December 4, 2010

Kire's 5!

My little buddy turned 5 yesterday! Kire is awesome. He is so quirky and strange. Yes, I get mad when he won't eat food because it's "ugly" but OCD can be a nice trait to have. He is very organized and takes great care of everything. He will fold all of the clothes in his drawers and line up his toys and things neatly. He even yells at Erik when he tries to eat food on the couch. We are a lot alike. I'm so grateful for him. He makes me laugh everyday and is a great big brother.
Right now he loves cowboys so he wanted a cowboy party. We played lasso the horse, shoot the indian, pin the tail on the donkey, and had a pinata. We got him a leapster system so he can play games and I found some sweet leather boots at Savers for $3. He got a pillow pet, clothes and lots of toys, mostly guns from friends ( he got 4 guns, I guess they know him pretty well).
Guitar cake


Yvonne [Tried and Tasty] said...

Cute party! I remember your post last year about the fun stuff he got to do for his birthday and that cool race thing you set up for him and his friends. You all looked really cute - happy birthday to Kire,

hoLLY said...

Way cute party! I can't believe he is five!

Patty said...

Austin had a great time. But then again, who wouldn't! Cute pics,

lindseyfrancom said...

Looks like a blastin' party! You seem to throw the best ones!

Happy Birthday Kire! We wish we could live closer so that we could celebrate with you!