Showing posts with label Debra Glass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Debra Glass. Show all posts

Thursday, May 3, 2012

What Can Dr. Diana McCutcheon Expect?

The formal announcement that Dr. Diana K. McCutcheon had been indicted for Medicare and other insurance fraud came as no surprise to many in Lexington or the surrounding communities in Lauderdale County. From physicians to Nurse Practitioners to laser by one they had left McCutcheon's practice over the past few years, citing differences in vision...or sometimes worse.

The question on everyone's lips today is what can McCutcheon expect should she be convicted. Obviously no two judges will think alike on such matters, but we can look at others who have faced similar charges. Most over billing accusations have been leveled at hospitals, but a few have been lobbed at physicians. A doctor in Virginia served 18 months for fraud that occurred over a two year period from 2005 to 2007. Is this indicative of what McCutcheon might expect?

The second concern is repayment and fines. How hard pressed will McCutcheon be to repay 1.3 million? That figure may seem inconsequential compared to fines that are often levied against those convicted--not to mention the loss of her medical license. The aforementioned doctor in Virginia was forced to sit a second time for his medical exam, something those who have been in practice for many years do not find easy.

Others are asking what the Elgin-Lexington communities will do if they are deprived of a physician. Sadly, most insurance will not allow them to drive to Tennessee. Look for Rogersville and Florence physicians to pick up a number of patients...

Related post: Lexington Medical Clinic Closes


Don't forget Larry Fisher and  Debra Glass will be at First Fridays tomorrow in downtown Florence. If you can't make it Friday, the pair will be at Ye Olde General Store across from the post office on Seminary Street Saturday morning with copies of their latest book. If you missed Volume 1 of Remembering Florence, we understand there are a limited number of these remaining.

Many thanks to Larry for taking the time to come back home to personally autograph these fantastic volumes. Thanks also to Debra for her tireless efforts in helping compile these wonderful memories.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ghosts Tonight, Zombies Tomorrow

Ghosts in April? Well, you didn't think they just made appearances in October, did you?

Debra Glass, a UNA alumna and author, will conduct a campus ghost tour and discussion April 12 at 7 p.m. beginning at the Memorial Amphitheater. Glass is the author of more than 15 books and the 1992 recipient of the National Society of Arts and Letters Alabama Screenwriter Award. Glass, a local ghost historian, will lead the free tour for UNA students, employees and members of the community.

Thanks, Debra, for giving back to your alma mater and your community!


Did someone say zombies? We've heard that ChargerCon will have more than zombies. It's a gaming convention and much more. Our own Belgreen cop Daniel Horton is the driving force behind this event. What better way to spend Friday the 13th?


A reader pointed out that we owed our friend Larry Fisher an apology since we didn't include him in the category of little men who aren't here. Yes, we had temporarily forgotten that Larry was once stated to be a woman from Tuscumbia...  


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Let's Play "Name the Three Locations!"

Ready, Guys? Here we go...the first one to identify all three locations wins the game and proves they're as smart as Joe Roach.

Location Number One: It's in Colbert County, but that's the only clue we can give you.

Location Number Two: It's in Colbert County on TVA property. Now you say that location has already been named and right you are. Of course there are the two little problems of TVA not letting RegionalCare have the land and Keller Hospital tying up the Certificate of Need for years.

A TVT Forum poster writes:

They aren't going to build it in Colbert County. Colbert Co doesn't want that, Lauderdale Co doesn't want that, and more importantly, they aren't going to shell out $40 mil in additional costs for not building in Lauderdale Co. He's playing everybody so that when the site is announced - and they've known what the site will be for at least a year - they won't get any flak.

Location Number Three: It's in Lauderdale County and Rhea Fulmer has mentioned the location at least once. A faithful and brilliant reader writes:

I find it very hard to believe that Regional Care can alter its commitment to build in Lauderdale County or to "hand back the keys". They have been running the hospital for quite awhile, and they have implemented significant changes.

RCH has invested quite a bit of money already with the Times Daily and surely has a commitment for ongoing advertising. Do you think this fact might have influenced Mike Goens to recommend the TVA site, or possibly, even unknowingly, to play along with Roach's manipulation?

Dewey Mitchell should be committed to a Lauderdale county site due to his elected position, yet we know that some of the politicians involved are not running for re-election.

There was a TD article published on 9-7-11 by Tom Smith titled "Commission: Hospital best in Lauderdale County" (which I did print at the time so I do have a copy of it). In the article, Rhea Fulmer is identified as Lauderdale County Commissioner. She identified " a site on Lauderdale 47, just north of Cox Creek Parkway" being discussed, and it appears to be the only Lauderdale county site under consideration.

