lundi 31 mars 2008

Oh, S#&*!

(*Snow. That word up there is "snow".)

S#&* is pretty much everywhere. Then...

It got sunny! The snow melted, and then at about 5:30,
this started:

It's snowing again.
(Picture courtesy of Josh.)
Go ahead. Bring ON the Snow. We don't care.
We just got addicted to Lost

and that's like 47+ thousand hours of t.v. viewing that we've gotta do before we do anything else.
The Buck's are not going to be very social for a while.

3 commentaires:

Benjamin a dit…

I Love Lost..

cbuck a dit…

looks like someone else pointed out your implied naughty word. thank you for clarifying. i'm still going to accuse you of swearing, tho.

Hazen5 a dit…

Kendal, How are you? I just found you on Celia's blog! So, how is the family? We need to catch up!! Love, Rachel