Showing posts with label Gym. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gym. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pushing the limits

Picture heading looking more like I wanted to blog about "taking a break" instead of limits and challenges. Haha...

Okay, I finally moved on from "my current life" to a new post. Got a comment from MC asking for new post and only when I signed in that I realized I haven't blogged for more than a week. I was so busy...

It all started with putting on weights, and I finally MUST put a stop to whatever that caused that. First of all, of course all the not so healthy eating. The ever so convenient instant noodles when one is busy. Since I am vegetarian, I am mainly on egg-y and carbo food. To top it up, I am a lover of creamy stuff.

So I had stopped the instant noodle bit, I have been replacing one of my meals with fruit juices last week, no more creamer/ milk in my coffee, no ice cream for the whole week, had more vege, tofu and cut down on carbo...

I was also that crazy till I was considering PT, but of course it is a bit too expensive (as it always had been) and it is not my priority now. However, one of my conversation with ex-PT had made me realize that perhaps my 1 hour per gym visit workout is not enough. He suggested that if I were to take up PT of sorts, I should be having 2 hour sessions. Geeezzz... how tough is that?!

Anyhow, I decided to push my limits and started doing 2 classes, and increased the weights I carry in pump class again. (Although I remember telling Carebear that I will be doing lighter weights "forever").

So it was like this:

Mon - RPM & Pump
Weds - Pump & cardio machine
Fri - almost balance but free weights & RPM challenge
Sun - Combat & RPM

It was tiring, but actually I made it! And I almost "died" but didn't, in back track increasing the weights back to 7.5kg. Extra 5kg for lunges and back to 5kg for triceps and 3.5kg for biceps. I actually can if I endure the pain. I think I needed the extra bit of push towards my metabolism rate. It worked, got 1kg off last week. Haven't measure for this week but bad start of the week lah actually. Not to mention the hi-tea on Saturday!

But it was MC and BIL's birthday celebration, so it was worth the 1kg :)

Today, I actually worked (on project) for more than 15 hours. Started work at 9pm and finished my last email at midnight. So tired but imagine how much I've got done just in one day!

I wonder if I will achieve better results in the other areas if I push the limits...

I think not, and better not try. In some topics, results appear to be better sometimes if you leave things alone, like wine...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Everything but that...

We met at Old Town today instead, for a change from the green apron place because I find it impossible to log on to my hotmail most of the time at Starbucks

I overslept this morning.

Okay, technically speaking, there was nothing to oversleep over because I didn't have to go to work, and I didn't miss any appointments. It was just me not waking up at the time that I planned the night before. Can I blame it on working late the night before? I have been sleeping later lately, and I am afraid that if that becomes a habit, I will have even tougher time falling asleep.

Having said that I overslept, I think I've achieved all planned "goals" today... I went to, though hesitated, EPF this morning even though at almost noon time. I knew that EPF has been very efficient these few years, but I didn't expect it to be that smooth today. I had gotten my forms and attachments checked and by the time I enter the hall to submit the actual application, they were already calling my number. And the counter in question calling my number was far end, so I practically had to run to the counter the moment I stepped into the hall. And the officer was super friendly, besides being super efficient of course, and actually complimented my complexion and when I told her that it was foundation, she said I must be an expert in applying makeup. I know, a bit not true, but hey, a gal can be happy with any compliments :).

After that was a stop at baking supply shop, got me some luster and petal dust for some future orders and also for my cake decoration competition. And I was early to lunch with LGM. But the wifi service kept me entertained while waiting, and I actually managed to reply some emails for work. After lunch, I made a mental note that I must go back to that place for the roasted pork loin with wine sauce! :) That one hour lunch was too short when there were so much to talk about with LGM.

Got the supplies that I needed from another supply shop after lunch and was early to tea "date" with MFG. I was telling LGM about my meeting up with MFG and that he is one of the persons who can really entertain my tai-tai schedule. It is actually quite a perfect arrangement if we were dating.


I know, a sigh escaped LGM too when I mentioned that...

Finished drinks, and I had to go, a peck on the cheek as goodbye kiss, but I actually hope I could stay all night. Sigh...

I left by 6pm to go for a 7pm RPM class and MFG stayed on for his dinner appointment. Not that I was crazy about RPM class, but I wanted to beat the rush hour traffic and also needed to pass Lady N in pink the brownies and a belated birthday present for Little Bro, so there I was at TC. There were some guest instructor for RPM today from Indonesia and Singapore. Frankly, I cannot engage with their style of instructing and the song selections. I still like my usual RPM instructors by faaaar :)

Bumped into Carebear after my shower, if I knew you were going to be there, I'd kept you some brownies. But most probably you won't enjoy it, MFG feedback to say that it's too sweet even for him. ("even" for him? hmm) Anyways, lets arrange for an evening hangout one of these days ya...

Pet shop, tao pao dinner, supermarket (to get my beloved MC the pork sausages that she had planned for tomorrow's dinner but had forgotten to buy) followed after gym and work until now. I was on MSN with MFG just now, not only he's the perfect tea-date, he's also great support for work.

Sigh... yet again.

But he didn't say the usual good night tonight though before he went offline...

Monday, April 5, 2010


Last week was a really hectic, but fruitful, week.