The TVA site can hardly be 10 miles from the Lauderdale site, so how much difference can there be in calling it a "regional" location also? I cannot imagine the ambulance/ emergency response situation on the bridges. And I cannot imagine the impact to our Florence economy if the hospital is relocated to another county. A drive through Sheffield is sobering.

I also cannot imagine the legal mess involved in selecting a Colbert County site, Keller's rightful opposition, the Certificate of need delay. This drama is almost absurd, and that's why I continue to wonder whether this is legitimate or simply game-playing/ manipulation. I see you have expressed the same.

Yesterday's TD photo of Roach with the words emphasized "Location, location, location...No site has been selected, no options signed, no money has changed hands." That seems a rather bizarre focus for the meeting but also quite deliberate.

So, folks, is it all smoke and mirrors? Will it be the Lauderdale location--perhaps for a lower price since the owner may now be spooked about the deal? We await your input--we'll publish any thoughts from the public.


Yes!!! Yayness!!! It's that time again, starting tomorrow!

Your Tour Guide Debra Glass


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Laws, Attractions, & Laws of Attraction

Much of Alabama's "Illegal Immigrant" bill seems to be left intact by the Federal courts. Now, we play a waiting game to see how the new laws that remain on the books will impact our state. New laws and a new industry that actually exists--sounds good.


Local Halloween attractions are certainly gearing up, and as our friend O.B. said recently, there's something for everyone. We salute another local artist today: Debra Glass. Debra has brought the Shoals a Florence ghost walk now for several seasons, and it just keeps getting better. For this October's schedule, you may visit:

Debra is indeed an artist, having published several local histories as well as numerous novels of romantic fiction. Since the death of Beverly (Barton) Beaver, Debra is undoubtedly the area's most well known author. Way to go, Deb!


Laws of attraction? Have you heard the latest PC term? There are, at least to a few disturbed and misguided individuals, no more pedophiles. These sick individuals are merely "minor attracted." What a wonderful defense for school teachers who seduce and rape our children.

Does anyone find this new term surprising? When it takes 21 months and counting to try a teacher who has sex with a minor student (Amanda Watkins), or nine months and counting to make a ruling on the licensure of a teacher accused of inappropriate and unwanted physical contact with his students (Keith McGuire), there is a problem with the system.


Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Sweetwater Mansion Debacle - Part II

The Sweetwater Mansion Debacle - Part II

A Guest Commentary By

Sarah Savant

Sweetwater's director Cynthia Johnson liked to paint a perfect picture of the supposedly wealthy owner. She never spoke of Susan Smithson without mentioning her great wealth, but by October of 2010, we began considering the source. We soon saw that Susan didn't pay for anything related to the house. Her mother Edith Smithson paid the bills, and we also soon learned that the money earned from any events was paid directly to Susan's mother.

At first I thought this looked shady, but Cynthia said Mrs. Smithson paid the utilities and taxes for Susan. When I asked Cynthia why the plantation hadn't received tax exempt status, she told me she had sent the paperwork to Susan's mother who had lost it. I didn't ask after that.

I did talk with two other volunteers who had similar stories about the finances at the mansion, but there was never a great deal of money involved. I would guesstimate less than four thousand was taken in each year the mansion was open to the public. Still, we thought this money should have gone to restoration rather than to pay Susan's electric or tax bill. We began to think the mansion would never be restored with Cynthia as director.

As the tours took shape, Cynthia told us stories of the original land owner, Gen. John Brahan, practicing voodoo in the basement and other ghost tales which she seemed to relish. About this time I became friends with another local historian who worked there. She shared her knowledge of Mr. McDonald's history of Sweetwater and also many things she had discovered through her own research. She was in possession of some writings of Jane Patton and other first hand material from that era. The two stories were so different, and Cynthia's was so unbelievable.

I began to use the story told to me by my friend when I led the tours, rather than the more lurid voodoo story that Cynthia had told me to relate. Cynthia then began to follow me around during the tours and "correct" me. I was becoming more and more disenchanted, but Cynthia told me in late October that massive restoration work was set to begin in early December.

I knew that Cynthia had promised this before, but I hoped this time it was true. When I returned to the home after Christmas break, again absolutely nothing had been done. It was then that I decided to call owner Susan Leigh Smithson...


We had quite a response to yesterday's account of the Sweetwater director's vision of a werewolf in a volunteer's photos. According to local author Debra Glass:

That woman told me a story for my first book that I plan to remove on my next printing - and that won't be soon enough! She said there was a werewolf that lived in her house. I put her tale in the book but regret it. That was my Uncle Lee Stutts' house and I feel the story sullied the memory of what a fascinating man he was.

