Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts

Thursday, August 28, 2008

simply tutu's

I am finally ready to unveil my tutu's. Click the image to the right of my page that says simply tutu's and you can link to the tutu blog. I am excited for you all to see it! Comment or email me if you have any questions about anything. I would love love to hear what you think. (I am still going to post more pictures, but this gives you an idea.) Enjoy!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

{Sneak Peak}

I had a lot of people inquire as to what I am going to "unveil" so I thought I would give you all a sneak peak of what I have been working on..

Tutu's! I am making tons of different colors and combinations. Some with bows, some with flowers. I can't wait to show you everything, I am still working on getting it all together. I am really proud of them, because they are such great quality and way fuller than the ones you find in the mall. I am making them in baby and little girl sizes. (My nieces are already so attached they won't take them off!) I am also making them in two different styles. Swan Lake and Nutcracker. I can't wait to unveil it all soon.

I still have another project I am going to reveal, but I have to keep those a secret until I give them to Alana and Jess's babies. There has to be something to surprise them with at their showers!

Oh and I have the best mom EVER, she has been so helpful and supportive with this. I really don't deserve her. I love you Mom.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Simply Caitlin

Am getting super excited to unveil some things my two little hands have been working hard on. (It's actually four hands, since I couldn't have done it without the help of my dear mom.) Wish I could show a sneak peak, but it's not quite ready. The only thing I can tell you is.. I am making some fun stuff for babies, and young tots. That's right folks, I may just be hopping on the homemade train. If things can settle down a bit, and I can get up and running.. I may even try my hand at selling some simplycaitlin creations. I will keep you posted. In the mean time I am trying to get everything at work wrapped up, suitcases packed, and things cleaned. So we can skedaddle to Seattle.