Showing posts with label idiocy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label idiocy. Show all posts

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Historic governor's home demolished

(ENMN) ... Despite months of public pleading to save the former home of Gov. Washington Ellsworth Lindsey, workers began tearing it down about 8 a.m., clouds of dust enveloping the heavy equipment on the cool, cloudy morning. Within the hour, only rubble remained. Continued

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Unfathomable pinheadery: Railroad history erased in Melrose

Anything interesting to see in Melrose? Not anymore.

(Eastern New Mexico News) One of Melrose's longest-standing buildings is no more. The Melrose train depot was demolished on Wednesday. The building, constructed in 1907, was owned by the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company, which informed the village last year of its intent to clear the structure. "It was a year or two ago that they let us know they would be doing that, and we discussed it in several council meetings," Village Clerk Khira Whitehead said. Continued

" ... records do not show that Melrose pursued a historic listing for the depot."

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Windmills to be auctioned

(ENMN) PORTALES - While the collection of windmills at the Roosevelt County Fairgrounds is an eye-catching sight, maintaining them has become an increasing burden on the county over the past few years.
The Roosevelt County Board of Commissioners took action during their regular meeting Tuesday morning to allow for a public auction to dispose of 45 of the 70 windmills from the fairground's collection. Continued