Saturday, July 14, 2007


I thought I would blog today on my birthday since I have mixed feelings about today. I'm excited to go celebrate my birthday, but I am not very excited that I am now 26 years old! The one main reason I was dreading turning 26 is because they drop you off your parents insurance, so you are on your own. Luckily because I am getting married I will have insurance soon but we will have to wait for it to kick in after we are married so I had to get on a special insurance plan for the time being and it is not cheap. :( I'm also dreading being 26 because I am starting to feel old! Most people don't see 26 as being old, but that just means I am getting that much closer to being 30 and I guess I am just not ready for that. I just miss being young and not having all of these responsibilities that I have now. As you get older it just seems like life gets more complicated and you just keep getting more responsibilities which isn't such a bad thing but it can just be stressful! So thats my venting about being 26! :) Today should be fun though! My friend is taking me to Olive Garden for lunch, and then tonight I am going with Brian and 14 of our friends to skybox grill for dinner, and then we will go see "License to Wed". So It should be alot of fun. Then tomorrow my family is throwing a party for me and Brian since his birthday is on the 29th of this month! So this weekend should be alot of fun! I will try and get some pictures tonight and post them soon!

1 comment:

cherilyn said...

Hope you had a good weekend, I can't wait to see the pics.
In a few years when you look back on this birthday, 26 won't seem old at all. So we should enjoy it while we can, we're still in our 20's and that's great! :)