The time was actually very manageable but certain things just cannot be done too in advance, like the cakes for Saturday and Sunday can only be baked on Thursday (the rum and raisins on Wednesday since it will keep well with the liqueur). Though I can make the toppers in advance, the tennis court for instance, was only made last because I wasn't totally sure on the size. Actually, I also didn't have that much time during the weekday nights, that is if I still want to get a reasonably sufficient amount of sleep and get up early to go to gym. I was up on Friday night until 4 o'clock in the morning to complete the Saturday delivery; and the one delivered on Saturday evening was only completed just before 5.30pm. Rushed that out after I went out to send the other 2 orders at noon on Saturday itself.

But it's really rewarding, can't wait for the shop proper to start, and perhaps I can push this to like 10 fold? Or okay, 5 times maybe?

After one whole day of crazy schedule and madness, Saturday night dinner was relaxing. Went out to Gardens for Korean food with MC, BIL and Bebe. Sunday was a total relax day, first of all wanted to sleep - 10 hours, which still didn't feel quite enough. Went to gym, did a pump class which I tried to increase the weights I lift to see if the lack of energy during the previous classes was due to muscle not awake for 7am morning class... then went to late lunch with MC and BIL again, shopping... Back to home later to watch Avatar dvd and had home made sandwich dinner. Yumss...

As for Avatar, I like the movie effects a lot, the plants are simply beautiful! But I don't like the movie overall because too many people died in the movie. It's rather disturbing. Maybe I'll stick to cartoon, or movies like Transformers and Iron Man where only the bad guys will die.

So coming back to the pump class... this was what I did:

1) warm up: used 5kgs (my old time weights) instead of my recent 3.5kg. It was okay, but only because there weren't too many overhead presses. I find that I cannot manage overhead presses so well with that weight now.

2) Squat: changed from 10kgs to 8.5kg (used to be 10kgs) after some consideration, especially saw that instructor only used 10kgs haha. 8.5kgs was quite manageable, but I find that my shoulder was a bit strained carrying the barbell.

3) Chest: back to 5kgs. Was okay actually, but had to skip a few moves and towards the end I was doing baby singles already. Actually just like what I did the last time :p

4) Back: 6kgs (used to be 7.5kgs). Not too bad, but I really didn't think I could have managed any heavier than that - couldn't have managed the clean and press when lifting the bar overhead.

5) Triceps: back to 5kgs, and that's because there were really very little bar workout, mostly plate kick back.

6) Biceps: back to 3.5kgs... cannot manage many repetitions. But it's just like last time, I was never able to manage bicep curls anyways. I think I want to change this to 2.5kg only haha...

7) Lunges: no weights. During some days previously, I might actually carry a 5kg plate.

8) Shoulder: 2.5kg plate throughout, just like last time.

Let me try to "kill" myself in this coming Thursday morning class with my "usual" weights and see how it goes. Haha...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


LGM and LP were wondering if I am a fan of Colin is it? Or am I even a fan of RPM?

It does sound like I’ve became a fan of both recently. I’ve been attending that Monday class at The Curve for more than a month. And I’ve also been joining the Tuesday RPM. I was on my way to RPM last night when BO walked out from the earlier RPM class preparing to join combat upstairs. Told him I don’t want to do Master C’s combat anymore. Told PB the same before I came down.

Earlier the day, actually the night before, LGM said she would try to make it to RPM, or else pump. I saw LGM peeking into the RPM studio when we were like in track 7 or so. I saw her indicating “pump” and I shook my head frantically. Hey, I was about to die in that RPM standing climb, I don’t want any more workout!

Since I “must” catch up with LGM, I tried to look for her in the pump class upstairs. Yee… no LGM. Spoke to BO for a while and he asked whether the RPM class was good. Err… just how to you evaluate an RPM class and its instructor? For me, I join RPM class when I am anti-social, when I don’t want to share my little space with anyone else (though I can also achieve this in pump and step) and when I don’t have the concentration. I mean, even if I day dream in RPM class, I don’t think I will miss a move? Okay, I might miss the cue of tuning up the resistance, or I might still be paddling seated when everyone is doing the standing climb, but hey, that’s not going to make me look weird or out of place so much, will it? The other day there was this member who paddled backwards, a bit distracting; and there was this guy who kept paddling and paddling on his own speed and seated all the time… sometimes I feel that one can be in one’s own world in RPM class and still will not effect others much. Imagine if someone refuses to move in a combat class when you are supposed to, say, do an evasive side kick? Sure got kicked.

And how to judge whether the RPM instructor is good? Or whether talk too much, or motivating or not? Hmm… even accuracy of cueing, how to tell for RPM? However, I do feel that certain instructor will always cue for change of moves or resistance with the change of music or beat. Is that due to song selection or cueing? Beats me...

Today miraculously I managed to join the 6.30pm RPM class! Okay, so I was late, missed the first track but still I’ve joined the earlier class. Haven’t done this since 2 years ago or more. No joke. Spent some time waiting for class to start last night and was extremely bored, that’s why I decided I must try to make it to the earlier class today. Besides, I need to get home early so that I can get more sleep.

