Ganó tres premios Grammy en 2008 , incluyendo Grabación del Año , Canción del Año , y Mejor Interpretación Vocal Pop Femenina , fue nominada a también a dos Premios Grammy. También ganó un Premio Ivor Novello a la Mejor Canción Contemporánea. La batalla pública de Winehouse con las drogas y el alcohol, ha dado lugar a incrementar la popularidad de la misma.
La canción fue escrita e inspirada por la negativa de Winehouse a asistir a un centro de rehabilitación de adicción al alcohol..alcohol.
"Le pregunté a mi papá si él pensaba que yo tenía que ir. Dijo que no, pero que le diese una oportunidad. Así lo hice, en tan sólo 15 minutos. Entré dije 'hola' y expliqué que yo bebo porque estoy enamorada y la relación se ha jodido. Luego salí ".
Ronson se explayó sobre el proceso de composición al ser entrevistado por la BBC :
" Estábamos caminando por la calle en Nueva York, habíamos estado trabajando juntos una semana, íbamos a pie a alguna tienda. Quería comprar un regalo para su novio, Amy me estaba contando algo acerca un momento determinado de su vida que era ...., 'Él trató de hacerme ir a rehabilitación y yo estaba como, "Pfft, no, no, no", "ding ding ding ding ding"Yo soy así, es lo que hay..."Después de esa frase Amy me dijo... 'Tenemos que volver al estudio. "
En las letras Winehouse habla de "Ray" y "Mr. Hathaway", en referencia a Ray Charles y Donny Hathaway . Sin embargo, luego sustituyó "Ray" por "Blake", refiriéndose a su ex-marido, Blake Fielder-Civil.
El video musical original fue dirigido por Phil Griffin y lanzado en septiembre de 2006. Cuenta con banda de Winehouse tocando sus instrumentos mientras canta a la cámara. Se inicia con Winehouse levantándose de la cama, y luego en el baño. Para la segunda estrofa, Winehouse está en una silla en la oficina de un psiquiatra, probablemente explique algo a cámara como si lo hiciera a un psiquiatra (que no se ve).
En contraste con la letra, el video termina con Winehouse en rehabilitación, sentada en una cama en una habitación, con su banda en torno a ella. El video musical fue nominado para Video del Año en los 2007 MTV Video Music Awards.
El 25 octubre de 2011 se hizo público el resultado de la autopsia. La forense Suzanne Greenway dijo que “la muerte repentina fue la consecuencia no intencionada” de la gran ingesta de alcohol de Amy Winehouse. En su apartamento se encontraron tres botellas de vodka vacías, dos grandes y una pequeña.
La investigación forense halló 416 mg de alcohol por decilitro de sangre (416 mg/dl). El límite para conducir en Gran Bretaña es de 80 mg/dl. El patólogo que realizó el examen post-mortem afirmó que 350 mg/dl era considerado un nivel fatal, es decir, que implicaba la muerte. El examen concluyó que los órganos vitales estaban en buen estado, pero ella tenía grandes cantidades de alcohol en el sistema por lo que su respiración podría haberse detenido y habría terminado en un coma.
Las pruebas toxicológicas no hallaron en su cuerpo sustancias ilegales cuando murió.
"Rehab" of Amy Winehouse. It was thrown on October 23, 2006 as the first simple one of her second album of study Back to Black. It was written by Winehouse and produced by Mark Ronson. The letters are autobiographical, and speech brings over of Winehouse's denial to join a clinic of rehabilitation. It gained three prizes Grammy in 2008, including Recording of the Year, Song of the Year, and Better Vocal Interpretation Pop Femenina, was nominated to also to two Prizes Grammy. Also Ivor Novello gained a Prize to the Best Contemporary Song. Winehouse's public battle with the drugs and the alcohol, has given place to increase the popularity of the same one.The song was written and inspired by Winehouse's denial to be present at a center of rehabilitation of addiction at the alcohol .. . " I asked my dad if he was thinking that I had to go. He said that not, but that should give to theme an opportunity. This way I did it, in only 15 minutes. I entered charm 'hello' and made clear that I drink because I am inspired love and the relation has got screwed up. Then I went out ". Ronson spread himself on the process of composition on having been interviewed by the BBC:
" We were walking along the street in New York, had been working together one week, were going afoot to some shop. she wanted to buy a gift for his boyfriend, Amy was telling me something it brings over a certain moment of his life that was ...., ' He tried to make myself go to rehabilitation and I was as, " Pfft, not, not, not ", " ding ding ding ding ding " I am like that, it is what exists... " After this phrase Amy said to me... ' We Have to return to the study. " In the letters Winehouse he speaks about "Ray" y " Mr. Hathaway ", in reference to Ray Charles and Donny Hathaway. Nevertheless, then "Ray" substituted for "Blake", refiriéndose to his ex-husband, Blake Fielder-Civil.
The musical original video was directed by Phil Griffin and thrown in September, 2006. It shows band of Winehouse touching theirs instruments while she sings to the chamber. It begins with Winehouse getting up of the bed, and then in the bath. For the second strophe, Winehouse is in a chair in the office of a psychiatrist, probably explain something to chamber as if it should do it to a psychiatrist (who does not meet). In contrast with the letter, the video ends with Winehouse in rehabilitation sat in a bed in a room, with his band concerning her. The musical video was nominated for Video of the Year in 2007 Video MTV Music AwardsOn October 25, 2011 the result of the autopsy was publicized. The forensic Suzanne Greenway said that " the sudden death was the not meaningful consequence " of the great ingestion of Amy Winehouse's alcohol. In his apartment they found three empty bottles of vodka, two big ones and small oneThe forensic investigation found 416 mg of alcohol for decilitre of blood (416 mg/dl). The limit to drive in Great Britain is of 80 mg/dl. The pathologist who realized the post-mortem examination affirmed that 350 mg/dl was considered to be a fatal level, that is to say, that was implying the death. The examination concluded that the vital organs were in good condition, but she had big quantities of alcohol in the system for what her breathing might have stopped and would have ended in a coma. The toxicological tests did not find in her body illegal substances when she died.