Jessica-Hi!! It's good to hear from you, you married woman!! Wow, that's crazy they had to change your cruise because of hurricans-I'm glad you were safe. That's so cool you saw Gene Simmons-I love his show! Let's see the picture! :)!

cherilyn said...

that's where we went on our mexican cruise too, it was still fun though, that's good. did you get seasick? glad you put a blog post!