Lastly, it was great catch up with LGM and well done to her for joining the 7.00am BB. Morning classes are not something I can manage to motivate myself to join. Haha

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Whoopss... it happened again.

There were a few variations for the shoulder track for this new pump release. One of them is balancing on the bar, besides using the bench or simply doing push up on the floor. Though I was using the bar, I was wondering whether it would be better to hold the bar over or under thumb. I actually tried both, but while experimenting between those two options, whoops... I slipped because the bar got unbalance due to my movements. So, crack, and ouch. Got an injured shoulder. But, I actually managed to finish the shoulder track despite the injury. I guess the pain only kicks in overnight.

Fortunately, I did not plan for a hardcore workout week, there are lots of orders to deliver. So, I'll take this excuse to nurse my injury and rest my arms. :p

Yup, so I went to pump last night. It was Carebear & Co. Great fun and what a way to "win" the chance of teaching the next track - scissors, stone and cloth was a good idea. Hehe... Is the new release tough? As per Carebear, and can't agree more, it's all up to the weights you get yourself to carry. I was really tired last night, so was really really pushing hard for me to get through the class. In fact, I was already suffering when I was in combat before that.

I will not comment on the new release until I do another one with me feeling okay. Wookie, KG, BO, LP and LGM were there, I'm sure they had reviewed the new release already ;)

Meanwhile, stay tuned to MasterChef, she'll be announcing some good news soon :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm Zen

Woke up in the morning thinking I survived combat alright. Was really punching hard last night in Shades' class at LM. The class was great as I said, but too bad not "noisy" enough. Anyways, towards the evening, some muscle aches finally kicked in and I had a really tight shoulder and tired back, like I need a REALLY good stretch.

Carebear (are you still called this nickname?) said she will be launching balance at TC today. Perfect! And although MC was no where near Damansara, she was all interested to join the class too. So there we were balancing with utmost zen-ness. Haha...

The new release (not that I do balance much) enjoyable. Tough but not suffering long. Perhaps it was because of good company or I've advanced in my stamina! :p There were a lot of core strengthening, as promised and that track was tough. I couldn't even get myself to do full range, I even had to drop to my knees most of the time.

I like the mind and body studio at TC, very zen. Love the water dripping sound in the background, the candle light... but too bad, the mic actually spoilt the atmosphere. Also, it was a bit too cold in the studio for me.

Overall good, at least I'm a bit more zen now. I need to bake tomorrow, hope to show you some new cupcake toppers on Friday.

TD ordered a box of mini cupcakes for her RPM, I'm making her cupcakes slightly special since she's regular customer. Make sure you attend her class!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Unbelivable but true!

I was back at gym yesterday. Did a pump class before meeting up KG and Maple Orange (or are you Orange Maple? Oppss... sorry it's been a long time and I can't really remember). Maple Orange were feeling all sore from her RPM class and KG was not feeling well but still came to meet us. Thanks! I hope you are feeling better already. I realize I've not been really meeting up with friends lately, like this recent one year plus. Had life been THAT busy for me?

It was a great catch up session. You know how I feel now. I mean, not that I felt much about it actually. I guess we just need to know when it's time to move on and when we had to hold on to our goals. I hope this year is a better one too.

I had really unbelievable amount of muscle ache this morning when I woke up, the chest muscles being the most extreme. This is a result of skipping pump for erm... about three weeks. MC told me yesterday that she wants to join three classes at LM today - BB to start, follow by BP break for 2 hours and continue with BS.

I was really skeptical to tell you the truth. If you know MC, she's new to gym and workout. She seldom go through strenuous or plan for hardcore workout sessions. The most I remember her doing a BP and then half a BC.

Oh well. We went to the gym - woke up early for a 10.30am class (so we thought) was already quite unbelievable. Usually sleeping is more tempting. We were actually 10 minutes late when we arrived because we mistaken the class schedule. The class started at 10am but we were still granted the entrance to the class. So we missed the warm up and most part of the sun salutation. Still, it was quite torturous for me to support my upper body due to the soreness of all my upper body muscles.

We then successfully completed a pump class. Not all the tracks were difficult, so I survived but had to reduced my back track weights to only 6kg. It was nonetheless a great workout. I almost cannot open up my chest now. I've maintain the weights for squat and lunges, but can't feel my lower body aching yet. Shall see tomorrow.

Miraculously, even though MC felt like throwing up after pump and said she was dead, we joined combat! But we left the class after the 5th track. Not motivated to continue even though I've still have enough energy for perhaps two more classes (only the muscle pain was killing me). MC was also very exhausted.

But hey! We, in particular MC did quite well, VERY well in fact I'd to say. So unbelievable that she actually joined three classes (technically speaking), but it's true! Thumbs up for you gal!!! I hope we've the chance to do this again. Let's aim for three full classes the next time!

We had a good late lunch after the class and then hung out at Starbucks, shared one drink since we were actually very full. Just wanted to hang out a bit before heading home. Had a great sister day out today. :)

Monday, December 29, 2008

You Actually Gain When You Lose

Woke up early (earlier than the passed few days) today to make full use of the time for this one more day left of holiday (I know, I know, some of you are still on holiday). What do we always say? Holidays always seem so short, too short. So 5 days had whooshed passed and now feeling extremely lazy to get back to work. Looking forward to another day of public holiday. And no, I didn't take leave for coming Friday.

