30 September 2014

Can we find a spine somewhere? The U.S. State Department needs one urgently.

The headline is borrowed from a Facebook post by Fred Maroon, responding to a State Department "review" of yesterday's speech in the UN by Bibi. In that review, according to Toi, "State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki on Monday distanced Washington from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s characterization of a UN body as a terror-supporting organization Monday." She said, among other things:

Although Psaki noted that the US had also voiced criticism of the United Nations Human Rights Council for its frequent criticism of Israel, she also said that the US “would not agree” with Netanyahu’s characterization of the human rights body as “the terrorists’ rights council,” after he also labeled it “an oxymoron.”
I don't really have anything to add to what Fred had to say. The market on spines isn't burgeoning lately, unfortunately, Fred is completely right.

Too bad.

Beheading Suspect Alton 'Jah'Keem Yisrael' Nolen's Mother - Video Response

As any criminal's mother goes, the response is pretty much standard. The only startling point made by the mom is "that, so far only one side is being heard, presumably that of the police and the woman who was beheaded".

Yeah, well, I am not up to the latest in US police techniques, the progress is definitely doing its thing in all aspects of police activity. However, they didn't yet release the testimony of the beheaded woman. Must be mighty interesting, that.

Just mentioning.

28 September 2014

Idle thoughts on Scottish independence and whether it's good for the Jews (of course)

This post is an attempt to answer a good pen-friend and a great friend of Israel, Alan Johnson, an editor of Fathom and many other things he succeeds to find the time for somehow. Alan asked an interesting question (on Facebook), a few days before the Scottish referendum:
Am I the only person raising just a little bit of an eyebrow at the sight of all their Zionist friends being outraged by the 'petty nationalism' of the Scots and their outrageous bid for self-determination as a people?
Since the dust from the whole brouhaha has settled down, the leader of the Scottish separatism fell on his (political) sword and the case became history, at least for now, we can discuss the related question in relative equanimity and in proper manner. If you wish, nevertheless, to imbibe some of the spirit of the pre-referendum debate, you are invited to take a peek at the Facebook thread linked above - there is quite a lot of spirit there.

Frankly, when I read that question by Alan about ten days ago, I have raised both eyebrows simultaneously, so surprised I was. The reason for my surprise was simple: during the whole (pretty long) period of Scottish independence discussions, preparations for the referendum, the fierce TV and other debates in British media, I haven't had a single discussion on the subject with my friends, relatives or just random strangers encountered here (in Israel). Which (granted, anecdotal) info, knowing how ferociously Israelis get involved in sundry political issues, even ones that don't have anything to do with them or their country, may serve as a pretty good indication how much interest the Scottish independence generated here. Zero. Zilch. Gurnisht.

I, personally, had me almost(*) the same amount of interest in the outcome of Mr Salmond's endeavor. And none of my relatives living elsewhere (aside of UK) displayed any concern with the matter. Saying all this, however, demands a qualification. If you check the thread linked above, you shall find two or three Jewish citizens of UK, who do feel quite impassioned about the whole independence deal and are quite negative regarding the possibility of separation. But - if I am allowed to make a guess - I am quite sure that their objection to Scottish independence mirrors the majority of British (and, eventually, at the end of the day, Scottish) citizens too.

Of course, if Alan considers all of his British Zionist friends being staunch objectors of Scottish independence bid, I shall bow to his superior local knowledge. However, I allow myself a margin of doubt re the term "all". I would bet that at least some of these folks sport the same attitude as most of us outside Britain do.

So, all in all, I would say, Scottish independence is hardly a topic of interest to the Jews, aside of very few Jewish British activists. And yet, there are three or four related items that do have a Jewish or, at least, Israeli connection - strange as it may sound.

1. Independence? Imagine that...

As far as progressive people in our world are concerned, nothing could be more backward and reactionary than the burgeoning separatist movements. I know it will anger many, but I can't desist:
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do...
If you look at the current map of Europe, which has already gave birth to quite a few new countries recently as a result of the irresistible wave of separatism and, especially, if you check out this clip that presents the general trend, you must agree that John Lennon's dream is wide off the mark - at least as far as European sentiments are concerned. So take a look at the clip first:

But we were looking for an Israeli connection. Yes, with all that enthusiastic splitting into multiple and, in many cases, hardly viable pieces, European (and not only European) progressive left finds a long list of justifications for each and every separatist movement. Leaving aside (for the moment) the arguments used by proponents of independence for each case, there is one single case where the independence and the mere existence of independent nation are being questioned in the best case and actively opposed in the worst. Of course it is the case of the state of Israel. Both the song "Imagine" and the term "one state solution" are being actively applied by the sundry activists, a considerable part of which is located, strangely enough, in separation-obsessed Scotland. Go figure...

