Thursday, March 25, 2010

tak sabar..

bersifat tergesa2...
tak sabar...

Firman Allah yg bermaksud:
"Dan manusia (seringkali) berdoa untuk kejahatan sebagaimana (biasanya) dia berdoa untuk kebaikan. Dan memang manusia bersifat tergesa-gesa". [[Al-Isra' 17:11]]

Tergesa, tak bershukur.. apa lagi?
Isk.. bila dah dapat satu, tak cukup, nak yang lain pula. Manusia.

Apa yang saya cakap ni? Entahla...

Nak cerita...
Pasal tawakkal..
Satu pagi, saya terpandang suatu logo pada komputer saya, "INTEL". Apa yang terlintas difikiran anda bila pandang logo Intel tu?
Pagi tu, Allah lintaskan pada fikiran saya, "Boikot Israel". Barangan Intel. Kan?
Kemudian, teringat produk2 lain.. Maggie? Mc D? Nestle?
Dulu masa Nabi Muhammad s.a.w bawa risalah, di pulaukan oleh kaum musyrikin, sehingga mereka terputus bekalan makanan dan lainnya.
Sekarang, bila orang musyrikin pijak dan merendahkan risalah yang Rasulullah bawa, kita langsung tak terlintas nak pulaukan mereka? Isk.. It's the least we can do as a Muslim.

Apa pun, bukan itu saja yang terlintas di fikiran...
fikiranku bersambung...  melayang.. bagaikan keretapi.. dibiarkan saja tiada perhentian. (daa)
Teringat para mujahideen di Palestin..
Teringat cerita suatu ketika dulu, cerita tentang Al-Qassam, peluru berpandu yang dibuat oleh para Mujahideen di sana. Masha Allah. Bahan buatannya murah saja, bila dikira hanya dapat meliputi beberapa kilometer sahaja. Tapi, bukan pada bahannya mereka berharap dan bergantung, tetapi hanya pada SATU: ALLAH..

Betapa tawakkal mereka pada Allah sangat tinggi.
Siapa sangka, semakin lama semakin jauh peluru mereka dibawa angin.. SubhanAllah... adakah mereka bongkak? Nauzubillah, insha Allah tidak. Mereka sedar, bukan serbuk yang mereka adunkan yang menjadikan peluru mereka hebat, tetapi Yang Maha Hebatlah yang menentukan kehebatannya...

Tawakkal kita macam mana?
Sejauh mana kita sangat berharap pada Allah?
Hanya bila kita dah tak ada 'haluan'? 
Masakan begitu baru kita nak berharap... Padahal sekecil-kecil perkara pun seharusnya kita tawakkal...
Kerana Allah saja yang Maha berkuasa. MAHA.

"Sungguh, syaitan itu tidak akan berpengaruh terhadap org yg beriman dan bertawakkal kpd Tuhan" [[16:99]]

kita latih jadi orang yang sangat bertawakkal.
apalah makna usaha kita yang tak berkuasa memberi kita apapun dibandingkan dengan Allah yang Maha Agung lagi Maha PERKASA.
KepadaNya kita bertawakkal... Moga diberkati segala usaha kita...

Go away u syaitan!! astaghfirullah... ~__~

Sunday, March 14, 2010


tak mengerti.
tak mampu menghindari.
tak dapat mengenal pasti.

Sometimes u feel so wrong, but u dont know what.
I wish I do, but sometimes I'm just not aware.
Sometimes it hurts to not understand.
I'm imperfect. 
But it's for me to know the fact too; everyone is imperfect.
Except for The Utmost Perfect.
And Muhammad the Prophet.

Nevertheless, we can always try to be 'almost' perfect.

.If only I know.
.If only I can understand.
.If only I can be other than me.
.No one knows but Him. T.T

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

i dont know...

Maybe, maybe not?

Clueless... make me crazier...

Allah show me..

Monday, March 8, 2010

The biggest hailstorm

Today got an email from mum... "Never worry how many people dislike you".
Weird title? Yea, but it was a good one! trust me.. 

A man hated his wife's cat and he decided to get rid of it. He drove 20 blocks away from home and dropped the cat there. The cat was already walking up the driveway when he approached his home.
The next day, he decided to drop the cat 40 blocks away but the same thing happened.. He kept increasing the number of blocks but the cat kept coming home before him.
At last he decided to drive a few miles away, turn right, then left, past the bridge, then right again and another right and so on until he reached what he thought was a perfect spot and dropped the cat there.
An hour later.... The man calls his wife at home and asked her, "Jen is the cat there?" "Yes, why do you ask?" answered the wife.
Frustrated the man said," Put that damn cat on the phone, I am lost and I need directions to reach home!!!
"How much ever we dislike somebody, someday we will need their assistance.   So never worry how many people dislike you ... "  

Funny.. hehe. but, true n true! hehe..