First thing first. Gym.

The last time I went to gym (for workout) was the Tuesday before last week. Bad right? And needless to say, you can imagine how I coped in this morning's pump class. I was already showing Carebear how much I was suffering (by sticking out my tongue) during warm up track. Yup, it was THAT bad. Cut down weights for squats (8.5kg), chest (5kg) and back (7kg) tracks.

It's the new release and don't ask me. I've no idea whether the new release is tough or not because walking up the stairs to the locker room alone, was tough.

The new release, I thought, has quite a lot of surprise elements. The triceps track for example, does not require the use of bar - just plates for kick backs and seated triceps presses. I find that very effective. In other words, ouch... my triceps muscles are in pain. Okay, not just the triceps muscles, the chest and my upper back and I'm sure I will discover more tomorrow.

The 4 clean and presses in a row is back so luckily I've reduced the weights I normally carry. Opss, I missed one clean and presses. Oh, now I remember, the biceps track was tough. I know I am not the best person to comment about biceps track since I actually dislike biceps tracks to start with, but 40 bottom halves? Though not all in a row, but still!!!

I hope I'm able to resume my normal weights before the end of the new release. So while I gain some muscle pains, I hope I will lose those weights I've gained during the passed few days. :p

After gym I debated whether to have lunch, or to get home and make myself a glass of fruit juice, and call that my lunch. Before I even left the mall, I decided that I was having one of my usual caffeine withdrawal symptoms. Haha... So headed to the green place for my caramel macchiato and chicken finger sandwich. We (MC, BIL and me) actually had developed a habit and had grew particular fond of the sandwich and this chocolate cake. We also discovered that the outlet at Gardens, inside Borders, to be one of our favorite for the cosiness and view.

Yeah, we were also there yesterday, at the one near our neighbourhood. Coffee and book, a perfect way to unwind and relax. Since I didn't bring my book today, I browsed one of the magazines provided. There were many write-ups related to year end and new year resolutions etc etc... this particular message from the editor was actually very interesting and I kind really felt for what she said.

For how many years have we been looking back during the end of the years and said, geezz... I've not achieved much. But instead of always looking back for what we've or we've not done, perhaps it's more productive to plan and look forward to the new year.

We often recall the things and people that we've lost but seldom realize what we gain WHEN we lose it. If we change our point of view just slightly, we will discover that we have gain so much more than we've lost over those several thousands days we've lived. And I do always believe that everything happen for a reason, and I would also like to stay positive all the time by believing that it's for a good reason.

Certain things and some people are just part of our lives but not part of the end of our stories. Though loosing is always painful and usually takes a lot of time to heal, we should also be grateful that they have been part of our stories weaving in many interesting episodes and beautiful memories. That's why we always hear people saying, enjoy the moments. That's about the few things we can control.

Later in the afternoon, I went over to girl-friend's to pay her little one a visit. The box of sweet little indulgence was a big hit among her elder two boys. And the baker was extremely delighted to get compliment from a 5 year old boy. Awww... so sweet, and isn't it true that kids don't lie? Haha...

A very beautiful family. Wish you all the best and may the new year brings you loads of laughter, joy and love.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Was it so obvious that I was rolling my eyes?

MC was eyeing me suspiciously throughout the whole class. I know I was frowning most of the time in the class and PROBABLY been rolling my eyes. Can't help it.

It was a strange song for warm up, I've never heard or done that track before. The strange thing was, the track ended with 2 biceps curls... Only 2 biceps curls in that warm up track. Hmm... okay. Perhaps the very old release before I join FF. Then followed by an unfamiliar squat track, which erm... movements didn't seem to gel with the song. I mean, normally when it's single time, or bottom half, the music will sort of aahh... give the up-beat feel right?

Okay. Chest track. Good. Not strange, no mistake. Not that I'm such a pump expert, but the fact that I just did Summer Rain last night, and that this track was FI's favorite track, I think I can kind of remember. Since I nearly died during the back track last night (okay, "died" is a bit too exaggerating. I should say "since my arms nearly fell off"), I decided to reduce my weights by half kg, only used 7kgs. Shouldn't do that lah, a bit easy. The other tracks... Can't remember now. Was having a splitting headache and nausea.

Meanwhile, MC had improved a lot with her weights. I mean weights she carries in class. Okay, her weights, as in weight lost, I think is also coming along well. Hee... 6kg was quite a good weight for not so regular pump-er, one of the regular members was also just carrying 6kgs, and 5kgs for back track also impressed me. Other than that, doing lunges on the board is more effective ah! K?

Now I got to find out reason for shoulder pain. And also decide whether to do pump or RPM on Thursday.

Monday Gym

Is Monday a good day to go to gym? If gym is a remedy for Monday blues for you, then it certainly is a very good idea. For me, my Monday gym schedule is the most "hardcore" of the week. Having said that, it's only just 2 back to back classes - unlike those days, I do over 3 or 4 classes in 2 different clubs in the same day.

Anyways, another reason for me to have a heavier Monday gym routine is the class timetable. Due to work hours, I couldn't really plan in double classes unless I join the latest class. But can't be sleeping so late everyday. In short, Monday's timetable at TC is most ideal for me, combat follow by pump.

