Showing posts with label Weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weather. Show all posts

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Staying Positive Under a Cloud

I have been embracing positive thinking for a while now.  I do find it difficult but I try to look for the positive in every situation.  It is hard.  Some days I find it almost impossible.  The odds seem stacked against me in all that I do.  I know that the weather hasn't helped my mood this year as the grey skies seem unrelenting.  This spring holiday I managed to get into the garden for one day to cut the grass and it has rained ever since.

Yesterday I had a chance meeting with an old friend.  I was so glad to see her.  She is one of those people who make you feel good about yourself.  She is quietly confidant and encouraging and a supporter of chasing dreams.  Our time together was brief but enough to fan the flame of my hopes and ambitions for a while longer..........

In the garden the soil is cold and even the weeds are struggling to thrive.  Looking at the positive - the snakes head fritillaries are doing nicely and have increased in population since last year.

Friday, 11 May 2012

After the Rain the Sun

It has rained here everyday since 9th April.  I had envisaged a garden full of wild flowers this year but it has been too cold and wet to sow the seeds.  Today we had a brief respite from the cold wet weather.  As the sun appeared I went into the front garden to gather some Lily of the Valley to bring into the house.  The cold wet, weather has been the ideal conditions for them to flourish and they have spread like weeds along one side of the garden path.

The rain has made the garden green and lush and everything is just waiting to burst into flower.  We are forecast a dry spell over the weekend.  Maybe it is not too late to sow the seeds for my cottage garden.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Under the Weather

Today was not a good day. The whitish/grey cloud hung low all day and blocked out all sunlight. A misty, murky soul-less day. The pictures in this post show pink clouds against a blue sky just moments before sundown. Let's hope it is a sign of good weather to come.

I have been feeling very under the weather. One of my hens who we ironically named 'storm' is unwell. Truth is I do not know if she will still be with us by morning. I feel so helpless and hopeless and downright rotten.

There is supposed to be a silver lining behind every cloud. Lets wait and see.