2. Scottish Palestinian solidarity movement.

First of all a disclaimer: ascribing a certain trait to a whole nation is a misnomer, I know it quite well. Your average Scot is no more (or less) interested in the goings-on in foreign parts, especially as far removed as Middle East, than any other person elsewhere. However, saying that, the so called Scottish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign is a more virulent representative of anti-Israeli sentiment among other European outfits of this kind.

And the Scottish government itself has given the Scottish Jews enough reasons to be wary about its general anti-Israeli bias. It is not for nothing that Jews in Scotland were concerned about the possible separation from UK.

So all in all, while I don't share the anti-separatists sentiments of the Zionist friends Alan mentioned in his question, I could see where these sentiments are coming from. And let's leave it at that, with one final remark.

3. Multiculturalism as a proven failure.

The offspring of the Political Correctness goddess, multiculturalism has proved itself a dismal failure all over Europeans states, where integration of immigrants, especially Muslim ones is concerned. And we can't say that it is solely the fault of the immigrants, no, it is as much (if not more) the fault of the governments of these states.

However, there is another aspect of multiculturalism that is coming to light with the rising separatist activities all over Europe. The geographically and ethnically distinct groups of people are demanding states of their own, reacting in this manner to some historic colonialist/expansionist endeavors of their host states. The hundreds years old grievances are being exhumed, the old hatreds are being fueled - in short, the XXI century doesn't look so far as a beginning of the age of enlightenment. No, sir/madam, you can continue to play with the vision of that world with no countries, but the reality is starkly different.

As it usually is.

(*) For the sake of full disclosure, I was concerned with a single aspect of the looming independence: whether the prices of single malt whisky on the world market will rise or fall. But since I didn't have a slightest idea which way the prices will go with or without independence, it could be hardly called an opinion.

27 September 2014

Deputy of the Duma Elena Mizulina: now you are talking!

Finally a capital idea from a Russian lawmaker:
Today, State Duma Deputy Yelena Mizulina* of "United Russia" faction stated that in modern Russia people are not excited to see the representatives of this nation.

"I offer to help Russian Jews to move to Israel. Give them a moving bonus and a medal "For the liberation of Russia!" We have to say to the Jews: you have your own country, go there and leave us be. We'll manage on our own somehow."

Such anti-Semitic position this odious politician explained by the following considerations: "Today Russian Jews occupy excessively large role in the media, business, leadership. Any Jew, wherever he has worked, is still looking in the direction of Israel and can not be a patriot of our country."
Finally somebody is talking sense in Moscow. Quite a time for the remaining dorks to get the message and to move out.

As for that "We'll manage on our own somehow" - sure, ma'am, as usual. Good luck.

(*) That same lady who recently called iPhone a tool of pedophiles. Oh well.

Update: Save the iPhone story, which so far seems to stand up to scrutiny, this post is a result of a spoof and the poster confesses to have been had by a better man. Good job, Maryan, and till 120!

Is Kim Jong Un lying low?

This is what CNN is asking. That the Fatso is a liar goes without saying, it is a hereditary trait. That he is a lowly liar comes with the job (also hereditary in the circumstances).

As for his "discomfort" - let's hope...

His daddy didn't look half bad stepping on the rainbow, so we can be reasonably sure that heredity will not disappoint in this case too.

The Council Has Spoken!

Council Winners

Non-Council Winners

26 September 2014

The sniffing judges of San Diego

Here is the story in a nutshell:

Body odor is among 52 criteria that officials at San Diego International Airport use to judge taxi drivers. Cabbies say that smacks of prejudice and discrimination.

For years, inspectors with the San Diego Regional Airport Authority run down their checklist for each cabbie -- proof of insurance, functioning windshield wipers, adequate tire treads, good brakes. Drivers are graded pass, fail or needs fixing.

Anyone who flunks the smell test is told to change before picking up another customer.
I shall avoid the discussion of prejudice and discrimination: after all, the quality and quantity of noses smelling out racism anywhere and from any distance is more than sufficient these days, so one shouldn't interfere, especially not from afar. The article covers that side of the issue only too well.

The other aspect of the story isn't explained to my satisfaction, though: who are these mysterious "inspectors", mentioned only briefly, whose mission it is to sniff out the BO levels and to act on the results? Do these people undergo special training? Are they equipped by some sniffer tools? How the results of the sniffing are graded?