Monday combat at TC had lately been replaced by The Bear (so I quote Carebear on her nickname) until last night. And since a few weeks ago, this class was shadowed by a new combat-instructor-in-making, can I nick her "FeeBee"? Or Carebear can donate a nickname for me here. Anyways, those few weeks of classes were great and I'm sure FeeBee will clear for her instructor-ship very soon - she told me next year, but I thought she would surely be able to make it earlier if she wants to.

So last night was back to Master C and hence reminded me of the "test your memory on doing your own choreo" and "I'll tell you to go right when you should go left" teaching method. I have not been feeling well these few weeks, but since KG was in the class, I was really motivated to stay till the end. ;)

And as for pump, would you be surprised if I told you it was tough? Haha...

Carebear's pump classes are renown for its toughness actually. You want to be tortured, join her pump class. And about the members requested tracks? Equally tough, geezzz... you guys, what's with the selections? Okay, I also want to request lah like this.

Last night's partial-partial biceps curl track actually reminded us of "Car Wash", what's the name of that track actually? I'm really bad with songs, therefore won't be able to join in with the fun of requesting tracks. If I start requesting, it would be so limited to that few tracks that I know, which is super favorite. Like Pump It for biceps. And Shake Your Tail Feather for abs. Summer Rain is actually one of my favorites, it's tough but good. I think this is actually an all time favorite chest track for a lot of instructors. I love all the tracks last night overall. (Even though I did really really really feel like throwing up!)

And of course I'm in pain now! Talking of pain, I thought the massage actually helped but there's a nagging pain on my shoulder, near to the left chest area when doing triceps push up. Strange.

Not supposed to be blogging at this time of the day. Back to work!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Yes, reward us with cupcakes!

These were for the quarterly launch at TC today. Did you get one too? :)

Thanks Herny for ordering with me. Hoping to supply the full set - including all classes - for the launch.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Went all the way... for RPM

My gym schedule for today was rather "fluctuating"...

Started with my usual plan, combat at TC then skip pump since Carebear is still not back yet.

Changed to RPM at Axis cause I've rescheduled the delivery with Lady Nina and the plan that made most sense was gym at Axis while I'm at the delivery.

Later changed to SPK because the Lady had some prior engagement downtown. I'm quite alright with that, I will do cardio.

Then changed back to Axis because the forgetful Lady (so I quote her!) said wrong day. Alright! Axis better actually, no need to go through traffic jam at rush hour.

I was quite sure I had to change RPM to cardio at Axis because I started a discussion with boss at 6.00pm. Humph... But I still planned to workout. M U S T workout today!

But hey! I left office at 6.40pm and the traffic was great! Not congested at all and I reached Axis slightly after 7.15pm. When I reached the reception for registration of RPM, there were only like what, 3 names on it.

That's when I changed my mind on RPM. I want to join BS instead! Because I saw Little Bro's name on the registration form for BS. With much regret, I told Lady Nina I hope she didn't mind if I "ditch" her for BS. (But, I brought up a wrong shoes).

When I was waiting for BS, Little Bro came over looking a bit pale, and true enough, he told me he had food poisoning, AND he was not teaching that BS slot.

Ahhh... changed back to RPM (and still wrong shoes, what was I thinking when I took that pair up with me?!).

Okay, one good thing was there was still available bike. Had to register in order to take the "cards" cannot just simply join that class.

So... after went through many many change of plans. RPM it was. And I nearly died. At track 1, I think I was really feeling the fatigue on my thighs already. Track 2, I NEED 100plus! Track 3 onwards I wish I was at the cardio machine instead. Track 6, warghhh... I thought Track 5 was the last track (yeah, wish hard humph...). Then, my toes started to hurt because I brought the wrong shoes remember? This particular pair is half size smaller - I bought it because it was on really good sale and half size wasn't a bit problem - so when too much impact due to the spinning movements, the toes got kind of squashed. I wish the class ended then.

Luckily I got some cheering from Lady Nina. (Go! Gooo!!) Otherwise I think I might just pretend that I fainted and dropped off the bike to save my legs from detaching from my body.

And I was so proud of myself for finishing the class and leaving behind a large pool of sweat (yucksss!!). RPM was never easy. I also nearly died the last time I joined TD's class :p.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Stocking up butter?!

I was late for combat today! And KG already left gym, so didn't get to meet up with her, instead, I had Stan's company for class besides the regular Wookie. And of all days, today I brought a 2-piece top, on top of that, the inner piece is with 12 hooks and the top piece with 9 hooks, so I had spent more time changing. Humph...

Despite the fasting month, the class was actually very crowded, luckily I was able to squeeze in between Stan and Wookie, well, actually more of this other member. I hope I didn't mess up their spaces. I must have missed combat class for so long, some of the tracks were so unfamiliar to me.

