La banda se ha mantenido al margen de utilizar sus canciones en avisos publicitarios. En el pasado, Coldplay rechazó multimillonarios contratos de Gatorade, Coca-Cola light y GAP, quienes querían utilizar las canciones Yellow, Trouble y Don't Panic respectivamente. De acuerdo a Chris Martin, "no seríamos capaces de vivir con nosotros mismos si vendiéramos los significados de las canciones de ese modo"
The band has been kept to the margin of using his songs in advertising notices. In the past, Coldplay rejected Gatorade's multimillionaire contracts, Coca Cola light and GAP, who wanted to use the songs Yellow, Trouble and Don't Panic respectively. Of I remind Chris Martin, " we would not be capable of living with us same if we were selling the meanings of the songs thereby "