Mystery. Uncertainty. Confusion.

25 September 2014

All hail the white tiger!

A white tiger on Tuesday attacked and killed a youth who apparently jumped into its enclosure at a zoo in the Indian capital.
Witnesses said the tiger grabbed the young man by the neck as horrified onlookers at the National Zoological Park in New Delhi screamed and threw sticks and stones to try to save him.
The apparently tragic story has a few twists, though:
The man climbed over the railing and into a deep concrete ditch at about 1pm, a statement from the zoo said, from where the tiger apparently dragged the man into its grassy enclosure.
The zoo said the victim was a Delhi resident and about 20 years old, contradicting earlier reports that he was a teenager. One official said he also appeared to have been "under the influence of alcohol".
From a brief study of Indian demography you can establish that there are roughly 100 million youngsters belonging to the age group in question.

On the other hand, the demographics of the white tigers are presented in the article itself:
India is home to 1,706 Royal Bengal tigers and fewer than 100 white tigers, according to the last census in 2011. All the white tigers are in captivity.
So, all things considered, even if an uncouth white tiger has decided to snack on an Indian youngster, one would be hard put to decide on the tiger's fate. In case where a drunk representative of one of the most populous age groups offered himself as a snack to the tiger: nah, "bon appetite" is the only thing I would say to the tiger. And hope he doesn't get indigestion...

Try it again, please?

This headline (Yahoo News) is unique by any measure:

Hm... a double negative. That means... let me see: if US foreign policy will not be guided by counter-terrorism, will it then be guided by terrorism?

Or what?

P.S. To be fair to President Obama: he didn't say this.

24 September 2014

Shana Tova - Happy New Year - שנה טובה

To all our Jewish and non-Jewish friends wherever they are.

Let's all be well and happy. And have some peace for a change.

Simply Che

After a longish break, this entry (#20) is displaying the dead T-shirt deity's connection to art. MalkoviChe...

More of Malkovich collection here.

23 September 2014

Gideon Levy: who shall I compare thee to?

Gideon Levy, the self-appointed Moral Compass of Israel and appointed by others Baron of deceit industry, pleasantly surprised me lately. By the headline of the article (pay wall): Mutiny in the Israeli Stasi: exposing the occupation's worst filth.

The piece is referring to the scandal with the intelligence unit 8200 (roughly similar in its role to NSA or British GCHQ):

Forty-three former members of Israel Defense Forces intelligence Unit 8200, including some officers, wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and top military officials, saying they would refuse to do reserve service because of Israel's `political persecution' of the Palestinians.
But this post is not about the scandal itself: 8200 can very well defend itself and its actions, even if some reservists, hardly employed by the unit these days, got a Haaretz-inspired conscience.

Nope, this post is narrowly focused on the imagery used by Mr Levy: the comparison of 8200 to Stasi aka Ministerium fĆ¼r Staatssicherheit. Some people, including (possibly) the serving and retired 8200 soldiers, may take offense. I, on the other hand, see it as a sudden turn for the better in Mr Levy. After all, what is Stasi compared to its predecessor, the infamous Gestapo aka Geheime Staatspolizei? This delicacy and softness so openly displayed by Gideon Levy who could but didn't - doesn't it fill your lungs with fresh air?

So, in the spirit of high holidays, openness to new acts of kindness and brotherly love: who shall I compare our Gideon to? To a summer day? Nope, too fancy and highfalutin for the case?

Or, maybe, go the Hebrew way and compare Gideon to a steed in Pharaoh's chariots? His eyes to doves and his two breas... nah, it may be interpreted wrongly. Let's take a look at his picture:

The soulful look, the face, deformed by years upon years of lying, the mouth (closed in this picture, so he is not lying at the moment). So who, or what can be used for comparison?

This one?

Or, possibly, that one?

Dunno. Your assistance will be appreciated.

20 September 2014

Yep. Only in Israel?

If you are going out for a stroll with your kid, don't take him/her there:

According to this Facebook entry, the slide was located in Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion blvd.

For the sake of fairness: there is a response by the city spokesperson in this thread, explaining that the slide was uprooted and placed near the road to be taken away. Oh well...

The Council Has Spoken!

Council Winners

Non-Council Winners

19 September 2014

More cases of Zionism envy in Iran?

Not that it never happened, there were already a few outbreaks, but still it is interesting:

Two Iranians in their early 20s, a man and a woman, were arrested in the Kenyan capital Nairobi earlier this week when they were discovered using fake Israeli passports and going by the names Adi and Avshalom.

