Showing posts with label Books-A-Million. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books-A-Million. Show all posts

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Exclusive Interview with Author Debra Glass

Besides being a sometime contributor to this column, Debra Glass is an accomplished author and novelist. We had the opportunity to interview her on the release of two print books from noted e-publisher Ellora's Cave.

SS: You frequently use this area as a backdrop in your novels; are you a Shoals native?

I was born in Florence and have lived here all my life. I attended both Wilson and Bradshaw and graduated from UNA with an MAed with emphasis in history.

SS: I know you started your career with a series of books on local ghosts; how many do you currently have in print?

DG: Currently, I have four regional ghost story collections.

SS: Any plans for another one?

DG: Not at this time. I am writing for two publishers and courting a third, but my romance novels deal with ghostly heroes.

SS: I know your romances have become your bread and butter. Where can we find your books, particularly Ellora's Cave?

DG: and K's Cove in Elgin. You can also check with Books-A-Million and Cold Water Books; if they don't have them in stock, they can order them.

SS: How many do you have with Ellora's Cave, both electronic and print, and how many are scheduled for release?

DG: I have eight books with Ellora's Cave. Currently, two are print and all are available as E-books. I also have a print book with EC's sister publisher, The Lotus Circle, in their metaphysical line. You can take a look at

SS: Now that you've joined the ranks of the famous, do people recognize you when they meet you in public?

DG: I get recognized a lot, mostly by people who have either been on my autumn ghost tours or have read my books.

SS: I understand your husband is a restauranteur. Tell us about your husband's eatery.

DG: Timm owns Pizza Marina on River Road. They have the best pizza, salads, and desserts in the Shoals area!

SS: Besides being a writer, you're also something of a scholar, right?

DG: I have a master's degree in education with an emphasis in history. My degree qualifies me to teach German and history in high school.

SS: I'm sure a lot of our readers would love to meet you--when and where is your next autograph party?

DG: I will be at the Romantic Times conference in Orlando April 22 - 26 and will be a panelist speaking about writing paranormal characters. I will also be signing my print books and downloads of my e books. I will be hosting an author's table at the Reader Appreciation Luncheon on May 2, in Huntsville. Also attending are Linda Howard, Beverly Barton, Rhonda Nelson, Vicki Lewis Thompson, and others. Check my website for details at

SS: That's certainly a full schedule. I know you're constantly striving to grow as an author and as a person; where do you see yourself ten or twenty years down the road?

DG: While I love writing for EC and plan to stay with them, I would also like to write in the young adult genre for a New York publishing house.

I want to personally thank Debra for being so gracious. If you've never experienced her writing, I would suggest you start your collection of her works today. The Shoals is truly fortunate to have someone of her calibre calling it home.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Twilight Party Tonight!

Unless you've been living in a cave, you've at least heard of Stephanie Meyer's wildly successful series of Twilight books. Tomorrow marks the DVD release of the first movie based on this series, and Books-A-Million in Florence is throwing a party.

Starting at 10:00 p.m. tonight, all fans are encouraged to visit the store, preferably in costume. If you're not sure of the appropriate vamp garb, prom attire is acceptable. You may bring your own camera or pose for photos taken by the store's professional photographer.

There will be prizes for the best costumes as well as in the scheduled trivia contests. Those who hold membership in the Books-A-Million book club are eligible for special discounts on all Twilight items as well as a book of money saving coupons for other merchandise. The highly sought after Tonner action figures are for sale to members at 10% off, and if you aren't familiar with these, hold your breath as you check the price tag. Most teenagers hate it when their parents scream and faint in public.

Then at the stroke of Midnight...well, 12:01 a.m. actually, the coveted DVD will be offered for sale. I've actually been invited by an extremely handsome 16 year-old, so I may see you there.

What's up with this: We hear Tammy Irons is working behind the scenes to ensure North Alabama will be included in any bingo legislation. We hope plans for this will come via the ballot box and not strictly through Goat Hill.