...and meter readers contend they're afraid of dogs.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cherokee: Bigger Than You Thought/Remembering Florence Book

As promised, we have J.J.'s latest take on Cherokee, but first we want all our readers, especially those with Lauderdale County ties, to be aware of the new book Remembering Florence. This beautifully done treasure will be available March 1st. Contact: Link


Cherokee and the City Council

By J.J. Ray

You have to give credit when it is due and the city council aka the Burger King four get a real Atta boy for the tough decisions they made at last weeks meeting. Unfortunately, this gave Señor De La Viagra a soapbox forum from which to allege a list of problems.

One is the $1029.00 bill for fuel at the fire department. This started me to thinking, which is always dangerous but when you divide out that bill that equates to 343 gallons of fuel per month. Then when you figure about 6 miles per gallon you get 2058 miles driven. Some of those vehicles will do better. How do you drive 2058 miles in an area the size of Cherokee?

How many fires do they have on a monthly basis? What is their patrol area? My goodness it must go all the way to Florence. Does the fire department purchase fuel for everyone on the staff? What happened to conservation?

When you make a statement like that there has to be some kind of explanation. No one in their right or left mind would want a fire department to do without fuel or the equipment needed to accomplish their mission. Give me a break Mayor Señor De La Viagra how about some justification here. Is there no coordination on the number of vehicles used or do they just drive up and down the roads extinguishing cigarettes?

Really, Mr. Mayor how long have you known about the financial condition of the city. Did you just find out last week? I do not think so. No chief executive would wake up one morning and say we are broke. In this tough economic climate, revenues have fallen off for most cities and I am sure Cherokee is no exception. According to the record Mr. Mayor, you have been aware of the financial condition of the city since January 10 and 12, 2010. That was the time of the brawl, lest you forget.

When you make a statement like that on TV and in print there must to be some answerability. How about disclosure in the form of an audit for the fire department and rescue squad? That should settle any disputes. Mr. Mayor, do you really want to settle the controversy?

Have you decided to become the Alcalde Masculino the sufferer for a cause and perchance rest in the pillory that you and your faithful cohort wanted for Ms. Malone? I really do not think sainthood is in the offing for you. I can give the address for the Vatican though, if you choose to apply.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Gifts: Too Many Stuffed Animals, Not Enough Books?

If you're like most of us, you and your family received a tractor trailer load of gifts--not all that you wanted or needed. If you have some extra stuffed animals in very good condition, may we suggest you take them to Wellington Place on Wilson Dam Road in Muscle Shoals. Wellington has a women's secure Alzheimer's unit where they will be greatly appreciated. Just leave your donations at the front desk, specifying they're for the Alzheimer's ward.

Didn't get that book you wanted this year? You might want to head to Elgin and make your dollars count. Heart's Cry Thrift Store on Hwy 101 has a huge selection of used paper and hard backs, with prices ranging from twenty-five to fifty cents. After leaving Heart's Cry, be sure to stop around the corner on Hwy 72 at K's Cove Used Books and Treasures. K's has both a quarter and a dollar bargain table, plus great prices on other slightly used books. In the new section you can find works by Debra Glass and other Ellora's Cave authors, plus several local histories, as well as K's unique body and bath products.

Ready for a new approach to reading? If you enjoy Net Flix, you just may be interested in Book Swim. For $9.95 a month, almost any books of your choice will be mailed to your home. Keep them as long as you like or even purchase those you can't live without. Check out the Book Swim ad to the left of this blog.

As for the knitted nose warmer your Aunt Bessie sent, hmmm, we suggest you take that to Heart's Cry as a donation. We promise they may even find someone who would really love it.

Statement of Policy: We know that some of our readers think any rapist/predator should be immediately turned over to the victim's family for punishment. We know others who seem to think there should be two sets of rules--one for males and one for females. Let us assure you that we believe all punishment should be within the law, but that it should be equal for both sexes. When a woman commits a crime of this nature, she should not be exempt. If for any reason you feel she should, we suggest you lobby your legislators for a change in the law.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Haunted History of the Shoals

If wafting leaves and foggy mornings haven't yet made you aware, autumn is in the air. In the Shoals, that also includes the super entertaining ghost walks with local author Debra Glass. This year Debra has added a Facebook page to promote her annual spirit-seeing tours, Haunted History of the Shoals Ghost Walk.

Since we've had a relatively mild summer and early approaching fall, we've heard many say they're hard pressed to wait for the last week in October to make the annual trek to some of downtown Florence's most spirited domiciles. Rest easy, you don't have to wait. If you have a group of ten seekers of chills and thrills, Deb will be happy to conduct a special tour any evening of your choice.

