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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Audrey. Afficher tous les articles

vendredi 2 janvier 2009

From: Audrey 


Dear Family & Friends,

I am writing to you because I have discovered a wonderful opportunity for an experience that is bound to change my life. I am requesting your support for a humanitarian aid project organized by Alliance for Youth Service (AYS).

I want to help for a number of reasons. Foremost, the service project our group will be working on will be to tackle the health and hygiene issue in Fiji by installing flush sewer systems and allowing for the basic hygiene necessity of a simple toilet in villager’s homes. I will be working right along side the people of this village in helping them better their lives. Currently, most of the villagers possess pit toilets which create many hygiene-related health issues and provide a very unsanitary environment. The organization I have chosen to help, AYS, works to organize LDS oriented service expeditions for youth. This summer AYS is working with Peter Lee, a church volunteer who works for the Church Welfare department in Fiji and the surrounding islands. He is helping to organize a group of volunteers to build these additions in Fiji, and I hope to be one of them. The Fijian people are surrounded by poverty with over a quarter of the population living below the basic needs poverty line. 
You can visit the Alliance for Youth Service website at to find out more about the program, see pictures of past expeditions to other countries, and read what previous participants have said about the experience.

This is not a luxury trip, I will be working hard, but I am excited about the opportunity to share my time, talent and energy with others by helping the people there. I also expect to learn a lot about myself and Fijian culture and people as I work alongside them.

The cost of participating in the AYS 16-day program, which includes travel, food, lodging, transportation and building materials, is $2495.00. I am working hard to raise this money through a variety of projects. Since all volunteers are responsible for covering their own expenses, I would be grateful for any donation you can make. My average cost will be about $155 per day. Please consider sponsoring a half day, a day, or more. Checks should be payable to Alliance for Youth Service and sent to me at the address below.

It seems we’d all like to help those less fortunate than ourselves, but we often don’t know how. You can help sponsor me, while at the same time, help villagers receive the much needed medical attention they deserve. Any amount is appreciated and every donation makes a difference. If you choose to lend your support, you’ll be pleased to know that AYS is an all-volunteer organization so 100% of your contribution goes directly to aid this project. AYS is also an IRS 501(c)(3) organization so your gift is tax deductible. Checks should be made out to AYS and mailed to me. Should you have any questions about this volunteer humanitarian program, please call me at (425)844-9814. Your support, as well as that of your friends who might be interested in endorsing my endeavor, would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to sharing this extraordinary experience with you when I return.

Thank you in advance for your support,

Yours truly,


P.S. So far I have earned about $30. I have to make an $800 down payment by Feb. 1st, so any donations you could make as soon as possible would go a long way! And if you have any jobs that I could help you out with please let me know! Thanks!

jeudi 23 octobre 2008

If a young man desires to go on a date with Audrey, he'll need to make an appointment. Audrey's weekend schedule is pretty much booked. Also, in this picture, that is a wreath on the door, not a flower hat or some sort of headress.
I know it is FALL and that is a SPRING wreath, I'm not oblivious, it's just that some creature in our garage ate the berries off of our fall wreath so I need to deal with that funny business and fix it or get a new wreath. Wait till you see our halloween decor when it's all up! Prepare to be jealous and amazed!

jeudi 18 septembre 2008

The Countdown Ends Today.

Audrey is 16.
Audrey is officially available to date. Group date.

All potential young men must fill out the following application before permission is given to date our daughter:

Birth date ____________
Height____ Weight_____

Driver's License # ________
Boy Scout Rank & Badges______________________________________________

Home address_________
Do you have parents? yes__ no__
Is one male and the other female? yes__ no__
If No, explain:

  1. Do you own or have access to a van? yes__ no__
  2. A water bed? yes__ no__
  3. A tattoo? yes__ no__
  4. Do you have any piercings? yes__ no__
If you answered "yes" to any of the last 4 questions, discontinue application and leave premises immediately. I suggest running.

In 50 words or less, what does "late" mean to you?

In 50 words or less, what does "don't touch my daughter" mean to you?

In 50 words or less, what does "abstinence" mean to you?

What do you want to do IF you grow up?

When I meet a girl, the thing I always notice about her first is:


mom's signature_______________

dad's signature________________

pastor/priest/bishop signature _____________
*Thank you for your interest, and it had better be genuine and non-sexual. Please allow 4-6 years for processing.