For those who didnt know, Melbourne was 'attacked' by a hailstorm. It wasnt an ordinary one. A super duper big one! Really scared me. 

The story:

...060310... [[Opss, my sis birthday!! sorry forgot]]

Went to Pelham, City to pick up a friend and send her to the airport...
On the way, we saw a very blacky cloud.. It was something extraordinary, a scary but interesting scenery i would say.. My friend took a pic of it. We didnt think of any storm was stored ahead. Just a few heavy rain i thought.

On the highway, just a few minutes away from airport, suddenly the rain rushed upon us. I put the headlights on, but still it was pouring and it was hailing, so I couldnt see anything!! The wind also made it worse. I really felt the car was being pushed by the strong winds. Ya Allah. I freaked out. Yea, I'm a scary cat. I pushed the breaks, slowed down the car. But I could only see blurry break lights infront, could not estimate the distant, so I stepped on it till the end until the car stopped. Really, u dont know how I felt unless u were in the storm too. I prayed that I dont hit on any car infront nor somebody bump me from the behind, and tawakkal 'ala Allah . Scary!!! At that time of situation, who else would want to ask to help u? 
it's only U and Allah.

Then, I pulled to the side of the highway. After awhile, I started to drive slowly. Errr, i didnt want to risk my friend missing her flight! But we knew the flight must be delayed. Obviously!! Didnt think the planes could touch down neither take off. 
Then, it was only raining. I called some other friends, because we were suppose to have a bbq in the City. But looks like the hailstorm has reached the city and clayton too!! It happened so fast. SubahanAllah....

On the way back, there were some flash flood at some places. I was driving alone, but Alhamdulillah, stayed calm, with some karaokes in the car. Some cars were stuck in the flood. That was the scary part!

this is 2 - 3 hours after the hail, and you can still see the bits of the ice along the building... it's like snowing!!

The hail made Melbourne in chaos with bad traffic jams. 30 mins for 2 blocks!! -- that's like 4 blocks if u walk on ur feet.

The storm flew away leaves, fresh green leaves. Not weakened dried leaves.

Scary enough? 
Peringatan dari Allah.
Bukan kerja 'mother nature', bukan sebab iklim dah berubah. Tapi sebenarnya, Allah yang tentukan. 

Ada akak ni cerita, ada org Kristian cakap kat dia, ni bala sebab org2 Athiest nak buat convention pada hari tu... Siap panggil 'ulama' terkenal untuk ceramah. 
Pandai kan...

Kita pula macam mana?
Dunia dah nazak..
Orang yang zalim jadi Pemimpin.
Orang yang hina miskin diangkat2...

Tapi kita masih nak berseronok? 
Beriman tak bermakna boleh lari dari bala.

Moga kita beringat sebelum, terlambat~

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I dont want to be insignificant. I dont want to be just another ordinary human. I dont want to be a burden to the World.
How? How would I not be?

Ya Allah...
It would take a long time for me to figure out.
I want to be SOMEONE.
Not only "SYAHEEDATUL IMAN" but a girl who did this, this n this.
Not for the name, not for the fame.
Just that SOMEONE who has given her best for Islam, for the Ummah.
From the aspects of: study, career, family.........

Aku ingin seperti saidatina Fatimah r.a, puteri Rasulullah..
Seorang anak perempuan yang solihah, isteri yang taat dan mendamaikan, ibu yang mendidik dengan tabah.
Aku ingin seperti saidatina Khadijah, isteri kesayangan Rasulullah..
Yang telah melahirkan zuriat-zuriat yang hebat sepertinya Fatimah r.a.


Jauh sungguh antara mimpi dan realiti.
Insha Allah..akan ku cuba hampirkan..

Hadis Nabi s.a.w:
"Kahwinkanlah orang-orang yang masih sendirian di antara kamu, sesungguhnya Allah akan memperbaiki akhlak mereka, meluaskan rezeki mereka, dan menambah keluhuran mereka."

Allah bariklana...

" study smart, dakwah smart and get smartly prepared for the future."    
Mama, 010310