Whenever I go away, I like to visit any flea markets and curiosity shops in the area, so I can rummage for quirky vintage bits and bobs. However, there’s really no need to go abroad, as local junk shops and car boot sales are perfect for sourcing retro holiday souvenirs – which have become curiously collectable of late.
A few of the pieces I've found are now available at ShopCurious: I tried to sift out the most tasteful items - including a beautifully hand painted cigar box, a characterfully antiquated Flamenco dancer, and a fabulously fierce looking doll in traditional Spanish dress.
Many such curiosities are probably unwanted gifts. But what is it that compels people to bring back these kitsch mementoes from their travels? And what’s the most curious thing you’ve been given by someone returning from foreign parts? Do tell…
Will you?
2 years ago