To prepare yourself, start studying
Daddy's Rules for Dating
  1. If you pull into my driveway and honk you'd better be delivering a package, because you're sure not picking anything up.
  2. You do not touch my daughter in front of me. You may glance at her, so long as you do not peer at anything below her neck. If you cannot keep your eyes or your hands off my daughter, I will remove them.
  3. Do not lie to me. On issues relating to my daughter, I am the all-knowing, merciless god of your universe. If I ask you where you are going and with whom, you have one chance to tell me the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I have a shotgun, a shovel, and five acres behind the house.
(Whoever wrote this material, well done. Someone emailed this "dating application" to me. I cut a lot of it out though because I have ADD super bad and didn't want to type it all.)

Audrey's Dad:

dimanche 14 septembre 2008

Sweet 16!
Saturday we celebrated Audrey's 16th Birthday.

The theme was "Value Village Formal".
Thrift Store formal, in other words.
"Best Dressed" guests.

The D.J. was hot! The music was amazing.

Nick, Brent & Preston

There was a lot of dancing.

Poor kids, I made them pose for a group pic.
Count how many guests were there. A lot!

Audrey, Olivia, Kristen & Clara.
Where else can you proudly wear those sparkley beaded gowns?

Guests left messages on a frame.

Danced some more.

Wish you were there, it was awesome!
Click here for a taste of the fun:

Most creative gift:

Dating Survival Kit- including hand sanitizer in case there is hand holding.

Thank you to everyone that helped make this night such a success.

Can you find Bro. Collinwood?

Thank you everyone, and Audrey we love you but this growing up thing has got to stop.

vendredi 22 août 2008


This weeks movie theme.

"The Story of My Life"
by Kendal & Audrey

See also "Josh's Ice Cream Spill".

Fresh from the camera. We just made it this morning.

mardi 5 août 2008

Day at the DMV

A comedian a long time ago said something like this: "This is what life is: you're born, you go to school, you wait in line at the DMV, go to college, wait in line at the DMV, get married, wait in line at the DMV, then die."
Today we spent so long at the DMV getting Audrey's drivers permit.
Now- I'm done talking about the DMV.

But this SWEET GIRL, who has been giving me this look everyday:

Says it's time to practice driving.

All I see is this face:

"Trust me Mom. You know I'm responsible."
I know. I know.
This is when I start to get grey hair.

dimanche 3 août 2008

Great to be 8!

Yesterday, Josh was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

2006: Nicholas

2002: Preston

2000: Audrey

We are proud of you and know that true happiness comes through obedience to the commandments and adhering to the counsel of our living prophet.

mardi 29 juillet 2008

The Great Fall
A short film by Audrey
Movie theme: DANGEROUS

Beware of the stairs!  They are DANGEROUS!  Intense action footage of a young teen who travels down a flight of stairs.  Does she make it alive?  Find out in, The Great Fall.

lundi 14 juillet 2008

"Rock Solid"
2008 Redmond Stake Youth Trek

Preston's Family:

Audrey's family:

mardi 1 juillet 2008

Audrey and Preston are back from Trek! Audrey's face is BURNT.

Yesterday Preston was wondering why the men were passing the sacrament instead of the deacons. He was thinking that the deacon's weren't allowed to pass this week because their fingernails were so dirty from trek.

Yesterday we went to a beach with Michal and cousins. We all got BURNT. I even got burned and I am the Queen of the Shade and was so confident of that fact that I didn't use sunscreen. Today my burn is itchy.

This is not the actual beach we went to. I forgot to bring my camera. The actual beach we went to was kinda gravelly, there weren't clouds, there weren't any palm trees and there were people everywhere.

jeudi 26 juin 2008

Oh, My Darlin's!

Auds & Preston left this morning for a 3 day pioneer trek. I'm so glad it's you guys going and not me. Ha ha, wait what?

mardi 17 juin 2008

That Was Then...

You were on the D-Rays.
You were the only girl on the team.

You would often get hit with the pitches.
The mom's said it's because you were cute and the pitcher's would get nervous pitching to you.

Fastpitch Softball Superstar!
Redwolves fastpitch softball superstar finishing the 2008 season brilliantly.
You didn't get hurt once, as far as I know.
Well done, my JV supergirl.

Next year I will bring a camera so I won't have to photoshop you on a random softball image search picture.

jeudi 29 mai 2008


Don't you miss this?
I do.
Let me know and I'll carry you around sometime.

vendredi 23 mai 2008

1 End of Year Seminary Party

4 XL pizzas

3 boys in 1 tree

+ 1 nosey neighbor =

1 cop visit

21 Yoda shirts

19 kids

3 cars

Later that night...

3 rounds

30 clues

20 high-five's

19 Victorious Scripture Masters

1st Place in the Stake

1 casualty