Showing posts with label Hobbes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hobbes. Show all posts

Sunday, January 13, 2008

My 3rd Pump of The Week

It has been so long since I've done more than two BP in a week. During the "early days" of my gym, I used to do BP on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and "extreme" weights train during my PT time. It was then that I had increased about 20% of all those weights I carried.

Doing class on Saturday has always been like a daze for me because of the less than 24 hours rest from Friday's workout and going straight from bed to gym, still half asleep. Now my exercise routine is not so crazy I'd say. When I first joined gym, I used to wake up early on Saturday for a 9.30am free-style step at LM, then go over to SPK for another round of BS and BJ. Too crazy already? I was desperate to lose weight at that time! Besides, it was all about "economic of scale" - My average cost per class those days was like RM4.50.

One of my new year resolutions is to increase BP classes, because since job change, I've only been able to manage an average of one BP per week. Humph... Found out that it's really no point because there is no result at all and not to mention ineffective strength maintenance.

So, yesterday was my usual (and 3rd of the week!) BP at LM with Hobbes. (Hobbes challenged us to increase 1kg throughout, as our new year resolution. Hmmm... no response from the floor. :p)

What track did we do? I can't remember all, but now I'm nursing muscle ache on my back. When we reached squat track, Hobbes said he needed to work hard in order to burn off that half box of cupcakes from Thursday (half box = 8 mini pieces, not so bad lah). Me on the other hand, worse, needed to burn off my "deadly" breakfast - NASI LEMAK!!! Yiakssss... more damaging ya?

Chest track was push up, same like Monday. The best part of this track for me is when we can shout out "I donno what I'm doing" (what am I doing torturing myself?!). Coming to back track, since it's back to old tracks again, I knew it's going to be nothing less then having a 6 clean and presses, or 4 in a row of clean and presses, or 7 deadrows etc etc... It was the 6 clean and presses WITH the 7 deadrows. Ouchh... back muscle ache.

I find that triceps is the track that I'm able to manage most "improvements". Managed to do a fuller range, didn't skip any repetition and felt my triceps strength increased. This tricep track reminds me of Queer Eye for The Straight Guy TV show (did I get the name of the show correct?). Luckily we didn't do Eye of The Tiger for biceps (which we did on Wednesday! and I THINK will be tomorrow...). Biceps is my most feared track, never been able to finish without skipping a few reps. Although it was a very lively song which we would really like to sing a long while reminded me that I do need a Car Wash in reality as well, it's very tough! Especially the quarter-quarter-half part.

I'd always love doing Hobbes class as he never fail to torture us. Haha... and Hobbes is a great company besides being a very good instructor, so am okay with no gym buddy. The one thing is, we are never able to "laugh" at him for mistakes in cueing. Hieee...

Holiday Classes

I think, I really can't do BJ. Or, I can only keep it as holiday class to do ocassionally only. Can feel my knee throbing with pain when doing squat today.

Went to Axis on Thursday for my holiday gym regime. I seldom have the chance to join FI's class, so thought it would be good to join one (excluded BA in my plan becuase that cause pain to my knees too, besides, wanted to do BB with Hobbes, which clashes with BA).

Walked passed FI before class and my greeting to him was "早神" (good morning) at 2.00pm. And I must have looked like a sleepy head too since FI's reply was "重未昏醒啊?" (not awake yet?).

I was thrilled to see PiC there, already dripping in sweat when I saw her, just after RPM. We went to BB together and the class was packed, sardine type packed with all the regular supporters. Was my first time in the Mind and Body studio and my first impression of the newly renovated studio was, cool, but so stuffy? Feels like a hot BB and everyone was dripping in big sweat before the end of warm up!

Hobbes started the class with flowing Tai Chi moves, looking very cool and extremely good looking. But, he too was soaked in sweat in no time, trying very hard to keep the sweat away from his sights while still not failing in challenging all of us in some torturing poses (club ran out of towel that morning, poor thing). I had to say, it's much easier getting into the poses when my body was so warm, I was able to do my downward dog with a perfect inverted-V in the first round. Hobbes' BB was really good, with him looking so graceful in all the movements, I was really inspired! Quite a different feel from BP but as torturing as it can be!

BJ... could be better if my planned BJ buddy was there... even PiC had to go. I might have had Hobbes and gang as BJ buddies, but I stood at the wrong side of the class, having only FI as my "company" (yeah, Hobbes joined the class too, and he really has the grooves).

FI and his trademark blur-ness never fail to entertain the class, adding on to that would be his usual drama, looking very "sexy" and "hot". Haha... But "blur-ness" aside, FI's cueing has always been very good and movements are very easy to follow. I am really quite bad in BJ, only barely manage the new tracks but luckily there were some familiar old tracks - the jungle track as well. Though feeling a bit bored since no company, but I could always breeze through whenever it's FI's class, no sweat (literally no sweat since the main studio in contrast was well air-conditioned). The finale was an extremely "drama", I will always love you track. Whoopss... I think I was not suppose to tell.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Something to sweeten up your day...

Eat up darling, you are far far away from being fat. Besides, like you said, you can afford to eat. :)

Sunday, December 30, 2007

My last pump class

Hobbes was spotted with lighter weights for squat and back tracks because he'd hurt his back. Get well soon dear. Though, I'm not really sure if the reason was because you got off the wrong side of the bed, you ought to be careful not to over-exert when working out kay...

Doing at least two pump classes in a week is definitely better in terms of maintaining strength. I found myself managed better yesterday, having done a pump class earlier the week on Monday. The class is nothing new. I suppose we were all glad that from next week onwards we'll not need to be doing the new release, especially the shoulder track!

Time passes really fast. It's year end again... That was my last pump class of the year at LM yesterday. I've been doing this pump class for a year now due to change of gym schedule for new routine after change of job. There are certain changes which I am glad but there are also a lot of changes which I rather had not happened. Most of all, I hope I'll still have all my best friends close around me in the coming year.

Sender: TTB
December 30, 2007

Jus wan t tel u tat seeing u is definitely loads of warmth ;). It's year end tmr, hope all yr targets hav been achieved. Otw may yr remaining goals b achieved b4 end of tmr:)

Sender: SB
December 30, 2007

Sory f late reply. Mmm if u tel me face t face think al my dreams wil come true. But 2bad u didn :(. Mayb part of it but not al. Still not a millionaire yet ;)

Sender: TTB
December 30, 2007

Tel u wat? ALL those i've typed? Millionaire a? I oso wan leh. We must hav realistic dreams lah. Otw how to come true?

Sender: SB
December 30, 2007

It's ok lah. Forget bout wat i text earlier. Bit blur think its time I mars. Millionair realistic wat, just need luck wen havin a few bucks of lottery in hand :D

Sender: TTB
December 30, 2007

?? Is ter somethin u r not tellin me? U've made 1 of my dreams come true by being a fren. Thx w loads of love. Muah :-*Anyways, i'l try donation instead of lottery ;)