Skipped pump to nurse my shoulder injury, and also since Carebear was not teaching. I came home quite early and mum immediately gave me a quiz. She told me Tesco is having offer price for butter, it's only at RM2.90 instead of the RM4.00 ish per piece. So she told me to guess how many pieces had she bought. My guess, just to exaggerate it a bit, was 10 pieces. Haha... and I was so wrong, you know how many she bought? 25 pieces!!! Geezzz... Okay people, you can order many many cakes okay, I have stocks. Haha... But I bet the butter will all be gone after my Raya baking.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Working out in Pain

It's no joke. Doing pump with a body full of muscle aches. Last night was my second pump in the week after my very first pump after a two week rest (MIA from gym). I had already been nursing my muscle aches the whole day, and technically speaking, I joined my second pump class in less than 24hours. So, I think I'm entitled to some moaning here. Ouch, ouch...

Haven't done his class for so long but I've always not had any issues towards his classes - sufficient cueing and good song selections. MC seemed to be able quite okay with his class too. So I guess we will be regulars in this class.

The tracks we did last night were all familiar tracks, mostly the older all time favorites. The tracks were also tough enough and the crowd seemed to be quite sporting in responding to the "torture". So MC and me was quite motivated as well.

I could already foresee how I would suffer through the class the moment I lift my bar for overhead presses during warm up. I decided, again, to reduce my chest press weight to only 5kg. MC was doing 3.5kg and that was already a leveled up for her. Yes, we suffered. BUT survived.

I was really hesitated during the transition of chest track to back track. Wanted to only load up 6kgs, but last minutes thought, what the heck, might as well push myself a bit. Geezz... should have known better than to do that!

After burning the triceps fats with many many dips, I told MC (she couldn't remember the sequence of the tracks yet, so I needed to tell her the up coming track to facilitate her choosing of weights to load/ reduce) the next track would be lunges. See, I actually loath the next track so much that I wish for it's non existence. Of course the next track was suppose to be biceps track. Haha... Sorry about that sis.

I think the other track that was really tough was the shoulder track. It was really painful till I had to actually give up a few (more than a few) repetitions. But it was a very satisfying workout indeed.

Lets do this again!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Must not stop doing pump for too long!

While I have been very good in dessert posts, my gossip posts are lagging behind. What gossips? Okay, I won't call them gossip posts lah, just story telling kind of. So readers for dessert post can take a rest today.

I often feel that time passes too quickly. Apparently I've not joined a pump class for two weeks already. So, you can imagine how I struggled last night when I did a "come back" AND joined Carebear's class whose classes are generally classified as "tough". To add onto my workout "challenge" I had joined a combat class before pump. Wow, last night's class was packed and I got to meet some people I've not met for such a long time! Among them, my PiC who had been at TC last night for classes because she was on leave. When I finally caught up with her at the locker room after the classes, we thought we might just arrange to take leave one of these days just to go to gym together. Haha... that sounds fun and I do have a 8 and a half days of annual leave accumulated to date. Might as well clear the half day. SPK on Thursday sounds like a good idea to me. That reminded me of those days when PiC and me used to do "club hopping" from Maxis to SPK, from SPK to LM... If I remember correctly, our record was 5 classes in the same day, something like that.

Combat class was different to me last night, I've not joined PB's class except for those she'd team teach with Master C. I noticed that she must have had a regular group of combaters since there were faces which normally did not appear in this Monday class conducted by other instructors. Besides the difference in the crowd, I also found some of the tracks unfamiliar to me. Perhaps it's because I've not been doing combat that regularly. At one point, LGM was gesturing me when the music for a particular track started to play. I was wondering why at first but then I quickly realized that it was the "pijak spider" (or I would say pijak "kat zat" - cockroach) track which we were talking about last week - which I was hoping NOT to be one of the selected tracks. It's about the turning around and around, I really get very dizzy doing tracks like that.

After a good sweat out in combat, I continued with my favorite pump class. The class was equally packed. And by the way, before I forget to mention, the mats in the gym is getting very disgusting again. I still remember not long ago we were so delighted with the new mats and now... sigh. I thought this batch of mats are more prone to dirt. Perhaps I should bring my own mat (if I'm not lazy).

Okay, what was worse last night, the Phantom chest track with loads of singles, OR the biceps tracks with loads of singles. Luckily I decided to reduce my weights by 1kg for the chest track. However, with a weight of only 3.5kg, I couldn't possibility reduce weights for biceps could I? Perhaps I should the next time. Humph... Good thing teacher really didn't lie about back track being easy - which I guess was because there is no continuous clean and presses; or sets of 6 clean and presses; or sets of 7 dead rows etc. So I had maintained my 7.5kg weights. But still, after two weeks of no pump, I was already suffering during the first set of my clean and press. Shoulder track, tough. Conditioning track - I couldn't even hold my legs up during the second set. And I thought teacher caught me giving up :p.

I was also very hungry! Actually I was hungry last night even before I joined combat. Was already planning what filling to get for my sandwich dinner. Before I start to complain about the service at O'Briens, I better publish this and start work. But seriously, there were too many new staff at O'Briens and there ought to be a supervisor at least around to advise them. My hot wrappo was NOT hot. Humphhh...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bad Cough

Coughing madly and it usually got worse during night time, especially when I want to go to sleep. Humph...

Was at LM last night with MC and BIL for workout. That was when MC told me there is this Peter C doing pump the next day. Great. Reconfirmed with FI this afternoon - just in case because his MSN message said "Holiday" hmm... Anyways, I told him I would be going to the class, hopefully. It's hard to say, the traffic from TTDI to Cheras is unpredictable. On top of that, my everyday job tasks at office are also quite unpredictable sometimes.

