Showing posts with label monthly photographs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monthly photographs. Show all posts

Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 2010

December was filled with family, friends, and food. We had our annual Christmas party. Celebrated a few birthdays, I photographed quite a bit, and we celebrated the holidays with family and friends. I also think I gained about ten pounds, but hey, that's what the holidays are for right? Don't answer that.

Goodbye December, and goodbye 2010. Can't wait to start fresh next year.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 2010

Remember November? I don't. It went by too fast. All I remember is a bunch of snow, and a lot of food. November was a busy one for me. I photographed, had two Thanksgivings, and probably gained 12 pounds. (I just read a statistic that said the average American gains between 7-12 pounds from Thanksgiving to Christmas. 7-12!)

I always love November because it's the month to stop and reflect on all you have. To celebrate with loved ones, and to remember we aren't only lucky to have so much, we're truly blessed. So I say farewell to November a little begrudgingly. I'm very excited for December and all the fun that comes with it, but know there will also be a lot of stress and chaos. So for just today I am going to try to slow down and be thankful for all I have. Goodbye November, until next year.

Friday, October 29, 2010

October 2010

October was full of Fall-ish fun. Drives up the canyons, walks outside, cool breezes. Lot's of photographing. We went on a road trip up to the cabin. Did some hiking. Did a lot of working out and eating healthier. I even lost a bit of weight.

Months like these make me sad that winter is right around the corner. Hello November, I hope you bring lot's of yummy food, and maybe not a ton of snow.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

September 2010

Wow, September came and went before I even knew it. I have been doing a pretty poor job of posting on this lil' blog. I am rededicating myself. This is my only form of journaling, and September wasn't the best documented of months.

September was chalk full. The month started out with trips here and there, and a fun end of Summer party. It continued on, but my blogging didn't. So I sit here scratching my head. Seriously, where did September go??

This month brought us interesting weather. And a pretty harvest moon. It also officially brought Fall our way. Though I haven't felt too much Fall, it's still 80 degrees out there. Perhaps October will bring us that nip in the air that I love so much this time of year. Hello October, bring on the holidays, the lovely weather, and the pumpkin carving fun. Goodbye September, it really didn't feel like you stayed long.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 2010

August was a busy one. We've been on plently of adventures. Had a lot of fun trips, celebrated four years of marriage in a gorgeous location. I took a million pictures. No, really I took a ton. From my Rebel, to my Holga, shot video's on our trusty point & shoot, and even found a new toy/phone for me to snap pictures with.

We continued our hiking, it was hard for me to make it every Saturday, but we did commune with nature and even saw moose! We spent a lot of time with family and friends. Bob stayed pretty busy, but we found some time to hang out.

Fall is right around the corner, and while I will miss Summer, I'm excited for Fall time. So it's time to say goodbye to August until next year, and welcome September and all of it's pretty weather with it. Can't wait to see what it holds, and am excited to send Summer out with a bang come Labor Day.

Friday, July 30, 2010

July 2010

July already? Well we're more than half way through the year. This month has been warm. More than I have to say July has been fun. We've celebrated two holidays, had plenty of yummy food. And Bob competed in another BBQ competition.

We've kept up our hiking regimen, and I have gotten back into working out. Lost a little weight (that I am sure to gain back after our anniversary trip this weekend!) We've made trips to the pool, hung out with friends and family and seen more movies than I think I usually see in a year.

What can I say? It's been a typical summer month, and I can't wait for a couple more before it turns cold again. I'm always happy to see August though, it's one of my very favorite months. Can't wait to celebrate 4 years of marriage with my best friend, and head out on a fun road trip adventure.

Bye July, I hope next year is as chalk full of fun, but for now I am ready for another August.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 2010

June has been a busy month. Trips, celebrations, plenty of BBQ, and yummy food. For the first part of the month, it seemed pretty chilly and rainy, but then the sun came out, and has been beating down on us since. Summer is officially here, and I'm loving it.

My stomach is still not my best friend, but so much stress has been lifted from my life this past week, that I really can't complain. Every thing has been sorted out with our medical bills, the car accident from February, and I have been easing back into my workouts.

I can't wait to see what July holds in store for us. Two trips have been planned, not to mention a couple of fun holidays are just around the corner. See ya June, I'm ready to welcome July with open arms.

Friday, May 28, 2010

May 2010

May has been a month of getting together with friends and family, getting outdoors, and then back indoors. May just couldn't make up it's mind if it wanted gorgeous sunny days, or freezing rain, and even snow. There were birthday parties and baby announcements. More doctors visits to figure out why I am nauseous all the time. (Trying some medication that will hopefully help. Also thinking about trying acupuncture.)

I'm excited for what June will bring. Buh bye May, bring on summer. We decided to send this month off with a bang and head to Zions for Memorial Day. When we get back June will officially be here. How has this year gone by so fast?

Friday, April 30, 2010

April 2010

April included a lot of hiking and a lot of stomach aches and pains. Hopefully the hiking continues and the stomach issues stop. I haven't felt up to doing much lately, and am keeping my fingers crossed that May will change all that. Adios April, I have to say I'm not sad to see you skedaddle. Howdy May, I have high hopes for you.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 2010

Oh March, you fickle little month. One minute the weather is nearly perfect, and the next blustery snow storms are a happenin'. Still this month was nice. It got us outdoors, and on outings. We even snuck a road trip in there.

New little babies arrived. Bob's sister Donna had her first. Madelaine. Can't wait to get up to Idaho to meet her in person. And my cousin Sommer had a little baby boy. Fisher Gerome. Named after my Grandaddy who passed in February.

The end of this month also marks three months of my new lifestyle of eating healthier and working out. I have to say I love how I feel, and am happy with my progress. Goodbye March, see you in 2011. Hello April, I hope you brought Spring with you.

Friday, February 26, 2010

February 2010

Funeral on my birthday, Bob's car getting vandalized, Valentine's Day with a very sick husband, and a car accident. Yep, I think I am okay with saying goodbye to February. It wasn't all bad. My family and friends did an awesome job of celebrating my birthday. I lost 15 pounds, and got a lot of opportunities to photograph. Still I think I'm ready for a lucky month. Hello March, I hope we get along.

Friday, January 29, 2010

January 2010

My January consisted of blistery cold weather and a lot of exercising and eating better. I did manage to find beauty all around when I looked though. Mission accomplished. Goodbye January, see ya in 2011. (Isn't it weird when you think about it like that?) Bring on the month of love.