This is not the first time Iranian nationals are caught abroad with Israeli passports. These passports are very popular in the world because of the relatively extensive freedom of movement they grant their owners.

The difference this time, however, was that the two did not intend to use the passports to move freely in the western world, but in order to enter Israel
. And why not let them come, I ask you? The more the merrier.

First person to buy an iPhone 6 immediately drops it. 8 killed in Guinea town over Ebola fears

A real tragedy down under: the first man to buy the iPhone 6 in Australia drops his new phone as he excitingly unpacks it to share for the camera (appropriate words are being said, so take care):

As for the other bit of news: nah, just a spot of bother somewhere. CNN, you know, still unable to prioritize...

07 September 2014

Nazis Fighting Nazis in Ukraine

There are plenty of neo-nazis fighting on the Russian side of the conflict.  And it was Russia that invaded Ukraine in an unprovoked breach of all the previous agreements, international laws and common sense. Ukrainians have been fighting for their country.  At least most of them. A few have been fighting "for the race".  Don't get me wrong - when Putin is talking about the government of Ukraine being "fascist", he is lying.  Yet things can change.

"Don't let executioner into your house".  Social-Nationalist Assembly propaganda.

The Ukrainian volunteer Azov Battalion is staffed with the "Social-Nationalist Assembly (SNA)".  Ukrainian ministry of Interior supplies their weaponry, which now includes heavy weapons.  SNA's leaders had been biding their time in prison for attempted murders and robberies until a few months ago, when they were allowed to go free as "political prisoners of the Yanukovich regime".  

As one would expect, they ain't too bright.  Yet they are remarkably media savvy.  Azov's leadership seems to dedicate some time every day to pose for photographs.  They are regularly interviewed by western journalists.  They are all over Ukrainian TV, filling the screens with stern facial expressions and handsome fatigues with SS insignia .  They don't tend to talk about - and are never challenged - on their ideology. 

This is how Andrey Beletzki, the commander of Azov and the "White leader" of SNA, sees his mission:
Ukrainians comprise a part (and one of the largest parts of the highest quality) of the White Race.  The Race-Creator of the great civilization, of the most important human achievements.  The historic mission of our nation in these crucial times is to take the lead of all White Peoples from all over the world and to take them on the last Crusade for our existence.  The fight against untermenschen headed by the Semites.
If Beletzki is the muscle,  Doctor Oleg Odnorozhenko is the brain of SNA.  He is a PhD from a Kiev University AND a common criminal AND the deputy commander of Azov in one person. This is how Odnorozhenko defines SNA's platform:
The primary objective of the nationalist revolution is the complete elimination of all parasitic strata... all political institutions and democracy as a political system that serves the economic system of capitalism... All foreign ethno-racial groups will be restricted, controlled and subsequently deported to their homeland.  We, Ukrainian Social-Nationalists, consider that only White European Man belongs to the human race species.  This does not include the so-called "Southern Caucasians" - Mediterranian, Caucasian, Pamir-Fergana and other races, which are biologically different from our kind.  We consider it our direct responsibility to prevent any interracial (inter-species) contacts... In this struggle our ally is solidarity from the White Aryan peoples from across the world. 
[Update: on September 10th SNA website was deleted.  Biletzky &Co are preparing for elections.  As luck would have it, World Wide Web never forgets].

And it's not like the boys and gals of Azov and SNA are shy of directly borrowing from their ideological ancestors.  Their official Public Relations manager is one Anna Senik, calling herself "Ladna Kobieta".  She is the face of Azov.   Her pseudonym means "pretty girl" in Polish, which is ironic at more than one level.

A couple of years ago Anna was given a wonderful gift for her birthday.  Very traditional.  It was Mein Kampf.  She was ever so happy... All her favourite quotes are by Goebbels and Hitler.  She also regularly travels to Europe with exhibitions of her Ukrainian folk photography, which involves a lot of bright colours, Bandera-style uniforms and naked skin.

SNA PR manager Anna Senik (online nom de guerre Ladna Kobieta)

Anna's "art" 
And then there is the more traditional neo-nazi "art" which comes to us courtesy of SNA...

Source for the Azov version is here.  Original. 

If Ukrainian TV and social networks are to be  believed, SNA is becoming more and more mainstream.  Non-nazi websites are giving a good impression of worshipping "heroes" from the Azov battalion.  What's more, SNA is now linked to Prime Minister's Yatzenyuk's "People's Front" and its leaders are running as PF's delegates to  the Ukrainian Rada.