But hey! I made it.

It's great to be finally doing FI's class. Mostly familiar tracks, wait, actually all were familiar tracks. So familiar that I can even afford to "day dream" a bit. Which was not good, I missed a few of FI's timing and was doing slightly off beat movements during certain parts. Too bad I don't know track names, otherwise I could tell you what we did. But I think if I'm not mistaken, the chest track was called Push Up, that ended with push ups. Back track was the one with four clean and presses in a row (not helpful isn't it my information?). Triceps track was the one with kick-back (haha... which one?). Biceps, I know! Erm... actually I don't know, I thought that track might be called "Crazy".

Shoulder track was one of the old time favorites. One of FI's favorite instructions for shoulder tracks is the push up options - ladies on your knees, guys on your toes. Sometimes he might have the in between type of instruction. Tonight, he said ALL guys on your toes for push up, unless you are gay. Woow... Must put it this way meh FI?

MC did well for not giving up and persevere through the whole class, I'm so proud of you sis! It was actually a very tough class, what with FI actually pointing out anyone who cheated or gave up.

I was suppose to continue with writing my paper, but spent quite a long time talking to my "client" for my project. So blessed with getting a project - I need solution for my credit card bill!

And then I was told I need more sleep in order to recover from my illness. I need more time! Like maybe one extra day during the weekend or something like that.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Can I hug you too?

The other day OrangeMaple told me she didn't understand what I was reading. Okay... I was reading this series by Mary Balogh, a set of seven books all about the romance of the brothers and sisters in the Bedwyn family. I've only gone through the first quarter of my fourth book and got rather bored. The story lines were almost the same.

Then MC came to my "rescue" by giving me this new series of books by Shanna Swendson to read. She gave me three books and though I'm only on the first book, I cannot wait to finish them because it's really very interesting and magical, literally. The story is about magical people existing in "normal" people's world; it's about selling magic and so this "normal" girl has been recruited into this company called Magic, Spells and Illusions Inc, hmm... how cool! It's also very hilarious, check these out, it's from the first book called Enchanted Inc...

I wondered what he'd do if I kissed him on the cheek, but I was rusty on CPR, and I doubted it would be an appropriate way to interact with a coworker even if he didn't have a heart attack.

"we are a good bunch, though we have a few skeletons in our closets." I had a sick feeling she meant that literally. "And what workplace doesn't have a monster or two?" She probably meant that literally as well.

... he was still green, and his eyes were red. It was almost like the Incredible Hulk, but he didn't get bigger, just scalier and greener, and horns sprouted out of the sides of his head. I'd heard about having monster bosses. I'd had monster bosses. But this was ridiculous.

So, this is what I'm reading right now. After this would be another two books, the titles itself are enough to humour me "Once Upon Stillettos" and "Damsel Under Stress".

Today I'm back home early, suppose to work on my project but I'm still here blogging. Need to catch some sleep because I feel like a flu-attack soon. Meanwhile, had muscle ache from last night's pump class. Yes, it was tough as usual, but the muscle ache is mainly due to lack of "training". Only did one pump class last week, so no wonder I was struggling last night. I could feel the "oh, die!" voice at the back of my mind as soon as we started doing overhead presses during warm up. After maintaining my 10kg for the squat, I decided to reduce my chest track weight to 5kg, and geeezzz... luckily I did. It was the track that sung "I'm not dead, just floating", but I did feel dead.

Soon after I heard Carebear announcing 6 clean and presses in a set, I decided to cut weights for back track too, to 7kgs. Survived but felt like throwing up. California for triceps - you can imagine all the agonizing scream, can't you? Needless to say how I suffered during biceps. Forget about holding on to any weights for lunges, which was still one from new release. Shoulder track, new release - and someone requested for "Get your hands off my girl" for next week's shoulder track!! Horror! Yes Carebear, please do point out the person who had requested for that, so if I feel like throwing my plates after the track, I know which direction. Okay, I should be more sporting, after all, we are all there at the class to be tortured and we should be enjoying ourselves and enduring all the pain. But this particular song annoys me especially the part where the song goes "ha..ah, haa... ah" - that's when I felt like screaming. The worse part is this part where the song sounds like it had ended BUT continue with more torturing moves. Arghh...

You know... my worries of not being able to find my guinea pig a "babysitter" have been really nagging me. Poor thing. We are all going to be away for the Hong Kong trip. I know it's still long time till then, and I can almost hear some people saying, it's just a guinea pig. No no... if that's your baby, do you have the heart to leave her with some strangers? Feel like crying by just thinking about it. But, MFG, you will take care of her for me, won't you? Just keep her away in your guest room and she won't bother anyone. I promise she will be a good girl... and a very good company for the week. :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What colour was your Monday?

MC always said hers is blue.

My recent Monday was suppose to be one with cheerful colour. No boss, no pressure. But I was feeling rather sick. The night before was extremely hot, could sweat by just sitting there. Then Monday was a rainy day, painted with a rather grey colour. As a result, sinus got bad and felt really sick. It didn't help with me going into the rain during lunch time.

