I never though that it would actually be fulfilling and satisfying to be a WAHM (Work At Home Mom). I did not even know that there was such a word or should I say acronym. When I first heard it, flashbacks of the popular ‘80s pop band that George Michael belonged to who sang “Wake Me Up Before You Go Go” came to mind but I soon realized that it was spelled differently – WHAM. Hehe =)
After doing some research online (thanks to Wikipedia and Google Search) and reading articles about it, I have come to my own understanding of the word. WAHM describes a new generation of mothers who are striking a balance between family life, parenting and earning a living all in the comfort of their home.
This new title or should I say concept is not very popular yet in the Philippine society who is accustomed to the mentality of branding. To a majority of the Filipinos, your career success as an individual is based on the company that you work for (how popular and how big is it in the business sector), the job title that you get with it (the flashier sounding, the better) and where your office is located.
Even though the amount of salary may matter to most, it may not weigh as much in value as the previous items mentioned not to include the other perks and benefits of the job such as travel, company car or free gym membership etc. This ideal may work for the fresh graduates who are still hungry to prove themselves to their parents and the world as well as wanting to have their chance to be part of the highly competitive corporate world. But it is no longer true for the individuals who have been part of the “rat race” and want something different.
I guess you can say that this is what happened to me. Though it definitely was not an overnight decision. But one thing was for sure ever since I started working at home I did not want to leave the house again. Why should I? I was "Home Sweet Home."