In the mean time, be sure to befriend the tour on Facebook. All the best guisers and ghouls will be there. (We hope to make it at least one night and would love to meet you there--Ed & Gayle)

What's up with this: The Reedtown Rapist, Mark Hurley has again been indicted on rape charges. We have every confidence that Franklin County District Attorney Joey Rushing will make it stick this time.


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Exclusive Interview with Author Debra Glass

Besides being a sometime contributor to this column, Debra Glass is an accomplished author and novelist. We had the opportunity to interview her on the release of two print books from noted e-publisher Ellora's Cave.

SS: You frequently use this area as a backdrop in your novels; are you a Shoals native?

I was born in Florence and have lived here all my life. I attended both Wilson and Bradshaw and graduated from UNA with an MAed with emphasis in history.

SS: I know you started your career with a series of books on local ghosts; how many do you currently have in print?

DG: Currently, I have four regional ghost story collections.

SS: Any plans for another one?

DG: Not at this time. I am writing for two publishers and courting a third, but my romance novels deal with ghostly heroes.

SS: I know your romances have become your bread and butter. Where can we find your books, particularly Ellora's Cave?

DG: and K's Cove in Elgin. You can also check with Books-A-Million and Cold Water Books; if they don't have them in stock, they can order them.

SS: How many do you have with Ellora's Cave, both electronic and print, and how many are scheduled for release?

DG: I have eight books with Ellora's Cave. Currently, two are print and all are available as E-books. I also have a print book with EC's sister publisher, The Lotus Circle, in their metaphysical line. You can take a look at

SS: Now that you've joined the ranks of the famous, do people recognize you when they meet you in public?

DG: I get recognized a lot, mostly by people who have either been on my autumn ghost tours or have read my books.

SS: I understand your husband is a restauranteur. Tell us about your husband's eatery.

DG: Timm owns Pizza Marina on River Road. They have the best pizza, salads, and desserts in the Shoals area!

SS: Besides being a writer, you're also something of a scholar, right?

DG: I have a master's degree in education with an emphasis in history. My degree qualifies me to teach German and history in high school.

SS: I'm sure a lot of our readers would love to meet you--when and where is your next autograph party?

DG: I will be at the Romantic Times conference in Orlando April 22 - 26 and will be a panelist speaking about writing paranormal characters. I will also be signing my print books and downloads of my e books. I will be hosting an author's table at the Reader Appreciation Luncheon on May 2, in Huntsville. Also attending are Linda Howard, Beverly Barton, Rhonda Nelson, Vicki Lewis Thompson, and others. Check my website for details at

SS: That's certainly a full schedule. I know you're constantly striving to grow as an author and as a person; where do you see yourself ten or twenty years down the road?

DG: While I love writing for EC and plan to stay with them, I would also like to write in the young adult genre for a New York publishing house.

I want to personally thank Debra for being so gracious. If you've never experienced her writing, I would suggest you start your collection of her works today. The Shoals is truly fortunate to have someone of her calibre calling it home.

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Bookstore Speaks - New Blog

Whoever said "you can't judge a book by its cover," was right on the money. Unfortunately, most bookstores won't refund our greenbacks if we don't like or agree with the content.

Beginning this week, a new blog, The Bookstore Speaks, will help make it easier to decide which best sellers we just have to have and which we can pass on. This blog is not written by either Nurse Nan or myself, but it has been created by a friend of ours, so we consider it part of our group.

We will have more on this after Christmas, but in the mean time, you may wish to visit K's Cove in Elgin to purchase the latest gently used best sellers at half price or less. As always, K carries a huge selection of Elora's Cave releases. There's a new anthology due soon with an entry by our own Debra Glass, so don't wait until all are sold out!

What's up with this: More reported home invasions in the Colbert County area, but nothing in the TimesDaily?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Shoals Ghost Walk with Debra Glass

In case the pumpkins on every doorstep haven't given it away, Halloween is just around the corner. This autumnal holiday wouldn't be complete without Debra Glass's annual ghost walk.

This year Ms. Glass will be leading tours on October 24-25 and October 27-31. Tours begin at 7:30 p.m. and originate at Wilson Park. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, Debra is a consummate story-teller and provides a memorable experience for anyone from nine to ninety-nine.

I chose Debra Glass's Ghost Tour as my topic today in order to honor a special request; however, I've been aware of her collections of ghost stories and Romantic fiction for some time. Always best sellers in the Shoals, you can buy her work at Coldwater Books in Tuscumbia and K's Cove in Elgin.

When you see Debra, tell her Shoalanda said, "Boo!"

What's up with this: It seems a local candidate for state office is being opposed by numerous Shoals area defense attorneys. Look at it this way, guys--if she wins, you won't ever have to put up with her again.