I thought I spent almost one hour chatting on MSN with a few people, my main chatters were Carebear and MC actually. So by the time I left office, it was one hour later than I should have if I wanted to make it to combat. Not that I couldn't leave the office earlier, I was also feeling rather ill and lazy. Too bad I missed the class because Farid was there, I could do with a good company. I'm sure my combat class will be filled with fun brilliant colours if I joined.

Went down to warm up at the cardio wave since it's still quite early and I was being presented with a creamy colour TFF when I headed back to the locker room! Thanks LGM! Had half of that to fight back my hunger. My dinner that night was fruit smoothies from O'Briens. And they only told me yesterday that FF members gets 10% discount. Did you know? No one told me. Humph... After buying so many meals there!

Teacher Carebear looked rather tired last night. Doing night-morning-and-night pump class is no joke eh. That didn't mean the tracks were easy though; and it didn't really look like the instructor was carrying light weights though she said she wanted to reduce the weights she was going to carry. Me on the other hand had obediently reduced my chest weights to avoid further "damage" to my shoulder pain. I tried doing 6kg for back track but it was a bit too light. So though I knew that there was going to be a bit of a pressure for the shoulder during clean and press, I had maintained my 7.5kg weight. Finally, the plank position was not so very friendly to the shoulder either. But i survived pump class with flying colours!

Of course I didn't. Just want to use colour as closure of this post.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It's expensive to put on weight

I am almost pre-PT weights!!! It's alarming. I spent almost two thousand bucks for my training and that's a lot of money down the drain. Though, I had to say, I don't really look pre-PT and I am not as flabby as then. Just that there's this dramatic increase in weight. That's why I went on and on about loosing the weights.

So as part of my desperate weight lost regime, I resumed my Monday combat last week. But last week was not a good week in terms of overall workout because I only managed to go to gym twice. This week, I told myself, I have to make sure there are sufficient workout, and that's why the back-to-back class again last night.

Actually, I was very hungry half way through combat. But the number on the weighing scale with my undesirable weight kept popping into my head. So it lead me on and with that I managed to finish the class AND continue with pump, cutting down only the chest track weight due to shoulder pain. But I've thought about it, the shoulder pain can't have caused by pump.

I weighted myself in the locker room after class. I know I know, not accurate - supposed to be lighter though due to sweating out right? BUT, I was as heavy as ever. So instead of getting myself the RM7 plus egg sandwich at O'Brien's for dinner after I left gym, I only had a Banana Refresher which cost me RM10. It IS expensive to put on weight. Definitely.

But... I'm so blessed. I did not have any cravings for food today, in fact, I didn't feel like eating much. Did my gym at LM tonight mainly to company MC so I only managed to get on to the stepper for a 30 minutes workout, burnt less than 300 calories. Sigh........ I wish we could make it to a Carebear pump class today. But I did manage to catch up with FI whom I've not seen for ages. Also wish I could join FI's class weekly. Sigh.....

On the another note. My auntie and family had finally settled down in the neighbourhood. Spent the whole weekend helping out. Actually it was BIL and MC helping most, I was just there to do small minor tasks. No baking for the passed weekend since I've baked enough during the week. However, I was supposed to refill MC's cookie jar. Next weekend sis! And I've got a new idea for the biscotti which I hope I'd time to try out this weekend.

Finally, I need to make sure I get enough sleep since I heard one of the reasons one might put on weight is due to lack of sleep.

So, nite nite guys.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Working on the dream

A quick post before I "start work"...

Completed my BC + BP combo last night. Feels great to have worked-out more than usual but I do have this pain on my left shoulder again, pain and not muscle pain.

After not joining combat for a long long time, especially Master C's, the class felt more interesting for me. Perhaps I should join this class only occasionally. As for pump, tough as usual. I had actually reduced weights for squat and chest track.

For the squat track, two reasons to reduce weight for me - instructor warned that the track IS tough; and instructor was using 11kgs, do I want to do the same? Of course I reduce to 10kgs lah. Lucky I made the right decision. Phew...

As for chest track, since I've worked my upper body in combat, I expect me to have less strength. And Carebear said we will be working from bottom up - and Hobbes Push Push track last Saturday sprang into my head - so reduced from my usual 6kgs to 5kgs only. (So, I'm pretty sure my shoulder pain is not because of pump).

Before joining class, I'd tried one of my own banana muffin (which cannot be called so, should call them choc chips muffins) and it was rather tasteless. So, the banana muffin recipe was not good (see comments under the banana chocolate chips muffin post) and I feel that I'm better when baking chocolate and cheese items. So perhaps I should stop baking banana muffins haha...

Anyways... I decided before class that I don't need to have dinner since I was feeling quite stuffed after eating the muffin. BUT, after pump, I was really hungry and in dire need of replenishing energy (to drive home). Ended up getting a mozzarella and vege toostie from O'Brien's before leaving TC.

Okay, I've decided to seriously look into my TeaRoom dream. So, first thing first, the location - ideally a neighbourhood type of environment, but with nearby offices. Not in the mall, at shoplots area but not Mont Kiara or Bangsar type of overly busy shoplots. Near to and convenient for all my friends so that they can drop-by all the time for a good gossip sessions (and of course to contribute to my "salary").

Any idea? Do share...